これからの名刺交換は、 お互いのスマホをかざすだけ。 Eightで交換したデジタル名刺なら、 昇進・異動・転職などの 情報が 自動で更新されるため、 相手の近況をスマートに把握できます。 昔、知り合ったあの人と。転職した元同僚と。 いつかまたビジネスの機会があるかもしれません。 Eightは価値ある出会いをタッチでつなぐ、 ビジネスのための名刺アプリです。
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This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (November 2021) Flaming, also known as roasting, is the act of posting insults, often including profanity or other offensive language, on the internet.[1] Flaming is distinct from trolling, which is the act of someone causing discord online or in person. Flaming emerges from t
We are very excited to share that the strategic pillars in the Tremor International brand portfolio - the combined Amobee and Tremor Video DSP, the Unruly SSP and the Spearad ad server - have rebranded as Nexxen! Encompassing all elements of the Tremor International tech stack – which will now be known as the Nexxen DSP, Nexxen SSP and Nexxen Ad Server, with the SSP and ad server going to market c
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