Now that Angular 2 released beta someone moved our cheese! Let’s put on our running shoes. First off let me start off by saying I have been writing Angular 2 for nearly one year now (actually, since this tweet) and writing AngularJS since the first stable release. I want to share what I quickly discovered in that time. We are going to see that everything’s changed but nothing is different. This is
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はじめに 大規模なSPAでは必要不可欠なルーティングの機能をAngular2で試してみます。 Angular2の2.0.0-beta.0を使います。 Router まずは最小限の例を示しましょう。 beta.0で更新された5 MIN QUICKSTARTを参考にディレクトリ構成は以下のようにしています。 my-app ├ node_modules ├ app │ ├ app.component.ts │ ├ page1.component.ts │ ├ page2.component.ts │ └ boot.ts ├ index.html ├ package.json └ tsconfig.json <html> <head> <title>Angular 2 QuickStart</title> <script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/ang
This article is part of a web development series from Microsoft. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. So you’ve been through the basic Angular 2 application and now you want a bit more. If you’ve been reading about Angular 2 you’ve undoubtedly seen what might look like really odd syntax in templates. You may have heard something about an overhaul to dependency injecti
Edit · Jan 23, 2016 · 9 minutes read · Follow @mgechev JavaScript Angular ViewChildren ContentChildren In this article I’m going to explain the difference between the concepts of view children and content children in Angular. We will take a look at how we can pass access these two different kinds of children from their parent component. Along the content we are also going to mention what the diffe
This is a follow-up article of thoughtram’s excellent article on developing a tabs component with Angular, where we’re going to explore an alternative way of creating a tab component by learning about @ContentChildren and AfterContentInit. Contents are based on Angular version >=2 That said, definitely read thoughtram’s article on how to develop a tabs component in Angular first. Then come back an
ようやく触り始めてるAngular2です。Angular2に定義されている@Inputと@Outputについて触ってみている、ぱっと見キモい。どんな振る舞いをしているのかイマイチわからないのでメモ程度に備忘します。@Inputと@Outputは梱包しているComponentと梱包されているComponent(ダジャレではない)の関係をまず定義する必要があります。 @Inputも@Outputも梱包されているdetail-appへ定義する @Inputは「my-app」から属性経由で値を「detail-app」が受け取るパターン @Outputは「detail-app」から「my-app」へイベントを送るパターン @Inputが扱うのは文字列で@Outputはイベント通知できるPrimise的なもので、でないと「Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: this.d