Learn, how you should make marriage proposal.
Learn, how you should make marriage proposal.
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Tại 241543903, chúng tôi mời bạn hòa mình vào thế giới thú vị khi đặt cược vào những hiện tượng văn hóa hấp dẫn nhất Việt Nam. Từ xu hướng lan truyền đến cảm giác trên mạng xã hội, nền tảng của chúng tôi mang đến cơ hội duy nhất để tương tác với hiện tượng 241543903 hơn bao giờ hết.
Watch the moment Liverpool Street Station danced to create this special T-Mobile Advert. Life's for sharing.
Produced by: Charlie Todd and Matt Adams music by: Tyler Walker Featuring: Twin Agents Barrett, Barry, Bell, Brown, Clyne, Doro, Drinkwater, Kruger, Kruth, Le Boeuf, Port, Rosenblum, Scanlon, Stone, Tattenbaum, Vieyra Digital Video: Agents Adams, Carlisle, Cobalt, Shafer, Todd Digital Photography: Agents Fountain, Nicholson, Sokoler For our latest mission, we filled a subway car with identical twi
Surprise Surveillance Theater from Jason Eppink on Vimeo. Jason Eppink just released the video from his Surprise Surveillance Theatre project. He explains: Surprise Surveillance Theater was an interactive theater experience, performed live for hundreds, unbeknownst to the unwitting stars of the show. It was part of the Lost Horizon Night Market, an extraordinary, modular, participatory art party t
1 名前: 競馬(福島県) 投稿日:2008/05/14(水) 16:33:39.33 ID:f6oPLX740 ?PLT 銀座の歩行者天国でいきなり数十人が動きを止めるという大規模オフのムービーを 以前紹介したが、大阪でも同じ企画が行われたようだ。道頓堀のひっかけ橋と 京橋駅前の広場でのムービーが公開されている。周囲の人たちのリアクションも楽しい。 http://www.new-akiba.com/archives/2008/05/post_15362.html 止まってみたin大阪 http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=484yWHPphF0 止まってみたin京橋 http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=UxKhaNht-Wo ニコニコ動画のアカウントがある人はこちら 止まってみたin京橋 ニコニコ動画のアカウントがある人
Featuring: Agents Campbell, Cowan, Brister, Caldwell, Sutton, Ahn, Park, Nwaeze, Jervier, Thorn, Fair, Costelo, Grimm, Perube, LaBarr, Appel, Todd Digital Video: Agent Carbone Choreography: Agent Tallaksen Song by: Scott Brown and Anthony King Arranged by: Jamie Laboz For our latest mission, 16 agents staged a spontaneous musical in the food court of a Los Angeles shopping mall. We used wireless m
Hidden Audio Actors: Agents Osteri, Rodgers, Sommer, Todd Digital Video: Agent Carbone Digital Photography: Agent Nicholson On a cold Saturday in New York City, the world’s largest train terminal came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere Agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Terminal. Over 500,000 people rush through Grand Ce