「既得権」をめぐる報道 時期を逸してしまったが、大阪都構想に関する話だ。 といっても、都構想の賛否について論じたいわけではない。その賛否に関する報道や文章にはそれなりに目を通しているものの、賛成や反対を明確に論じられるほどの知識があるわけではない。ぼくが生まれ育ったのは大阪市旭区だが、そこを離れてずいぶん経つし、大阪市の現状について詳しいわけでもない。 それよりも気になるのが、都構想にまつわる「語り」だ。その語りを見る限り、維新の会的なものは実質的な「勝利」を収めたのではないかと思う。 維新の会はこれまでしばしば既得権の破壊をその目標として掲げてきた。これは新自由主義的な方針を掲げる政党によく見られる特徴であり、さまざまな規制や制度によって守られてきた既得権を破壊し、競争を促進することで社会は効率化できるという発想がその土台にある。 実際、既得権の破壊を叫び始めたのは維新の会が初めてという
Today, September 15, is “Respect Old People’s Day” (敬老の日 ) in Japan, one of 15 official national holidays. On cue, the media today are replete with new data on Japan’s demographic collapse. A headline in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun announces a new estimate of Japan’s population profile by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIAC) showing that one in eight Japanese is now aged 75 or o
When Sunil first moved to Singapore, he had trouble finding an apartment. "I called up several landlords who had listed rooms for rent," Sunil, a Sri Lankan who spent eight years living in the UK, said. "Things would start out OK, maybe because of my [Western] accent - but the moment they heard my name, they'd blank out. Many said 'sorry, we don't rent to these people', or 'sorry, no room for Indi
BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson examines the challenges facing white South Africans It seems to me that only certain parts of the white community really have a genuine future here: the better-off, more adaptable parts. Working-class white people, most of them Afrikaans-speakers, are going through an intense crisis. But you will not read about it in the newspapers or see it reported on televi
The Democratic Republic of Congo is the world's toughest place to raise children, Save the Children reports, external. Finland was named the best place to be a mother, with Sweden and Norway following in second and third places. The charity compared factors such as maternal health, child mortality, education and income in 176 countries. In India, over 300,000 babies die within 24 hours of being bo
- Source: WLEX " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/130502120035-dnt-ky-brother-shoots-sister-00001011.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_540,w_960" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/130502120035-dnt-ky-brother-shoots-sister-00001011.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_540,w_960" } }" data-vr-video="false"
Not so long ago, the idea that women might rule the world seemed slightly ridiculous - like something out of science fiction. But in an essay to mark International Women's Day, political analyst and former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers argues it's now a topic that can be seriously discussed. Women clearly lacked the intellectual capacity and emotional fortitude to make the difficult de
The BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo says his team was threatened by a hostile mob after the rally A new hardline Sinhalese Buddhist group in Sri Lanka has called for the abolition of the Muslim halal system of certifying foods and other goods. The Bodu Bala Sena, or Buddhist Strength Force, also said foreign propagators of religions should leave the country within a month. Thousands of supporter
Are you A, B, O or AB? It is a widespread belief in Japan that character is linked to blood type. What's behind this conventional wisdom? Blood is one thing that unites the entire human race, but most of us don't think about our blood group much, unless we need a transfusion. In Japan, however, blood type has big implications for life, work and love. Here, a person's blood type is popularly believ