A lot of you are going to have to make decisions above your level. Make the best decision that you can with the information that’s available to you at the time, and, above all, do the right thing.
By Ilya Grigorik on June 02, 2011 Earlier this week Heroku rolled out a major upgrade to their webstack. The HTTP/1.1 support and the billing upgrades are both great improvements, but the "process model" definitely takes the crown: all of the sudden Heroku is much more than a Ruby+Rack hosting platform. Prior to this release, Heroku hosted Ruby only apps on top of the Thin web-server. Each "dyno"
By Ilya Grigorik on March 24, 2011 Detecting and dealing with duplicates is a common problem: sometimes we want to avoid performing an operation based on this knowledge, and at other times, like in a case of a database, we want may want to only permit an operation based on a hit in the filter (ex: skip disk access on a cache miss). How do we build a system to solve the problem? The solution will d