Wrestling with projects? It doesn’t have to be this hard. Stuff scattered? Falling behind? Even simple things feel like a grind? Your projects need Basecamp. Basecamp frees you up. It’s for makers, not micromanagers. For shipping, not slipping. It’s all about making progress. How does Basecamp work?
Zune: (From Reuters) “Microsoft (confirmed) Friday it plans to release a new music and entertainment player and accompanying software under the ‘Zune’ brand this year.” I wonder if it will be anything like the sketch below: Technorati Tags: ipod, zune How not to be witty: As I pointed out yesterday, the Tennessean had an article that had to be carefully parsed to understand that a U.S. congressman
Several days ago I had a revelation about my current use of Backpack as a GTD tool and how I might use it even more effectively. Part of this revelation was spurred by an e-mail I received from Swedish reader Daniel Westergren who had some questions about my use of Backpack for GTD after reading my Productivity Whitepaper. The subsequent e-mail exchange that followed led me to some serious “gettin
Serial entrepreneur and founder of many successful businesses Norm Brodsky writes the monthly Street Smarts column for Inc. magazine with editor-at-large Bo Burlingham. Together they have also written The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up. Erik talks with Norm Brodsky about The Knack for our latest Cool Friends interview. View our Archives for past interviews.
Small Biz 101: Tips for Increasing Sales RyanC 04 Jan 2006 33 comments Latest by Bill Snyder Review Happy new year everyone! Hope you had a rockin’ holiday season. This is the 4th article in my Small Biz 101 series here on SvN. The first three were: How to Get Started, Cash Flow Basics and No One Starts with a Masterpiece. In case we haven’t met before, my name is Ryan Carson and I’m the founder o
The tools we use to run and build 37signals Jason 03 Jan 2006 68 comments Latest by John We get lots of emails asking us what tools we use to build our products and run our business, so I figured we’d just post it to the blog. For text editing, HTML, programming, and CSS work we use a combination of TextWrangler, TextMate, and Vim. For accounting we use Quickbooks Pro 2006 for Mac (we download our
Small Biz 101: Cash Flow RyanC 13 Dec 2005 61 comments Latest by taktuk_1990 Why cash flow is so important Welcome to the second part of my Small Biz 101 series. For those of you who didn’t catch the first article, How to Get Started, this series is a simple guide for helping people start their own web-based company, based on my experience with Carson Systems. In this article I’m going to be focus
The biggest challenge for web designers is the unthinkably huge number of possible ways to solve any given problem. We usually don't think of this because we have our habits and traditions to fall back on, but there are literally billions of possible pixel combinations for each page we make. There is a better way to manage this vast complexity than by making big decisions up front and hoping for t
Podcasts on small teams 小さなチームで大きなプロダクトを、というテーマで Podcast 2題。 Burning Questions - The Official FeedBurner Weblog: Is This Thing On? We wanted to launch the FeedBurner podcast to give you a better sense of what we're up to, help you understand how to get more out of FeedBurner, and generally provide some thoughts about relevant developments in a changing media landscape メジャーリデザインをしてカッコよく、使いやすくなった Fe