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The most advanced Penetration Testing Distribution. Ever. The most advanced Penetration Testing DistributionKali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is not about its tools, nor the operating system. Kali Linux is a platform.M
AlmaLinux 3345 View AlmaLinux vulnerabilities Alpine 3589 View Alpine vulnerabilities Android 2222 View Android vulnerabilities Bitnami 4764 View Bitnami vulnerabilities Chainguard 18096 View Chainguard vulnerabilities 1563 View vulnerabilities Debian 42411 View Debian vulnerabilities GIT 23441 View GIT vulnerabilities Go 3763 View Go vulnerabilities Hex 32 View Hex vulnerabili
Choose your own safest place to store passwords Your data belongs to you. Enpass enables you to store and sync passwords and passkeys wherever is best for you — iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, NextCloud, WebDAV, or completely offline. You were not born to remember passwords Create one master password and let Enpass take care of the rest. Logins, credit cards, ID cards and other impor
"SecureDrop depends on Qubes OS for best-in-class isolation of sensitive workloads on journalist workstations. Providing journalists with a sane way to handle untrusted content from unknown sources is part of our job, and Qubes gives us the tools we need to do that job well." "When I use Qubes I feel like a god. Software thinks that it's in control, that it can do what it wants? It can't. I'm in c
Tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship. Avoid surveillance, censorship, advertising, and viruses Tails uses the Tor network to protect your privacy online and help you avoid censorship. Enjoy the Internet like it should be. Your secure computer anywhere Shut down the computer and start on your Tails USB stick instead of starting on Windows, macOS, or
Note to publishers: If you intend to host our files on your server, please instead consider linking to this page. It will help us prevent spreading of obsolete versions, which we believe is critical when security software is concerned. Thank you. Supported versions of operating systems For those seeking support for the TrueCrypt format, please visit dedicated page for VeraCrypt version 1.25.9. Lat
How to Install and Use Linux Malware Detect (LMD) with ClamAV as Antivirus Engine Malware, or malicious software, is the designation given to any program that aims at disrupting the normal operation of a computing system. Although the most well-known forms of malware are viruses, spyware, and adware, the harm that they intend to cause may range from stealing private information to deleting persona
Aaron KiliLast Updated: July 10, 2023 Read Time: 5 minsCategories Top Tools 76 Comments Although Linux operating systems are fairly stable and secure, they may not completely be immune to threats. All computer systems can suffer from malware and viruses, including those running Linux-based operating systems. However, the number of critical threats to Linux-based operating systems is still way lowe
Linuxは企業のサーバとして利用されることが多い。 そのため、Linuxのセキュリティ対策はとても重要なポイントだ。 このページではLinuxのセキュリティの基礎対策について概要をご紹介する。全体像をざっくりと把握するにはちょうど良い内容になっているだろう。参考にして頂ければと思う。 Linuxのセキュリティ対策 オープンソースとセキュリティについて オープンソースで大丈夫? Linuxはオープンソースで開発されている。つまりソースコードが公開されている訳だ。 「ソースが公開されているなら、悪意のあるユーザが弱点を見つけられるのでは?」 という疑問はもっともだ。実際、誰かが脆弱性を見つけて、それを報告しなければ、その人しか知らない脆弱性が残るということになる。 また、多くの人があらゆる要求に対して、多数の機能を追加することがあるため、ソースコードがどんどん膨らんでいく。そうなると、多機能
Snapshots functionaryIsolated environmentCustomized Kali kernelLimited direct access to hardwareHigher system requirements VMware & VirtualBox pre-built images. Allowing for a Kali install without altering the host OS with additional features such as snapshots. Vagrant images for quick spin-up also available.