すごく助かりました! 21 世紀って最高! はるか遠い国に渡って、何百ドルものローミング料金を支払う代わりに、このアプリをダウンロードして eSIM を購入することで、たったコーヒー 2 杯分の料金で現地のプロバイダーのインターネットと繋がれるんです! サントドミンゴの中心部で他の旅行者たちが必死になって wifi を探し回っているころ、出会い系アプリをスワイプして楽しんでいました。
Go to http://gfblip.appspot.com/ It should work on any PC, laptop, tablet, phone, or iPod with javascript and HTML canvas support (which means almost everything nowadays). X axis is time. Y axis is milliseconds of latency. Green blips are your ping time to gstatic.com (a very fast site that should be close to you wherever you are). Blue blips are your ping time to apenwarr.ca ("a site on the Inter
Capacity, efficiency, and performance for advanced connectivityWi-Fi CERTIFIED 6®, the industry certification program based on the IEEE 802.11ax standard, provides the capacity, efficiency, coverage, and performance required by users today in the most demanding Wi-Fi® environments. Emphasizing quality connectivity in locations with hundreds or thousands of connected devices such as stadiums and ot
navigation Pwnagotchi: Deep Reinforcement Learning for WiFi pwning! Pwnagotchi is an A2C-based “AI” powered by bettercap and running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment in order to maximize the crackable WPA key material it captures (either through passive sniffing or by performing deauthentication and association attacks). This material is collected on disk
Ever wanted to create a cool QR code for your guests? But never wanted to type in your WiFi credentials into a form that submits them to a remote webserver to render the QR code? QiFi for the rescue! It will render the code in your browser, on your machine, so the WiFi stays as secure as it was before (read the code if you do not trust text on the internet :-))! If you use the Save-button to store
Portal was a passion project that we built to experiment with other ways of moving data between phones and computers. We built the slickest app we could and have continued to support the app, site and server for over 6 years now. Unfortunately, over 6 years later, I’m now writing this post because many things have changed and the time has come to close Portal. Important: The Pushbullet app is not
QR Code Generator from the ZXing Project ZXing Project Home Page
Hi! I'm Ben Guild. Somewhere in the digital forest, making apps, video, hardware, and photographs. `__/___ __:__:__.___ 𝚄𝚃𝙲 身元 IDENティTY /bɛn ɡɪld/ noun. 「 Dude with a blog. 🤷🏼♂️」 I've traveled a bit, and used to live in Tokyo + NYC + SF + Jackson Hole. ex-Apple — Interested in startups, big companies, engineering, cool design, ideation, product development, & more. USA 🇺🇸 0º/0º 🛳 Argen
About TriPoint Lending TriPoint Lending is a consumer lending company that specializes in personal loans. TriPoint offer unsecured loans for a range of purposes, including debt consolidation, home improvement and other unexpected expenses. TriPoint aims to provide fast and easy loan approvals with competitive rates and flexible repayment terms. TriPoint Lending’s loan application process can be co
The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developers, Open
What's New PlaceEngineクライアントソフト(Windows/Mac版)の一般公開は終了しています。現在、商業施設や文化施設、工場内など施設内における屋内測位に特化した「PlaceEngine屋内測位ソリューション」として法人向けの提供のみを行っています。(2017/03/31) PlaceEngineデータベースから無線LANアクセスポイント(AP)情報を削除する方法について、APの SSIDの末尾に「_nomap」を追加する方法にも対応しました。[FAQ] 今後も 集合知を利用した無線LAN測位サービス運用におけるAP情報のプライバシーに関して、サービス運用の技術的な側面のみならず、国内外の動向なども鑑みながら、配慮・対応させていただきます。(2012.08.13) ソニー株式会社の「x-アプリ」に搭載されているPlaceEngineに関する情報をFAQに記載しました