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Basecampに関するエントリは21件あります。 rails開発ruby などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『速報: Basecampがリリースした「Hotwire」の概要|TechRacho by BPS株式会社』などがあります。
  • 速報: Basecampがリリースした「Hotwire」の概要|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

    12/23の朝方、DHHが以下のツイートを発信しました。 Hotwire aka NEW MAGIC is finally here: An alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. This includes our brand-new Turbo framework and pairs with Stimulus 2.0 😍🎉🥂 https://t.co/Pa4EG8Av5E — DHH (@dhh) December 22, 2020 取りあえず様子を知りたかったのでDHHのツイートを追ってみました。お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までお知ら

      速報: Basecampがリリースした「Hotwire」の概要|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
    • Remote Working: The home office desks of Basecamp

      People are always curious about work-from-home (WFH), remote working setups. So, I posted a Basecamp message asking our employees to share a photo of their home office, desk, table, whatever. Here’s what came in. First, the ask: And the answers, in the order they came in: Andy Didorosi, Marketing Justin White, Programmer Jonas Downey, Designer Troy Toman, DevOps Blake Stoddard, DevOps Dan Kim, Pro

      • GitHub - basecamp/kamal: Deploy web apps anywhere.

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          GitHub - basecamp/kamal: Deploy web apps anywhere.
        • Changes at Basecamp

          At Basecamp, we treat our company as a product. It's not a rigid thing that exists, it's a flexible, malleable idea that evolves. We aren't stuck with what we have, we can create what we want. Just as we improve products through iteration, we iterate on our company too. Recently, we've made some internal company changes, which, taken in total, collectively feel like a full version change. It deser

            Changes at Basecamp
          • Basecamp disclosed on HackerOne: AWS keys and user cookie leakage...

            Basecamp supports uploading SVG pictures as avatars. Apparently, they are converted via an outdated librsvg version at Basecamp's servers. This version contains a vulnerability that allows leakage of the contents of an uninitialized memory block (that is, something is malloced, never initialized, and then used to build the preview image). Since it seems to be performed in the same unix process...

              Basecamp disclosed on HackerOne: AWS keys and user cookie leakage...
            • AWSエンジニアの育成から就職フォローまで一貫支援する無償プログラム「DevelopersIO BASECAMP」を開始〜好きなIT技術を仕事に。実践的な課題で実務応用力を養う3ヶ月間〜 | クラスメソッド株式会社

              クラスメソッドのAWS総合支援 コスト最適化からセキュリティ、構築支援、運用保守まで、AWS活用を支援します。

                AWSエンジニアの育成から就職フォローまで一貫支援する無償プログラム「DevelopersIO BASECAMP」を開始〜好きなIT技術を仕事に。実践的な課題で実務応用力を養う3ヶ月間〜 | クラスメソッド株式会社
              • 🚨 What really happened at Basecamp

                I. The controversy that embroiled enterprise software maker Basecamp this week began more than a decade ago, with a simple list of customers. Around 2009, Basecamp customer service representatives began keeping a list of names that they found funny. More than a decade later, current employees were so mortified by the practice that none of them would give me a single example of a name on the list.

                  🚨 What really happened at Basecamp
                • Shape Up - Basecampによるプロダクト開発ガイド - tuneの日記

                  はじめに Basecamp社が公開しているプロダクト開発ガイド「Shape Up」の存在を知り読んでみました。 Basecamp社はプロジェクト管理SaaS Basecampの開発元で、以前は37 Signalsという社名でした。 Ruby on Railsの作者 David Heinemeier Hansson氏がCTOを務め、最近だと新機軸のメールサービス Hey を立ち上げています。 basecamp.com 特徴 Basecamp曰く「アジャイル開発でもスクラム開発でもない」、Basecamp社で15年近く試行錯誤して改善してきたやり方だそうです。 「6週間の開発サイクル」と「2週間のクールダウン期間」を繰り返して開発を進めます。 サイクルの途中で中断・見直しはせず、期間内にリリースに至らなかった場合でも期間延長はされません。 6週間は「何か意味のあるものを最初から最後まで作り上げ

                    Shape Up - Basecampによるプロダクト開発ガイド - tuneの日記
                  • What really happened at Basecamp

                    The controversy that embroiled enterprise software maker Basecamp this week began more than a decade ago, with a simple list of customers. Around 2009, Basecamp customer service representatives began keeping a list of names that they found funny. More than a decade later, current employees were so mortified by the practice that none of them would give me a single example of a name on the list. One

                      What really happened at Basecamp
                    • GitHub - basecamp/omakub: Opinionated Ubuntu Setup

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - basecamp/omakub: Opinionated Ubuntu Setup
                      • GitHub - basecamp/thruster

                        Thruster is an HTTP/2 proxy for simple production-ready deployments of Rails applications. It runs alongside the Puma webserver to provide a few additional features that help your app run efficiently and safely on the open Internet: HTTP/2 support Automatic TLS certificate management with Let's Encrypt Basic HTTP caching of public assets X-Sendfile support and compression, to efficiently serve sta

                          GitHub - basecamp/thruster
                        • 「JavaScript sprinkles in Basecamp turned Stimulus」の雑要約

                          「JavaScript sprinkles in Basecamp turned Stimulus」より。Stimulusの設計意図を理解できる貴重な資料なのでまとめた。 DHHにとってプログレッシブエンハンスメントとは、コンテンツのプログレッシブ性を実現するためというよりは、アプリケーション開発のための道標のようなもの。ベースとしてのHTMLはまずサーバーに生成させて、動的部分としての少しの差分をJavaScriptに扱わせる。BasecampやGitHubのように動的部分の少ないアプリケーションにとってはそれが適切なやり方。React/ReduxやAngular、そのほかクライアントサイドのMVCフレームワーク等を試してきたが、それによってプロダクトのコードが良くなることはなかった。 BasecampにあるJavaScriptを調査して、どのような慣習があるか、それを踏まえてどのような

                            「JavaScript sprinkles in Basecamp turned Stimulus」の雑要約
                          • Basecamp社のプロダクト開発メソッド「Shape Up」を6ヶ月実践した振り返り - Grooves開発ブログ

                            こんにちは。grooves エンジニアの福井(@bary822)です。 突然ですがみなさんはスクラム以外でソフトウェア開発を行ったことはありますか? 私はありませんでした。 私が社会人としてお金を頂きながらコードを書き始めた2014年頃、スクラムは当時としては画期的な概念をソフトウェア開発に持ち込んだ革新的な存在であり、それを採用しているのはいわゆる「イケてる開発チーム」でありました。そして私は幸運にもこのイケてるチームでソフトウェアエンジニアとしてのキャリアをスタートした一人だったのです。 それから7年という、この業界では長いとされる年月が過ぎてスクラムは大衆化しました。私の感覚ではWeb界隈の自社開発企業ではデファクトスタンダードになっていると思います。 実際、Forkwell Jobsで「スクラム」と検索すると300件以上の求人がヒットします。組織の実情や置かれている環境によってその

                              Basecamp社のプロダクト開発メソッド「Shape Up」を6ヶ月実践した振り返り - Grooves開発ブログ
                            • 🚨 How Basecamp blew up

                              I. At 8AM PT on Friday, a bleary-eyed Basecamp CEO Jason Fried gathered his remote workforce together on Zoom to apologize. Four days earlier, he had thrown the company into turmoil by announcing that “societal and political discussions” would no longer be allowed on the company’s internal chat forums. In his blog post, Fried said the decision stemmed from the fact that “today's social and politic

                                🚨 How Basecamp blew up
                              • #10 David Heinemeier Hansson Interview (Ruby on Rails, Basecamp & HEY) | The Craft of Open Source Podcast - Craft of Open Source Podcast | Flagsmith

                                Check out our open-source Feature Flagging system - Flagsmith on Github! I'd appreciate your feedback ❤️ Episode OverviewOn this episode of The Craft of Open Source, I was able to interview one of the most influential characters of the open source community, David Heinemeier Hansson. David's work has been well chronicled over the last few years and his recent spats with Apple have been nothing sho

                                  #10 David Heinemeier Hansson Interview (Ruby on Rails, Basecamp & HEY) | The Craft of Open Source Podcast - Craft of Open Source Podcast | Flagsmith
                                • Inside the all-hands meeting that led to a third of Basecamp employees quitting

                                  Inside the all-hands meeting that led to a third of Basecamp employees quitting The company’s senior leadership wanted to quell employees’ concerns, and only made things much, much worse By Casey Newton, a contributing editor who has been writing about tech for over 10 years. He founded Platformer, a newsletter about Big Tech and democracy. Illustration by Alex Castro At 8AM PT on Friday, a bleary

                                    Inside the all-hands meeting that led to a third of Basecamp employees quitting
                                  • Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work

                                    April 26, 2021 Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work Jason announced a raft of changes we've made to Basecamp earlier today. By far the most controversial is a new etiquette around societal politics at work, and the stances we'll take as a company. So to expand on that, here's a segment from what I wrote internally on that topic, as part of the announcement to employees at B

                                      Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work
                                    • Basecamp の HEY に登録した

                                      Basecamp が始めたメールサービスの HEY に登録した。去年のリリース時にお試ししていたのだけど、踏ん切りが付かなくてお金を払わなかった。ただ、ソフトウェアにお金を払うことに対していろいろ思うところがあって、良いと思うものにはお金を払おうと思って HEY に登録してみることにした。 脱受信トレイ( Inbox )のお気楽なメール管理 意識高く金を払って気分が良いというだけでなく、 HEY 自体がよくできてて、これまでと違ったメール体験を提供してくれる。 HEY 以前にメインで使っていた Spark も悪くはないのだが、やはり古典的なメールソフトの概念と、 Google が発明した Gmail の「受信トレイ( Inbox )」と「アーカイブ」の概念を引きずっている。とにかく全部のメールに目を通してアーカイブしていく作業に疲れてしまった。 HEY は最初のオンボーディングチュートリア

                                        Basecamp の HEY に登録した
                                      • Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire

                                        It’s been two decades since Rails changed the way we build web apps. As the demand for richer and richer UIs grew, teams came up with different frontends to deliver on those expectations. Client-side frameworks such as Angular, Ember, and React emerged as popular choices. One of Rails’ strengths has always been to empower individual programmers to not just contribute to, but to ship entire full st

                                          Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire
                                        • Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff

                                          Tech/Web/PolicyBasecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff / A controversial memo and a severance offer prompted many to head for the exits After a controversial blog post in which CEO Jason Fried outlined Basecamp’s new philosophy that prohibited, among other things, “societal and political discussions” on

                                            Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff
                                          • Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs

                                            We at Duke University Libraries have decided to stop using the project management platform, Basecamp, to which we have subscribed for almost a decade. We came to this decision after weighing the level of its use in our organization, which is considerable, against the harms that we see perpetuated by the leadership of Basecamp’s parent company, 37signals. As a result of our discussions, we will not

                                              Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
