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マイクロソフト、開発環境の構成をコードで記述できる「Configuration-as-code Dev Box customizations」パブリックプレビュー開始 マイクロソフトは、開発環境をクラウドPCとして丸ごと仮想環境で用意し、デスクトップ仮想化経由で利用できる「Dev Box」の新機能として「Config-as-code Dev Box Customizations」のパブリックプレビュー開始を発表しました。 開発環境を仮想環境としてクラウドから提供するDev Boxは、2023年7月に正式リリースされました。 コードエディタやその拡張機能の導入、ビルド環境、テスト環境やソースコード管理ツールとの連係などを含む開発環境の構築は複雑化していますが、Dev Boxはそうした環境を設定済みのものとしてすぐに開発者に提供できます。 開発者はデスクトップ仮想化のクライアントツールやWeb
The flexibility of Terraform's configuration language gives you many options to choose from as you write your code, structure your directories, and test your configuration. While some design decisions depend on your organization's needs or preferences, there are some common patterns that we suggest you adopt. Adopting and adhering to a style guide keeps your Terraform code legible, scalable, and m
Home Blog Best Practices for Working with Configuration in Python Applications Most computer applications can be configured to behave a certain way, be it via command line flags, environment variables, or configuration files. For you as a software developer, dealing with configuration comes with challenges such as parsing untrusted input, validating it, and accessing it on all layers of your progr
2023年2月中旬にAWS Systems Manager Default Host Management Configuration(SSM DHMC)という機能がリリースされました。 本機能を利用すると、EC2のインスタンスプロファイルにSSM系権限を付与することなく、セッションマネージャーなどのSSM管理機能を利用できるようになります。 最新のSSM Agent(バージョン>=3.2.582.0)でしか動作しないため、現時点での一括導入は難しいですが、AMIの更新やSSMエージェントのアップデートなど時間の経過とともに、EC2インスタンスはDHMCでSSM管理するのが主流になるはずです。 SSM DHMCが当たり前な世界になると、EC2インスタンスにアタッチしている権限の運用はどう変わるでしょうか? SSM DHMC登場前 SSM DHMC登場前であれば、次のようなポリシーを用意し、
Some people claim that Emacs is difficult to start with. The main problem is probably the chicken-and-egg situation: To make the most use of Emacs, you probably need to understand Emacs (Lisp), but to grok Emacs Lisp you pretty much neeed to understand the fundamentals of Emacs. A common suggestion is to use frameworks or ready-made configurations that provide a layer of abstraction to help set up
If you use Gmail and have to maintain (like me) a lot of filters (to apply labels, get rid of spam or categorize your emails), then you probably have (like me) a very long list of messy filters. At a certain point one of your messages got mislabled and you try to understand why. You scroll through that horrible mess of filters, you wish you could find-and-replace stuff, test the changes on your fi
AWS News Blog New – Amazon Aurora I/O-Optimized Cluster Configuration with Up to 40% Cost Savings for I/O-Intensive Applications Since Amazon Aurora launched in 2014, hundreds of thousands of customers have chosen Aurora to run their most demanding applications. Aurora provides unparalleled high performance and availability at global scale with full MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility at up to one-
We’ve heard you: One of the biggest reasons ESLint users haven’t upgraded to ESLint v9.x is migrating a configuration file seems difficult and complicated. Some plugins support flat config and the ESLint v9.x rule APIs and some don’t. Sometimes you need to use FlatCompat and sometimes you need to use the compatibility utilities. While we cover as much as we can in the migration guide, it can take
どうもこんにちは西川です。AWS Community Builder に選ばれたからにはAWSのこともアウトプットしなきゃということで、今日は Security Hub の Central configurationの素晴らしさをお伝えしたいと思います。 Security Hub 運用の課題と Central configuration Cental configuration は re:Invent 2023 で発表された機能で、実は最近までこの機能が追加されていたことに西川は気づいておりませんでした(汗) でも、この機能はSecurity Hubを運用していくうえでは欠かせない機能で、それはなぜかというと、Automation rules では、OU単位だったり、アカウントについているタグ等を判別してルールを書くことができないのですが、AWSアカウントをOrganization管理して
This post shows different use cases for a Yubikey. There are also command line examples in a cheatsheet like manner. I’m using a Yubikey 5C on Arch Linux. If you run into issues, try to use a newer version of ykman (part of yubikey-manager package on Arch). Some features depend on the firmware version of the Yubikey. The tooling (like the wording) around the Yubikey is sometimes a bit confusing. I
The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs. Kubernetes configuration manifests have become an industry standard for deploying both custom and off-the-shelf applications (as well as for infrastructure). Manifests are combined into bundles to create higher-level deployable systems as well as reusable blueprints (such as a product offeri
AWS App Runner now supports retrieving secrets and configuration data stored in AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store in an App Runner service as runtime environment variables. App Runner makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs to the cloud, at scale, and without managing infrastructure. Many web applications and APIs acc
Projects using Bun as a package manager can now be deployed to Vercel with zero configuration. Like yarn, npm, and pnpm, Bun acts as a package manager focused on saving disk space and boosting installation speed. Starting today, Projects that contain a bun.lockb file will automatically run bun install as the default Install Command using bun@1. This change impacts the build phase but not runtime.
You can now create secure continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines that follow your organization’s best practices with a new pipeline configuration capability for serverless applications. AWS Serverless Application Model Pipelines (AWS SAM Pipelines) is a new feature of AWS SAM CLI that gives you access to benefits of CI/CD in minutes, such as accelerating deployment frequency, shor
【レポート+やってみた】projen – a CDK for software project configuration #CDK Day 先日のCDK Dayというイベントで、TypeScriptの構成ファイルを統合・継続管理できるprojenというプロジェクトが発表されていたので紹介します。前半で発表のレポート、後半では実際に動かした内容を記載しています。 はじめに CX事業本部の佐藤智樹です。 先日(9月30日)にCDK Dayという世界中の開発者がCDKに関連する内容を語るコミュニティイベントがありました。そこで興味深い発表があったので紹介します。 TypeScriptで新規開発する際毎度作成が必要になる package.json、 tsconfig.jsonなどの構成ファイルを統合・継続管理できるツールの発表でした。 一部例を書くと、以下のような.projenrc.jsファイル
しばたです。 本日AWSより以下のアナウンスがあり、EC2インスタンスに対しデフォルトでSSMを利用可能にするための権限を設定可能になりました。 すこし注意点のある仕組みなので本記事で解説していきます。 どういうことか? 今回の更新でAWS Systems Manager(以後SSM)に新しいDefault Host Management Configuration (DHMC。日本語だと「デフォルトのホスト管理設定」) という設定が追加されました。 このDHMCはSSMのフリートマネージャーで所定の権限(IAMロール)を指定する形で設定します。 そしてSSM Agentがインスタンスプロファイルの代わりにDHMCに設定されたロールからクレデンシャルを取得しSSMの各種機能を実現する形となります。 従来の挙動と比較すると以下の点が異なります。 従来の挙動 SSMを使うEC2インスタンスに所
Imports your current Cloud infrastructure to an Infrastructure As Code Terraform configuration (HCL) or/and to a Terraform State. At Cycloid, Infrastructure As Code is in the company DNA since the beginning. To help our new customers adopting this best practice, we decided to build Terracognita to convert an existing infrastructure on Cloud Infrastructure into Terraform code in an automated way, r
All-in-one platform to securely manage application configuration and secrets across your team and infrastructure.
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Define and maintain complex project configuration through code. Documentation · Changelog · Project types · Join the community projen synthesizes project configuration files such as package.json, tsconfig.json, .gitignore, GitHub Workflows, eslint, jest, etc. from a well-typed definition written in JavaScript. As opposed to existing templating/scaffolding tools, projen is not a one-off generator.
AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
The configuration migrator doesn’t yet work well for .eslintrc.js files. If you are using .eslintrc.js, the migration results in a config file that matches the evaluated output of your configuration and won’t include any functions, conditionals, or anything other than the raw data represented in your configuration. Start Using Flat Config Files The flat config file format has been the default conf
Amazon Web Services ブログ AWS Secrets & Configuration Provider を Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver で使用する方法 この記事は How to use AWS Secrets & Configuration Provider with your Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI driver を翻訳したものです。 AWS Secrets Manager を使用して、Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) の Kubernetes Pod で使用するために、AWS Secrets Manager からシークレットを安全に取得できるようになりました。AWS Secrets and Config Provider (ASCP
Nickel is the cheap configuration language. Its purpose is to automate the generation of static configuration files - think JSON, YAML, XML, or your favorite data representation language - that are then fed to another system. It is designed to have a simple, well-understood core: it is in essence JSON with functions. Nickel's salient traits are: Lightweight: Nickel is easy to embed. An interpreter
Jerikan+Ansible: a configuration management system for network There are many resources for network automation with Ansible. Most of them only expose the first steps or limit themselves to a narrow scope. They give no clue on how to expand from that. Real network environments may be large, versatile, heterogeneous, and filled with exceptions. The lack of real-world examples for Ansible deployments
Did all the timestamps get reset? Seeing most (all?) comments at about 30min ago Ah sorry - that was an unintended side-effect of re-upping the original submission. I must have done some of the steps in the wrong order. You mean you don’t have a distributed merge post microservice that emits post migration events, which are then consumed by a post owner conversion service using your existing event