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divingに関するエントリは13件あります。 itdesign生物 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Diving Deep on S3 Consistency』などがあります。
  • Diving Deep on S3 Consistency

    Diving Deep on S3 ConsistencyApril 20, 2021 • 1938 words I recently posted about Amazon S3 and how it’s evolved over the last 15 years since we launched the service in 2006 as “storage for the internet.” We built S3 because we knew customers wanted to store backups, videos, and images for applications like e-commerce web sites. Our top design priorities at the time were security, elasticity, relia

      Diving Deep on S3 Consistency
    • Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

      A few months ago, after reading about Cloudflare doubling its intern class size, I quickly dusted off my CV and applied for an internship. Long story short: now, a couple of months later, I found myself staring into Linux kernel code and adding a pretty cool feature to gVisor, a Linux container runtime. My internship was under the Emerging Technologies and Incubation group on a project involving g

        Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem
      • Dumpster diving the Go garbage collector

        Principal Engineer @ New Relic, Founding Engineer @ Pixie Labs Go is a garbage collected language. This makes writing Go simpler, because you can spend less time worrying about managing the lifetime of allocated objects. Memory management is definitely easier in Go than it is in, say, C++. But it’s also not an area we as Go developers can totally ignore, either. Understanding how Go allocates and

          Dumpster diving the Go garbage collector
        • Hawkins: Diving into the Reasoning Behind our Design System

          Stranger Things imagery showcasing the inspiration for the Hawkins Design Systemby Hawkins team member Joshua Godi; with cover art from Martin Bekerman and additional imagery from Wiki Chaves Hawkins may be the name of a fictional town in Indiana, most widely known as the backdrop for one of Netflix’s most popular TV series “Stranger Things,” but the name is so much more. Hawkins is the namesake t

            Hawkins: Diving into the Reasoning Behind our Design System
          • Node.js — Diving into the Node.js Website Redesign

            By now you've noticed nodejs.org's fresh new look! We've taken great care in approaching this design with a nod to the past and look to the future. The site has many converging use cases, thousands of pages, and is a daily resource to many. The whole story had some dead ends and detours. But in the end it was a collective effort; coming to life with the contributions of over three dozen contributo

              Node.js — Diving into the Node.js Website Redesign
            • Deep Sea Diving Clubというバンド - 音楽と服

              先日,前の職場でのお別れのことを記事にした。 sisoa.hatenablog.com 実は,その後日談がある。 31日の最終出勤日に,長年お世話になった先輩に別れの品を渡した。 その先輩とは同期で(歳はあちらのほうが5つくらい上だけど),かれこれ15年くらいの付き合いがあるが,今回同じ職場になって三年間一緒に働いた。 用意周到,親切な人柄の上,緻密な仕事ぶりで上司からも部下からも絶大な信頼を集める人だ。 この先輩に挨拶をしている時にふいに話題が逸れ, 「そういえば,義理の弟がやってるバンドが最近結構売り出してて。」 と言い出したので, 「メジャーですか?」 と聞くと,先輩は頷き 「タワレコでもパワープレイされていて,いま全国のクラブサーキットで回っているらしい。」 とのこと。 「バンド名は?」 と問うと 「Deep Sea Diving Club」 と言うそう。 響きがいいね。 直訳して

                Deep Sea Diving Clubというバンド - 音楽と服
              • Diving into Go by building a CLI application | Eryb's Space

                Russian Version You have wrapped your head around the Go syntax and practised them one by one, however you won’t feel comfortable writing applications in Go unless you build one. In this blog post we’ll build a CLI application in Go, which we’ll call go-grab-xkcd. This application fetches comics from XKCD and provides you with various options through command-line arguments. We’ll use no external d

                • LOVE DIVING - バントーのブログ ~V-pedia~

                  いろいろなV系バンドのメンバーの歴史や売上などを調べています。パチンコライターをしているので、時々パチンコの情報や、温泉情報などもあり。 結成 2009年 メンバー シン … Vocal → Dizzy×Glow(武瑠) → トラベル → SuG、LOVE DIVING(シン) → SuG、浮気者(ソロ) → sleepyhead(ソロ) アキ … Guitar Roku … Guitar レイ … Bass 虎太郎 … Drums ディスコグラフィー 1stアルバム(2009/3/4) BEATROCK★LOVE オリコン110位(0.2万枚) 1stシングル(2009/2/18) Shout It Loud オリコン34位(0.4万枚) メルペイでポイント貰って、好きなバンドの音源を買おう!

                  • ウミウシってどんな生き物?~種類や見分け方を詳しく紹介|Marine Diving web(マリンダイビングウェブ)

                    海の宝石とも謳われ、フォト派や生物オタク派に大人気のウミウシ。 でも、「ウミウシ」といえばわかった気になるけれど、実はその姿は千差万別、「え、これがウミウシ?」なんてこともあれば、ウミウシと思い込んでいたら全然別の生き物だったなんてこともある。 というわけで、今回はウミウシについてザックリ紹介。 ウミウシってどんな生き物? ザックリ分けると8グループ ウミウシのソックリさん ヒラムシ ナマコ 巻貝 ウミウシってどんな生き物? ウミウシを漢字にすると「海牛」。頭にある触角が牛の角のように見えることが由来のようで、英語圏でもアメフラシ(ウミウシの仲間の1グループ)のことはsea cow(海の牛)という。が、一般にウミウシは英語ではsea slug(海のナメクジ)と呼ばれ、こちらのほうが分類的には的確な表現だ。 いろいろ面倒な説明を省いてザックリいうと、ウミウシとは「軟体動物の仲間」であり、その

                      ウミウシってどんな生き物?~種類や見分け方を詳しく紹介|Marine Diving web(マリンダイビングウェブ)
                    • Scuba Diving Magazine's 2020 Underwater Photo Contest Winners

                      Truly great underwater photography inspires, eliciting daydreams among divers and stretching the imagination of the uninitiated. This year’s Through Your Lens entries did not disappoint. Among the 2,636 photos submitted this time around—the highest number in our competition’s 16-year history—were images that pushed the boundaries of our four contest categories and sometimes left judges wondering h

                        Scuba Diving Magazine's 2020 Underwater Photo Contest Winners
                      • Tokyo Diving World Cup cancelled because of poor Covid-19 precautions

                        The Diving World Cup in Tokyo has been cancelled by the sport's international governing body because the organisers' planned Covid-19 precautions "will not properly ensure" athletes' safety. In a letter seen by the BBC, Fina also criticises the Japanese government which, in its opinion, "did not take all the necessary measures to ensure successful and fair" competition. The event was scheduled to

                          Tokyo Diving World Cup cancelled because of poor Covid-19 precautions
                        • Diving Into Redis 6.0 - Redis

                          Download the latest version by clicking here. You know the warning on the shallow end of the pool where it says “NO DIVING”? Well, the new Redis 6 is no shallow update to the world’s most-loved database—it’s so deep you can dive right in. Now that Salvatore Sanfilippo has made Redis 6 generally available, let’s take a dip in the new changes and features. The new stuff can be divided into a few dif

                            Diving Into Redis 6.0 - Redis
                          • Diving into Threat Modeling @ Mercari

                            Slides used for the online event on April 20, 2022. Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/MercariDev/events/285120933/ Conpass: https://mercari.connpass.co…

                              Diving into Threat Modeling @ Mercari
