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safeに関するエントリは195件あります。 githubセキュリティtypescript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Minimal safe Bash script template』などがあります。
  • Minimal safe Bash script template

    Published on December 14, 2020   ·   Updated on December 16, 2020 Bash scripts. Almost anyone needs to write one sooner or later. Almost no one says “yeah, I love writing them”. And that’s why almost everyone is putting low attention while writing them. I won’t try to make you a Bash expert (since I’m not a one either), but I will show you a minimal template that will make your scripts safer. You

      Minimal safe Bash script template
    • ビジネスロジックを「型」で表現するOOPのための関数型DDD / Functional And Type-Safe DDD for OOP

      Object-Oriented Conference 2024で発表した資料です。 https://fortee.jp/oocon-2024/proposal/b31c9818-3cb8-4350-adfe-cbc839cdf829 ビジネスの専門知識(ドメイン)を中心に据えたドメイン駆動設計に…

        ビジネスロジックを「型」で表現するOOPのための関数型DDD / Functional And Type-Safe DDD for OOP
      • 「そのコンテナ、安全ですか?」〜AWS x DevSecOpsで実践するコンテナセキュリティ〜 / Is that container safe?

        2020-10-20 AWS DevDay Online Japanでの登壇資料になります。 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/about-aws/events/2020/devday/ # AWSご担当者様より承諾頂いた上でアップロードしています

          「そのコンテナ、安全ですか?」〜AWS x DevSecOpsで実践するコンテナセキュリティ〜 / Is that container safe?
        • Compile SQL to type-safe code

          You write SQL queries You run sqlc to generate code that presents type-safe interfaces to those queries You write application code calling the methods sqlc generated. Seriously, it's that easy. You don't have to write any boilerplate SQL querying code ever again. See the current list of supported programming languages and databases. Schema updates and poorly-written queries often bring down produc

            Compile SQL to type-safe code
          • Safe Data Fetching in Modern JavaScript

            Announcing Visual Copilot - Figma to production in half the time

              Safe Data Fetching in Modern JavaScript
            • Panda CSS - Build modern websites using build time and type-safe CSS-in-JS

              CSS-in-JS with build time generated styles, RSC compatible, multi-variant support, and best-in-class developer experience

                Panda CSS - Build modern websites using build time and type-safe CSS-in-JS
              • GitHub - google/autocxx: Tool for safe ergonomic Rust/C++ interop driven from existing C++ headers

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                  GitHub - google/autocxx: Tool for safe ergonomic Rust/C++ interop driven from existing C++ headers
                • Fast and type-safe full stack framework, for TypeScript | frourio

                  From installation to deployment in one command All you need is TypeScript

                    Fast and type-safe full stack framework, for TypeScript | frourio
                  • Type-Safe Lightweight DDD with Effect Schema

                    Type-Safe Lightweight DDD with Effect Schema Yuichi Goto | JSConf JP on November 23, 2024 Who I am Yuichi Goto @_yasaichi @yasaichi.bsky.social @yasaichi Professional Background Backend Engineer since 2015 Co-author of Perfect Ruby on Rails Working at EARTHBRAIN since 2023 About EARTHBRAIN Founded in July 2021 200 employees (including 50 developers) Provides Smart Construction® solutions About Sma

                      Type-Safe Lightweight DDD with Effect Schema
                    • GitHub - kysely-org/kysely: A type-safe typescript SQL query builder

                      Kysely (pronounce “Key-Seh-Lee”) is a type-safe and autocompletion-friendly TypeScript SQL query builder. Inspired by Knex.js. Mainly developed for Node.js but also runs on all other JavaScript environments like Deno, Bun, Cloudflare Workers and web browsers. Kysely makes sure you only refer to tables and columns that are visible to the part of the query you're writing. The result type only has th

                        GitHub - kysely-org/kysely: A type-safe typescript SQL query builder
                      • GitHub - ivanhofer/typesafe-i18n: A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.

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                          GitHub - ivanhofer/typesafe-i18n: A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.
                        • GitHub - frouriojs/frourio: Fast and type-safe full stack framework, for TypeScript

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                            GitHub - frouriojs/frourio: Fast and type-safe full stack framework, for TypeScript
                          • Announcing TypedSQL: Make your raw SQL queries type-safe with Prisma ORM

                            Generate query functions by using the --sql flag on prisma generate: Import the query function from @prisma/client/sql … … and call it inside the new $queryRawTyped function to get fully typed results 😎 If your SQL query has arguments, they are provided to the query function passed to $queryRawTyped The Prisma Client API together with TypedSQL provides the best experience for both CRUD operations

                              Announcing TypedSQL: Make your raw SQL queries type-safe with Prisma ORM
                            • もしも「距離を保つ」ことを求められたなら:あなた自身の安全のために(Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe) | 日本心理学会

                              もしも「距離を保つ」ことを求められたなら:あなた自身の安全のために (Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe) この記事は,アメリカ心理学会(American Psychological Association: APA)公式Webサイトに掲載された記事 "Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe" を,アメリカ心理学会の許諾を得て,日本心理学会広報委員会が日本語に翻訳したものであり,翻訳の質や正確さの責任は日本心理学会広報委員会にあります。アメリカ市民向けの具体的な情報提供の部分は,適宜日本向けのものに差し替えています。なお,この記事をAPAの許諾なく複製・再配布することを禁止します。 This material originally appeared in English as [American Psychological A

                                もしも「距離を保つ」ことを求められたなら:あなた自身の安全のために(Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe) | 日本心理学会
                              • markedで安全にMarkdownからHTMLを生成するsafe-marked

                                MarkdownをHTMLにコンパイルするmarkedは0.7.0でsanitizeオプションを非推奨にしています。 これはサニタイズの処理をmarkedから外す目的です。 Sanitize and sanitizer · Issue #1232 · markedjs/marked このsanitizeオプションの代わりにDOMPurifyを利用することを推奨していますが、 DOMPurifyはブラウザとNode.js両方で使うには癖があるためちょっとややこしいです。 なぜならDOMPurifyはDOM APIに依存しているため、 Node.jsで動かす場合はjsdom使うためです。 単純にjsdomを使ってしまうとブラウザでもjsdomが含まれてしまい、ファイルサイズが巨大になってしまいます。 そのため、ブラウザ向けの場合では直接DOMPurifyを使い、 Node.jsの場合はDOMP

                                • アジャイル開発の考え方を企業全体に適用する「SAFe」、DXで注目集める

                                  SAFe(セーフ、Scaled Agile Framework)は大規模向けのアジャイル開発フレームワークである。ソフトウエア開発だけでなく組織活動にまでアジャイル開発の考え方を拡張していることが特徴だ。ここでの組織は、製品やサービスを開発する事業部門から最大で企業全体までを想定している。 最新版の「SAFe 6.0」が2023年3月に公開された。日本でもNTTデータグループや富士通、NEC、オージス総研、TISといったIT企業などが企業に対して導入支援をしている。デジタル変革(DX)を推進する企業が増える中、事業やサービス開発のスピードを向上させる手法として注目を集めている。 20年間でビジネス向けに進化 SAFeが作られたのは2011年ごろ。米IBMに買収されたソフト会社のRational Software(ラショナルソフトウエア)でシニアバイスプレジデントなどを務めていたディーン・レ

                                  • GitHub - GitoxideLabs/gitoxide: An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git

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                                      GitHub - GitoxideLabs/gitoxide: An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
                                    • GitHub - mig1984/bashible: Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.

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                                        GitHub - mig1984/bashible: Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.
                                      • Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!

                                        As of today, the Wasmtime WebAssembly runtime is now at 1.0! This means that all of us in the Bytecode Alliance agree that it is fully ready to use in production. In truth, we could have called Wasmtime production-ready more than a year ago. But we didn’t want to release just any WebAssembly engine. We wanted to have a super fast and super safe WebAssembly engine. We wanted to feel really confiden

                                          Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!
                                        • 北野セツ😺❄️ @KitanoSetsu Twitterの検索で「from:自分のID -filter:safe」ってやると自分のツイートの中でセーフ判定されなかったツイートが見れるのでやってみてほしい!結構面白いよ😸 私はなぜか食べ物関連の話してるときセーフじゃない扱いされてた

                                          • 自分の通信が安全にインターネットを通過しているか確認できるウェブサイト「Is BGP safe yet?」をCloudflareが公開

                                            インターネットは自律システム(AS)と呼ばれるIPネットワークやルーターの集合で構成されており、AS間の通信経路を決定するルーティングにはBGPというプロトコルが用いられています。しかし、BGPはBGPハイジャックという攻撃により通信経路を乗っ取られてしまう問題があり、この問題に自分が利用しているインターネットプロバイダ(ISP)が対処できているかを確認できるウェブサイト「Is BGP safe yet?」をCloudflareが公開しています。 Is BGP Safe Yet? No. But we are tracking it carefully https://blog.cloudflare.com/is-bgp-safe-yet-rpki-routing-security-initiative/ Is BGP safe yet? · Cloudflare https://isbg

                                              自分の通信が安全にインターネットを通過しているか確認できるウェブサイト「Is BGP safe yet?」をCloudflareが公開
                                            • Safe DOM manipulation with the Sanitizer API  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                              const user_input = `<em>hello world</em><img src="" onerror=alert(0)>` $div.innerHTML = user_input If you escape HTML special characters in the input string above or expand it using .textContent, alert(0) will not be executed. However, since <em> added by the user is also expanded as a string as it is, this method cannot be used in order to keep the text decoration in HTML. The best thing to do he

                                              • GitHub - hyperlight-dev/hyperlight: Hyperlight is a lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) designed to be embedded within applications. It enables safe execution of untrusted code within micro virtual machines with very low latency and minimal overhead

                                                Hyperlight is a library for creating micro virtual machines — or sandboxes — specifically optimized for securely running untrusted code with minimal impact. It supports both Windows and Linux, utilizing Windows Hypervisor Platform on Windows, and either Microsoft Hypervisor (mshv) or KVM on Linux. These micro VMs operate without a kernel or operating system, keeping overhead low. Instead, guests a

                                                  GitHub - hyperlight-dev/hyperlight: Hyperlight is a lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) designed to be embedded within applications. It enables safe execution of untrusted code within micro virtual machines with very low latency and minimal overhead
                                                • GitHub - trailbaseio/trailbase: A blazingly fast, open-source application server with type-safe APIs, built-in JS/ES6/TS Runtime, Auth, and Admin UI built on Rust, SQLite & V8.

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                                                    GitHub - trailbaseio/trailbase: A blazingly fast, open-source application server with type-safe APIs, built-in JS/ES6/TS Runtime, Auth, and Admin UI built on Rust, SQLite & V8.
                                                  • GitHub - graphql-nexus/nexus: Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction

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                                                      GitHub - graphql-nexus/nexus: Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction
                                                    • Memory Safe Languages in Android 13

                                                      The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

                                                        Memory Safe Languages in Android 13
                                                      • nuqs | Type-safe search params state management for React

                                                        'use client' import { parseAsInteger, useQueryState } from 'nuqs' export function Demo() { const [hello, setHello] = useQueryState('hello', { defaultValue: '' }) const [count, setCount] = useQueryState( 'count', parseAsInteger.withDefault(0) ) return ( <> <button onClick={() => setCount(c => c + 1)} > Count: {count} </button> <input value={hello} placeholder="Enter your name" onChange={e => setHel

                                                          nuqs | Type-safe search params state management for React
                                                        • GitHub - jetify-com/typeid: Type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs

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                                                            GitHub - jetify-com/typeid: Type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs
                                                          • GitHub - nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter: A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.

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                                                              GitHub - nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter: A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.
                                                            • Type safe CSS design systems with @property · September 1, 2023

                                                              CSS types are a worthy investment into type safety in your front-end work. We're still awaiting cross browser interop, but we'll get there 🙂 In case you've never seen one, here's a typed CSS variable with @property: @property --focal-size { syntax: '<length-percentage>'; initial-value: 100%; inherits: false; } Used that one so I could animate a gradient mask image. Pretty sweet. Here's a preview

                                                                Type safe CSS design systems with @property · September 1, 2023
                                                              • genqlient: A truly type-safe Go GraphQL client

                                                                by Ben Kraft Kevin has written about our multi-year project to replace our Python 2.7 monolith with services written in Go. As part of the transition to a service-oriented architecture, we decided to migrate all our REST APIs to GraphQL—including new APIs for service-to-service communication. Even with Apollo Federation handling much of our fan-out, we have over 300 distinct GraphQL requests from

                                                                  genqlient: A truly type-safe Go GraphQL client
                                                                • 10 Tips to Keep Your Cloud Storage Safe and Secure

                                                                  Cloud storage has made it easy to synchronise files, share them, keep multiple versions of a file, and a lot more. Not just limited for backup, cloud storage has also completely replaced the physical storage drive for some users. You can choose to use a cloud storage service like Google Drive or OneDrive for free, or opt for a paid plan for more storage and features. While cloud storage providers

                                                                    10 Tips to Keep Your Cloud Storage Safe and Secure
                                                                  • Microsoft: Rust Is the Industry's 'Best Chance' at Safe Systems Programming

                                                                    Join our community of software engineering leaders and aspirational developers. Always stay in-the-know by getting the most important news and exclusive content delivered fresh to your inbox to learn more about at-scale software development.

                                                                      Microsoft: Rust Is the Industry's 'Best Chance' at Safe Systems Programming
                                                                    • GitHub - aerotoad/neboa: Type-safe NoSQL with Node & SQLite. 🌫️💽

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                                                                        GitHub - aerotoad/neboa: Type-safe NoSQL with Node & SQLite. 🌫️💽
                                                                      • NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages

                                                                        C/C++ on the bench, as US snoop HQ puts its trust in Rust, C#, Go, Java, Ruby, Swift The NSA has released guidance encouraging organizations to shift programming languages from the likes of C and C++ to memory-safe alternatives – namely C#, Rust, Go, Java, Ruby or Swift. "NSA recommends that organizations use memory safe languages when possible and bolster protection through code-hardening defense

                                                                          NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages
                                                                        • スマホ向けファイル管理アプリ「Files by Google」にファイルをPINコードで保護できる「Safe Folder」機能が登場、実際に使ってみた

                                                                          Googleが提供するAndroid向けのファイル管理アプリ「Files by Google」に、ファイルをPINコードで保護できる新機能「Safe Folder」が登場しました。 Making privacy personal with Files by Google https://blog.google/around-the-globe/google-asia/making-privacy-personal-files-google/ Files by Google adds PIN protection for your most sensitive files on Android - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/5/21355278/files-by-google-secure-folder-pin-protected-e

                                                                            スマホ向けファイル管理アプリ「Files by Google」にファイルをPINコードで保護できる「Safe Folder」機能が登場、実際に使ってみた
                                                                          • SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)の価値と原則 | Atlassian

                                                                            Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®)は、エンタープライズ規模でアジャイル・プラクティスを導入するための、一連の組織およびワークフローのパターンです。このフレームワークは、役割と責務に関する体系的なガイダンス、作業の計画と管理の方法、維持すべき価値などの知識がまとめられたものです。 SAFe は、多数のアジャイル・チーム間での調整、コラボレーション、デリバリーを促進します。アジャイル・ソフトウェア開発、リーン製品開発、システム思考の 3 つの主要な知識を中心に形成されています。 SAFe は、企業の規模の拡大に合わせてアジャイルを拡張するための体系的なアプローチを提供します。さまざまなレベルの拡張に対応するために、SAFe には、Essential SAFe、Large Solution SAFe、Portfolio SAFe、Full SAFe の 4 つの構成が

                                                                            • C stdlib isn’t threadsafe and even safe Rust didn’t save us | EdgeDB Blog

                                                                              We’re in the process of porting a significant portion of the network I/O code in EdgeDB from Python to Rust, and we’ve been learning a lot of very interesting lessons in the process. We’ve been working on a new HTTP fetch feature for EdgeDB, using reqwest as our HTTP client library. Everything was going smoothly: the feature worked locally, passed tests on x86_64 CI runners, and seemed stable. But

                                                                                C stdlib isn’t threadsafe and even safe Rust didn’t save us | EdgeDB Blog
                                                                              • GitHub - supermacro/neverthrow: Type-Safe Errors for JS & TypeScript

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                                                                                  GitHub - supermacro/neverthrow: Type-Safe Errors for JS & TypeScript
                                                                                • How Secure Is a Password Manager, and Are They Safe?

                                                                                  Password managers like LastPass are convenient and mostly free to use. But are they safe? How do they keep you secure? When it comes to password managers the point of using one—whether paid or free, open-source or proprietary—is to secure and manage your passwords. But while they offer great convenience when it comes to managing dozens of passwords, are password managers safe to use? Why Do You Ne

                                                                                    How Secure Is a Password Manager, and Are They Safe?
