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Introduction FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). We believe that FFTW, which is free software, should become the FFT library of choice for most applications. The latest official releas
Welcome to homepage of BKChem - a free chemical drawing program. BKChem is a free (as in free software :o) chemical drawing program. It was conceived and written by Beda Kosata and is currently maintained by Reinis Danne. BKChem is written in Python, an interpreted and very nice programming language. This implies some of the program features: platform independence - BKChem should run on any platfo
★ 本ページの最終更新日: 2016年4月10日 | 新着[日本語版] / 新着[英語版] 分子生物学研究用ツール集のトップページは[http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~aisoai/molbio-j.html]です。 分子生物学研究用ツール集 - Sites for the Molecular BiologyをPDFファイルで公開中。 [2016年4月10日版] Download 【リンクサイト 】を更新。 ★ 研究用ツール一覧表: 【日本語ページ】【英語ページ】 ★ All-IN-ONE SEQ-ANALYZER - by Naohiro Inohara データベース検索: PubMed: Medline - KW [NBCI] ホモロジー検索: BLAST [GenomeNET] | FASTA [GenomeNET] 配列解析: DNA → AA [EBI] | PR