Discover Sass & Compass Extensions Find the perfect tool for your next Sass or Compass project. Add Your Own
Discover Sass & Compass Extensions Find the perfect tool for your next Sass or Compass project. Add Your Own
By Chris Eppstein When I created compass I imagined a particular set of features Compass would have when it was done with the initial build out. I assigned that release a number of 1.0 and expected it would only take a few releases to get there. But then there was users and their needs and the features they wanted. And so there have been 77 releases at the time that I'm writing this post. And you
To make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately: True the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole. To make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up): True up the sides of a door. To test your Sass code; debug, perfect, etc. (often using True): True your sweet plugin before you deploy. True is a unit-testing tool for Sass code. All of the tests are written in plain
CSSをリファクタリングしようと思うと、どっから手をつけたら良いかわからなくないですかね?僕はわかりません。 特にSassのような@importでいろいろファイル分割していると、あれこれなんのファイルだったお(^ω^;)ってことがよくありませんかね?僕はないです! ということで、あなたがCompassプロジェクトを使用しているのならば、config.rbのある場所で下記のコマンドを打ってみましょう。 そうすると下記のようなCSSに関する情報が表示されます。 どこで何回ミックスインが定義されて使用されているか、ファイルサイズがどれくらいかプロパティがどれだけ宣言されているかなど、一目瞭然ですね。これで、どこからリファクタリング・手をつけていったらいいのかなど参考にできるかと思います。 ちなみに、statsコマンドのヘルプは下記 $ compass stats --help Usage: co
SassMeister is a playground for Sass. Add some Sass and SassMeister will show you the rendered CSS.
About Easily integrate Nicholas C. Zakas and Nicole Sullivan's CSS Lint into your projects that use the Compass CSS Framework by providing a compass csslint command line option. Installation Assuming ruby is installed on your system: $ gem install compass-csslint Note that this requires at least version 1.0.0.alpha.13 of Compass to work properly. Usage Run the following command from the root of yo
Susy was a responsive layout engine for Sass, before flexbox and CSS grid were available. Susy is now deprecated, and will not receive updates. If you need help moving off Susy, or learning the latest in web layout, we offer training and consulting to help bring you up-to-date. Contact us for details » Not everyone can play with the latest specs, and there will always be edge-cases that require ma
こんにちは。UFOキャッチャー運が急降下中、デザイナーのももこです。 輪っかがついたキーホルダー系をうまく取れるようになりたい…(´・ω・`) 気を取り直して、今回はCompassを使って作ったCSSスプライト画像でRetina対応を行う方法をご紹介します。 Compassを使って書き出したスプライト画像を自動でRetina対応にさせる スプライト画像の生成 $sprites: sprite-map("sprites/*.png"); $sprites-img:sprite-url($sprites); まずはスプライト画像を生成します。 単一の画像をフォルダに入れると、見事に合体したスプライト画像がimagesフォルダに書き出されます。 sprite-mapにはconfig.rbで指定したimagesフォルダ以下のルートを入れて下さい。 Mixinを記述する @mixin sprite-
Because I am an artist before being a developer, I will focus on offering the best experience to the user. That's what matter after all. Focusing on UX doesn't mean that compromises on what is under the hood are made. The right technologies have their responsibilities on the end result and they must not be neglected. Depending on your need, I will always be sure to offer you what is best to achiev
CSS' simplicity is one of its defining features, and a big reason for its popularity. However, as websites and applications become more complex, the size and complexity of stylesheets also increase. CSS can quickly become verbose and repetitive. But a preprocessor like Sass expands the capabilities of CSS by allowing you to use variables to store values, create mixins for common snippets, nest dec
2013-06-13 libsass and SassC 最近知ったんだけど、Sass を C++ で実装している libsass と SassC っていうプロジェクトがあるんですね。作者はオリジナルの Sass と同じ人? なんで Ruby じゃなくてわざわざ C++ かというと、sass ファイルが肥大化してきたり、 Compass なんかのフレームワークをゴリゴリ使っているとコンパイルに結構な時間がかかってくる問題があって、まぁ遅いんです。CSS を書くために良い CPU 積んだマシンとか買いたくないですし。そこで libsass 書いてますって話になります。 Sassc and Bourbon: it works. - Damian Le Nouaille 手元に良いサンプルがないのでここに書かれているのを参考にしますが、 I have a project (more than 5
Yesterday I wanted to get deeper in Sass by trying Sassc. Sassc is a wrapper for Libsass and Libsass is a Sass compiler build in C++. The project was created and announced by Hampton Catlin (creator of Sass). Why Libsass? The official release of Sass is written in Ruby and it will continue to grow as a Ruby project. But Ruby is generally slow and not only for web frameworks: it’s the same problem