Color Thief by Lokesh Dhakar Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. Github Getting started The Color Thief package includes multiple distribution files to support different environments and build processes. Here is the list of all the files in the /dist folder and what formats they support: color-thief.js - CommonJS module for use in Node. col
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript TinyColor is a micro framework for inputting colors and outputting colors as different formats. Input is meant to be as permissive as possible. Usage Documentation Read all the documentation on the TinyColor project page on github. Tests View the tests. Demo
Since javascript is everywhere nowadays, it is really easy to learn new stuff everyday. Once you know the basics of the language, you can take bits of code from here and there that have a lot of knowledge in them. Bookmarklets are perfect examples of a bunch of packed functionality, whenever I discover a useful one, I enjoy studying their source, discovering how it can do so much. Also snippets to
Status This project is no longer maintained. CSS now has built-in support for setting color-interpolation-method. Transitioning through the oklch color space is a superior alternative to using this library. About sweep.js is a small JavaScript library (5kb zipped) that enables proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces. Ordinary CSS transitions and existing frameworks convert HSL col