28 July 2014 IMPORTANT NOTE: Since this post was published SMIL animations have been deprecated and the animated demo will no longer work. I decided to leave it up though as the text along a path bit is still relevant. I recently wrote a more general post on getting started using SVG text and wanted to follow-up with a slightly more advanced feature: SVG text along a path. Inline SVG provides us w
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. I bet all of you have seen that little trick where an SVG path is animated to look like it’s drawing itself. It’s super cool. Jake Archibald pioneered the technique and has a super good interactive blog post on how it works. Brian Suda wrote about it on 24 Ways. Polygon used it to great effect on a
Clipping in CSS and SVG — The clip-path Property and <clipPath> Element Published on 08 Jul, 2014 | Takes approximately 13 min to read CSS and SVG have a lot in common. A lot of the features that we have in CSS today were imported from SVG. One of these features is the Clipping operation. Both CSS and SVG allow us to "clip" elements into custom non-rectangular shapes. In this article we will go