Documentation for Plugins - This offical documentation is good starting point, when writing a Composer plugin. Composer-Asset-Plugin - A npm/Bower Dependencies Manager for Composer. Composer-AWS - The plugin loads repository data and downloads packages from Amazon S3 (with authentication support for private repositories). Composer-Composition - Provides an API, for checking your environment at run
I have been putting together a new talk about Composer, and that means looking around the community, doing loads of research and trying to identify the items that need to be covered in a talk. Mostly I have been trying to identify things that people do on a regular basis that according to composer internals is either wrong or not ideal. One such thing that I have found is the proper selection of v
This is a response to Peter Petermann's article Composer and virtual packages. First, let's make this totally clear: I don't want to start an Internet war about this, I'm just pointing out some design issues that may arise from using Composer's provide option in your package's composer.json file. This means it's also nothing personal. To Peter: you wrote a very nice article and shed light on an un
Built to work with Composer Toran is built by Jordi Boggiano, lead developer of Composer. As such he can make sure they work well together. No surprises. Reliable and fast Composer deployments Toran acts as a proxy for Packagist, GitHub and other repositories. It is meant to be set up on your own server or even inside your office. This offers a few benefits: Redundant infrastructure to ensure your
Toran Proxy and the future of Composer Jordi Boggiano • June 19, 2014 news php TL;DR: New shiny product to support Composer development: Toran Proxy A bit of history I have spent quite a large part of the last three years working on both Composer and Packagist. This has been great fun for the most part, I learned tons, met a gazillion people both online and offline, got to travel places to talk ab
Composer Cheat Sheet for developers Composer is the dependency manager for PHP and you are on a one-page-only documentation for this tool. Official documentation is on the official website, this page just brings you the essential. composer.phar most needed command line $ composer require vendor-name/package-name $ composer install $ composer update $ composer update --lock $ composer dump-autoload
Adán Lobato gave a presentation on mastering Composer. He covered several topics including minimum stability, branch aliases, semantic versioning, private repositories using Satis and Packagist, building custom installers, and embedding Composer in applications. He provided many useful links for learning more about Composer and how to address common issues like managing dependencies, private packa
Composer の以下の問題が 2 月半ばあたりから話題になっていました。 Limit Replace / Provides to packages required by name in root package or any dep · Issue #2690 · composer/composer 一言で言うと、 条件によってはユーザの意図しないパッケージがインストールされてしまう という問題です。悪意のあるパッケージをインストールしたことに気づかれなければ、攻撃者の思い通りのコードを実行させることができてしまいます。 ざっくり説明すると、 Composer には fork したパッケージや、リネームしたパッケージ から 、元のパッケージを置き換えることのできる機能が存在する (本エン
日本でとても人気のあるフレームワーク、CakePHPですが話題の依存性管理ツールComposerと組み合わせる事でさらに便利に利用する事ができます。今回はその方法をVagrantを使ったデモと共にご紹介します。この記事で利用した環境のVagrantfileを使って頂くことでみなさんの手元でも同じ動作を確認できます。CakePHPをComposerからインストールした事が無い方は是非お試しください。 CakePHPをComposerで導入する利点 通常、CakePHPを利用する場合はZipかTarで配布されている最新版をダウンロードし、まるごとリポジトリに追加して開発を行うという形になります。すぐに動作させられるという点ではとても便利ですが、開発が長期になりフレームワークを最新版に差し替えたい場合に手作業が必要になります。またリポジトリ内に自分が記述したわけではないコードが大量に含まれるよう
How to use? 1. Setup your $COMPOSER_HOME/config.json (You can edit by composer config -g -e). { "repositories": [ { "packagist": false }, { "type": "composer", "url": "" } ] } 2. Enjoy Notice When you use this proxy, you cannot use search and notice functions. I'll suport these functions in future.