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はじめまして、れっどと申します。 題名の件について検索をかけましたところ、「OSSを使えばSB5.1VXで音が出る」という記述を見つけました。に記述があったのですが、それをUbuntu用にアレンジしました。 以下に手順を公開します。 1,からOSSをダウンロードします。 プルダウンから「Linux 2.6 (x86) (DEB)」を選び、Submitをクリックします。 2,Click here to download OSS for linux_26_x86_deb をクリックし、ダウンロードします。その後、そのファイルを開きます。 3,通常どおり、パッケージをインストールします。 4,Ubuntuを再起
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Sony PS3Eye Camera DirectShow Capture Source Filter *Update* v3.0.0.0901 Well, here it is… I managed to put together a first version of the DirectShow capture filter for PS3Eye camera. This will allow us to use this great camera in various Windows applications (assuming they are compatible with DirectShow system) including TouchLib for use in multitouch applications. I made single PS3EyeSetup appl
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As AI PCs become more prevalent, enterprises face the challenge of managing a mix of host computing devices with diverse CPU and GPU architectures—from Nvidia and Qualcomm to Intel, AMD, and Apple. This complexity often leads to inconsistent docking and display experiences. Synaptics' DisplayLink Pro is the one constant that works across everything—whether it's the latest AI PCs, Macs, Windows PCs
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Participate now and stand a chance to win a Kodak Ultra Mini Pocket Projector ! Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. Application software can access the USB device in the This page contains the VCP drivers currently available for FTDI devices. Click here to download the Windows 7 to Windows 11 and Windows Server (see note * be