Home Licence Credits Forum Please enter comments and feedback to info@bluehands.de Issue Tracking (public disabled) Info MyJingle is a sample program based on LibJingle. It was created while adding VoIP to LLuna. MyJingle is a test program. Its main purpose is to learn LibJingle using VS 2005 during complete peer to peer sessions. MyJingle shows how to use LibJingle on Windows in
libjingle License Agreement libjingle Copyright 2004--2007, Google Inc. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above co
A blog about voice, IM and open communications with Google Talk. I've been following all the buzz over the weekend in the blogosphere about the Libjingle release. You can check it out for yourself using Google Blog Search. I'm very pleased with all the excitement about what this technology can enable. However, when I read this post I realized that many of our users may not be clear on exactly what
Posted on 9月 20, 2008 Filed Under ice, xmpp, stun, udp, P2P | XMPPでP2Pの音声チャットセッションを確立する方法2 これの続き。 XEP-0176: Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method を読む。 This specification defines a Jingle transport method that results in sending media data using raw datagram sockets via the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This transport method is negotiated via the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) methodolo
の中身は XEP-0166: Jingle では扱ってない。 XEP-0166の中で、 Naturally, more complex scenarios are probable; such scenarios are described in other specifications, such as XEP-0167 for voice chat. ってのがあるのでポインタの先に飛んでみる XEP-0167: Jingle RTP Sessions This specification defines a Jingle application type for negotiating one or more sessions that use the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to exchange media such as voi
AbstractThis specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for initiating and managing peer-to-peer media sessions between two XMPP entities in a way that is interoperable with existing Internet standards. The protocol provides a pluggable model that enables the core session management semantics (compatible with SIP) to be used for a wide variety of application types (e.g., voice chat, video ch
Posted on 9月 20, 2008 Filed Under jingle, xmpp, libjingle, nat, P2P | 頭を整理するためのMemo GoogleTalkで使われているというjingle XEP-0166: Jingle XMPP protocol extension for initiating and managing peer-to-peer media sessions between two XMPP entities in a way that is interoperable with existing Internet standards 既存のInternet標準と共存できる方法で、2つのXMPPentities間でP2Pメディアセッションを確立、管理するためのXMPPプロトコルの拡張。 In essence, Jingle en
About libjingle libjingle is a collection of open-source C++ code and sample applications that enables you to build a peer-to-peer application. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data. It also provides helper tasks such as parsing XML, and handling network
利用方法 1. Google トーク デベロッパー ドキュメントを確認します。 2. クライアントをビルドしてサービスを Google トークに接続するか、ウェブページにクライアントを埋め込みます。 Google トークについて Google トークはオープン プロトコル上に構築されたインスタント メッセージング サービスです。Google が IM サービスを開設したのは、ユーザーが独自のクライアント アプリケーションを Google トーク サービスにフックしたり、サービスを Google のサービスに接続 (フェデレート) したりできるようにするためです。 Google トーク サービスは、次のオープンソース プロトコル上に構築されています。 XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol の略で、インスタント メッセージングの