We have some exciting news to share: RD-Textures scans are now becoming part of the Quixel Megascans library. We’re delighted to further our mission of empowering artists by making our scans more accessible than ever. What does this mean for your purchases? You still have access to all your purchases and can download them from the RD-Textures website until 3 April 2022. From now onwards you can al
ベンチャー、スタートアップのサービス、事業の魅力を3分間の動画でお届けするASCII STARTUP ライトニングトーク第62回は、ドローン映像から高精細な3Dマップを作成できる『Pixtier』だ。 プレゼンしてくれたのは、Pixtier (ピクスティアー)のDror Ouzana (ドロール・オウザナ)CEO。同社の事業説明は動画をご覧ください。 動画で説明していた『Pixtier』は、ドローンなど空撮から取得した多数の画像を独自開発のアルゴリズムを用いて処理することで高精度な3Dマップを生成するソフトウェア。断片的な撮影映像で高コストな3Dマップの制作をグーグルアースの20倍の解像度で実現していて、更新率も高い。初期のクライアントには地方自治体およびインフラ企業を想定しており、将来的にはVR領域でのコンテンツ提供を予定だ。 ■関連サイト Pixtier “ASCII STARTUP
Presentation by Andrew Hamilton and Ken Brown from DICE at GDC 2016. Overview Photogrammetry has started to gain steam within the Games Industry in recent years. At DICE, this technique was first used on Battlefield and they fully embraced the technology and workflow for Star Wars: Battlefront. This talk will cover their research and development, planning and production, techniques, key takeaways
Here's part 1 of a 4 part guide to PhotoScan! In this video, we focus on some basic principles that will improve your scans, and help you avoid problems many beginners run into. Three more in-depth tutorials are coming next month! Be sure to check out Ten24's website: http://www.ten24.info/ as well as their scan store! It's awesome!: http://www.3dscanstore.com/ Music: "Take You Home" by Silent P
Autodesk ReCap Pro software helps designers and engineers capture high-quality, detailed models of real-world assets. Use ReCap Pro to: Create 3D models from photographs or laser scans to transform real-world objects and environments into digital assets Leverage cloud-based workflows to efficiently update, extract features, and manage files in the cloud In addition to a subscription, you need Auto
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We continue to be impressed by the flexibility of the software and the willingness of the 3DFlow team to work with us in customizing Zephyr for our pipeline 3DF Zephyr’s workshop was very informative. From drones to cultural heritage, the 3d Flow team tailored the course to the needs of each individual in the class. Their willingness to answer questions and customize their software to the specific
Real 3D Scans Anatomy 360 pose packs use full-colour full body 3d scans, captured with our state of the art 180 camera scanning system. Complete Lighting Control Anatomy 360 offers the user complete creative control over the lighting angles, intensity, and colour settings. Drawing Tools Our set of drawing tools includes a sketch mode, perspective grids, silhouette model and profile slice tools. Av