Sweet Home 3D Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application which helps you draw the plan of your house, arrange furniture on it and visit the results in 3D.
Posted at 2010/10/22 01:59, Modified at 2010/10/22 03:42 Facebook のフロントエンドは結構かわったことをやっていて、例えば、ログイン後の http://www.facebook.com/home.php には <div id="pagelet_home_stream"></div> みたいな空の HTML があり、その後に <script>big_pipe.onPageletArrive({ … });</script> <script>big_pipe.onPageletArrive({ … });</script> ... と script 要素が何個もならんでいる。 BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance この仕組みは (変数名のとおり) BigPipe と呼
What is it? Mscgen is a small program that parses Message Sequence Chart descriptions and produces PNG, SVG, EPS or server side image maps (ismaps) as the output. Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are a way of representing entities and interactions over some time period and are often used in combination with SDL. MSCs are popular in Telecoms to specify how protocols operate although MSCs need not be
SproutCore is an open-source framework for building blazingly fast, innovative user experiences on the web. Install Sproutcore View on GitHub New Tutorial to Help You Get Up and Running! You've heard all about SproutCore and now it's time to see for yourself. It's easier than ever to get started with our new tutorial. In it you'll learn: How to install SproutCore on your machine How to build your
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Some random thoughts and (vaguely) interesting things I see or do. I keep getting back to some references on the best practices for C++/Java API design so I decided to summarize them all here for future reference. General design guidelines Be minimal: A minimal API is one that has as few public members per class and as few classes as possible. This makes it easier to understand, remember, debug, a
Xoilac TV ️️- Trực tiếp XoilacTV bóng đá, xem TTBD hôm nay HD Xoilac tv xem trực tiếp bóng đá Euro 2024 - Kênh xôi lạc tv phát trực tuyến bóng đá miễn phí với chất lượng full HD - Xem bóng đá hôm nay cùng đội ngũ BLV hot nhất. Link xem bóng đá Xoilac cập nhật ngày 14-10-2024 Ngày nay, nhu cầu xem bóng đá trực tuyến trên mọi nền tảng ngày càng gia tăng bởi nó mang lại rất nhiều
いまどきのデスクトップは色々モダンになっている. ただモダン化は API の裏側で進んでいるため, あまり興味を持たれていないらしい. 一見いろいろウォッチしていそうな知り合いと話していてわかった. 利用者視点の話題では, いまどきのデスクトップというとたとえばウィンドウが ヘナヘナ揺れるといったアイ・キャンディばかりが連想される. でもそのアイ・キャンディに至るにはきっと山ほど苦労があったはず. そのへんをちょっとねぎらってみたい. 念頭にあるのは Windows Vista, Mac OSX, XGL あたり. まず共通の階層化されたアーキテクチャを想定し, ケーススタディを交えつつその層を下から上へ順にたどっていきます. 復習: デスクトップ処理系の階層構造 そもそもデスクトップの中味はどんな構成をとっているのか. ざっと眺めておこう. 典型的なデスクトップ処理系のアーキテクチャはだ