Web Developer working on @kintone at @cybozu. Loves JavaScript and Curry! 🍛 Old slides: https://www.slideshare.net/teppeis/presentations
The changes of proposal’s status @ 93th meeting of Ecma TC39 ECMA-262 New Proposals Proposal Stage
はじめに 個人的に TC39 meeting をウォッチしてまとめている @petamoriken です。 ECMAScript の Decorators の提案は何度も改定しています。その割にあまり知れ渡っていません。この記事ではその変遷と最終的な Decorators の仕様について簡単にまとめようと思います。 この発表スライドを見ると流れがわかりやすいかもしれません。 最初の提案(2014年~2015年頃) 最初の提案はこのような形式をしていました。 Decorators 自体はただの函数で、引数にクラスとプロパティ名そしてプロパティディスクリプタを受け取り、そのプロパティディスクリプタを加工して返すようになっています。こうすることでプロトタイプに Object.defineProperty 相当の処理がなされる前に割り込むことが出来ます。 実装 TypeScript で exper
text/plain ericlaw talks about security, the web, and software in general Last Updated: 13 November 2023 For privacy reasons, the web platform is moving away from supporting 3rd-party cookies, first with lockdowns, and eventually with removal of support starting at 1% in Q1 2024 (was late 2023) and completed in the third quarter of 2024. The Edge team will almost certainly follow the Chrome team,
Let us consider a few scenarios from the real world to understand what we are trying to solve in this proposal. On MouseEvent we are interested on 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey' events only. We have a configObject and we need ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies'] from it. We have an optionsBagand we would allow on ['shell', 'env', 'extendEnv', 'uid', 'gid'] on it. Fro
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the meeting that was held between 19-21st July 2022. Stage 4: Hashbang Grammar: match de-facto usage in some CLI JS hosts that allow for #! Shebangs / Hashbang. Stage 3: Duplicate named capturing groups: allow regex capturing group names to be repeated. Stage 2: Import Reflection: Proposal for sy