Menú Surfacing & Shading Artist.
Mitsuba 3 is a research-oriented retargetable rendering system, written in portable C++17 on top of the Dr.Jit Just-In-Time compiler. It is developed by the Realistic Graphics Lab at EPFL. It can be compiled into many variants with optional derivative tracking, dynamic compilation via LLVM or CUDA, and various radiance representations (monochrome, RGB, or spectral light, potentially with polarizat
Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use. Originally inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware, Wings 3D has been developed since 2001, when Björn Gustavsson (bjorng) and Dan Gudmundsson (dgud) first started the project. Richard Jones (optigon) maintained Wings and coded many new features between 2006 and 2012. Wings 3D is currently maintained by Dan with the
Build experiences that drive engagement and increase transactions Connect your users - doctors, gamers, shoppers, or lovers - wherever they are. Sendbird's chat, voice, and video APIs power conversations and communities in hundreds of the most innovative apps and products. Sendbird’s feature-rich platform, and pre-fab UI components make developers more productive. We take care of a ton of operatio
Seven Degrees of Freedom View My GitHub Profile Download MacOS Windows Source code About K-3D is free-as-in-freedom 3D modeling and animation software. It combines flexible plugins with a visualization pipeline architecture, making K-3D a versatile and powerful tool for artists. Easy K-3D's interface uses your platform's look-and-feel, and it's consistent with the applications you already know. Ne
「Art of Illusion」 ホームページ用の素材作りや年賀状のデザインなど、パソコンで絵を描くことも増えてきていると思う。中には、平面的なイラストに飽きて、立体的なイラストに挑戦したいと思う人もいるだろう。しかし、3次元のモデリングや画像生成を行う3DCGソフトは、難しそうなイメージがあり、敷居が高く感じられるかもしれない。今回紹介する「Art of Illusion」は、3DCGの入門には持ってこいのソフトウェアだと言える。オープンソースで開発、提供されていて、無償で入手できるため、気軽に3DCGに挑戦できる。また、基本から応用まで幅広い利用が可能である。 注意:本稿では、ソフトウェアのインストールを行っていますが、ソフトウェアの利用は使用者の責任で行ってください。 Art of Illusionをインストール はじめに、「Art of Illusion」のインストールと実行には
Just last month, the Blender Foundation released its third open movie, Sintel, which you can watch below and on YouTube. Just like its previous short films online, the Blender Foundation used only open-source or free software to produce movies of at least 10 minutes for everyone to rejoice and learn about the potential of the 3D animation software and video editor Blender. Blender is cross-platfor
After a decade of waiting, iconic Marvel and Capcom characters join forces again in a re-envisioned team fighting game for a new generation. Fill the shoes of legendary characters from the most beloved franchises in entertainment as you battle in a living comic book brought to life in a VS. fighting game for the first time by Capcom's MT Framework. PRE-ORDER: Marvel vs Capcom 3: FTW - Coming Q2, 2