Kotlinの言語思想として Multiplatform Programming というテーマが掲げられている (2021/05/05時点まだ Alpha だけど) Kotlin Overviewのセクションの一番上に Multiplatform Programmingのセクション があるくらい Kotlin Multiplatform の概念は下図の通りで、Server, Web Frontend, Mobile Appまで全て一貫してKotlinで書ける未来を目指している (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform.html より) Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) はこの中でもさらに Android-iOS間でのコードの共有 に焦点を当てている この辺りの概要は以下のスライドが非常にわかりやすい https:
We are always looking for ways to make learning Android development accessible for all. In 2020, we announced the launch of Android Basics in Kotlin, a free self-paced programming course. Since then, over 100,000 beginners have completed their first milestone in the course. Android Basics in Kotlin teaches people with no programming experience how to build simple Android apps. Along the way, stude
(Updated) The new backend is Stable and is itching to be made the new default. We need each of you to start adopting it, testing it, and giving us feedback so we can give it a final polish, let’s look at how you can start using it. What is IR backend? After the compiler frontend is done analyzing the code, the backend generates the executables. We have three backends: Kotlin/JVM, Kotlin/JS, and Ko
Posted by James Lau, Product Manager (twitter.com/jmslau) Today is the beginning of KotlinConf. It's been almost 6 months since we announced Kotlin as a first-class language for Android at Google I/O. During this period, the number of apps on Google Play using Kotlin has more than doubled. More than 17% of the projects in Android Studio 3.0 are now using Kotlin. We are really excited about the str
By Mike Cleron, Director, Android Platform Today the Android team is excited to announce that we are officially adding support for the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin is a brilliantly designed, mature language that we believe will make Android development faster and more fun. It has already been adopted by several major developers — Expedia, Flipboard, Pinterest, Square, and others — for their
今回からプログラマに優しい現実指向JVM言語 Kotlinを紹介します。最終的なゴールとしてはKotlinを使ったAndroidアプリケーション開発を解説します。今回は導入として、Kotlinの概要や特徴について説明します。 Kotlinとは Kotlin(コトリン)というプログラミング言語をご存じですか? IntelliJ IDEAなどのIDE(Integrated Development Environment:統合開発環境)で有名なJetBrainsが中心となって開発が進められている新しいプログラミング言語です。2011年夏に発表され、現在Apache 2.0ライセンスのもと、OSS(Open Source Software)として開発環境とそのソースコードが公開されています。 Kotlinで書かれたコードはJVM(Java Virtual Machine:Java仮想マシン)で動作