In 2014 Etsy’s infrastructure group was handed a challenge: scale Etsy’s API cluster 20x. Many efforts were simultaneously undertaken to meet this chall…
![HHVM at Etsy](
HHVM - PHP++ PAUL TARJAN HHVM OPEN SOURCE SARA GOLEMON HHVM OPEN SOURCE What is HHVM? HHVM is not a source transformer That was HPHPc, it’s dead. ▪ Runs your PHP pages live, just like PHP ▪ Uses standard FastCGI transport ! ! ▪ Runs anywhere (on 64-bit x86 linux) ▪ Drop-in replacement for PHP (mostly) Webserver (apache, nginx, etc…) cart.php home.php login.php index.php PHP A P C Database (mys
Fred Emmott HHVM 3.3.0 Posted September 19, 2014 Today we released HHVM 3.3.0, the first of our releases with long term support (until the August 13th 2015 release - potentially 3.9); some of the highlights: Support for async lambda functions in Hack. Destructors for objects that are still alive at the end of the request are now called by default. Much more of XDebug is implemented (including remo
みなさんこんにちは。hackしてますか? 今日はhhvmのC++拡張(Extension)について書いてみます。 前振り hhvmはfacebookが開発・公開しているPHPの処理系のうちの一つでC++で書かれており、linux上でのJITがサポートされており場合によってはとても高速にPHPアプリケーションを実行する事ができます。 勿論Native拡張を書くこともでき、既存のライブラリ資産の有効活用やどうしても速度が出ない部分の改善などが簡単に行えるので手段として知っていると便利です。 この記事をきっかけにhhvm Extensionのとっかかりになれば嬉しいです。 開発環境を作る 開発環境はlinuxの環境を整えましょう。 OSXやその他の環境でのビルドも対応しているのですがJIT未対応だったり予期せぬバグや地雷を踏む可能性が高いので積極的にOSXのバグフィックスを行ってフィードバックし
Paul Tarjan HHVM 3.0.0 Posted March 28, 2014 This is a fun one! :) At our last major version bump (2.0.0), we basically became a whole new project. We switched from a “PHP -> C++” translator to a virtual machine. This version bump (3.0.0) is a much less dramatic code shift (we’re still a VM, don’t worry), but this time the big announcement is that we support a new language, Hack. I’d like to take
Moving fast with high performance Hack The landing page for HHVM and the blog of Hack/HHVM What is HHVM? HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve great runtime performance while maintaining amazing development flexibility. HHVM supports the Hack programming language. We are moving fast, ma
I am baffled as to why you'd build your castle atop a crumbling foundation.I have wondered why FB didn't use a proper language with proper typing to begin with. I mean, I "understand" logistically: they already had a giant codebase in PHP, migrating a codebase is expensive, and it's difficult to hire and train 1000s of hackers in e.g., OCaml. (They do have some OCaml people, but they are outliers.
These charts so the speed with which a benchmarking script ran the various PHP runtimes. For more information please see my related blog post and the relevant GitHub repository. A quick guide to the terms used: IterationsNumber of times the script is executed.SeedThe size of the Mandelbrot set to create. The higher the seed the greater the work involved.Average of 1 iterations with a seed of 100
HHVM vs Zephir vs PHP: The showdownFeb 28, 2014 · 11 minute read Since its inception the slow running speed of PHP has been widely publicised and over the years there have been a number of improvements. The first Zend Engine arrived with PHP4 and delivered various performance enhancements (among other features). Each release since this time has delivered some sort of increased efficiency in one wa
Lots of people have been asking about how to install HHVM with Nginx for use with Laravel. Here's how. Updated on 3/31/2014 for use with HHVM 3.0! Assumptions This article is written for both Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS. However, this can be installed on your Mac as well via Brew (nginx here and hhvm here). Information on installing HHVM on other server distributions (including newer Ubuntu's)