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おまけ話として、mdbmはLinear Hashingと呼ばれるハッシュアルゴリズムの影響を強く受けています。 Linear Hashingの詳細はwikipediaをご覧ください。 このアルゴリズムによりmdbmは、扱うデータサイズが大きくなれば、動的にHashTableを拡大することができる非常に便利な特性を持っています。 しかし、冷静になって考えてみてみましょう。このLinear Hasingの管理用のテーブルを走査する計算コストは可能なら避けるべきです。 mdbmをはじめ、多くのKVSでは最終的なデータのサイズの予想がつくのであれば、あらかじめ大きめのサイズでデータベースファイルを作成する方が好ましいでしょう。 この辺の話に興味がありましたら、コードの「hashval_to_pagenum()」
(Keep It) Simple Stupid Database KISSDB is about the simplest key/value store you'll ever see, anywhere. It's written in plain vanilla C using only the standard string and FILE I/O functions, and should port to just about anything with a disk or something that acts like one. It stores keys and values of fixed length in a stupid-simple file format based on fixed-size hash tables. If a hash collisio blog/ Benchmarking BDB, CDB and Tokyo Cabinet on large datasets At my job we have need of a high-performance hash lookup database in our antispam product. It's used to store Bayes tokens for quick lookups on individual scanning systems, and is read-only in the fast path (mail scanning) with updates taking place in another process. For the last few years, we've been using a plain old Berkel
Tree-like Constant Database, or tcdb, is an extension to D. J. Bernstein's cdb file format. tcdb is a hash table that can contain a tree structure whose edges and nodes can be represented as key/value pairs. tcdb is suitable to represent directory structures or sparse matrices. tcdb is also suitable for storing a large number of key/value pairs that have common prefix. Like an original cdb file, a
Constant Database, known as cdb, is an elegant data structure proposed by D. J. Bernstein. It is suitable for looking up static data which is associated with arbitrary byte sequences (usually strings). Although DJB already explained this in his cdb page, it is not easy to implement this because his document lacks some important information such as the number of each subtable. Here I tried to illus
ふと組み込み型 kvs の cdb(constant database) の仕様を知りたくなったのでメモ。 URL 特徴 オフィシャルサイトの “What is it?” のコピペ cdb is a fast, reliable, simple package for creating and reading constant databases. Its database structure provides several features: Fast lookups: A successful lookup in a large database norma
NoSQLデータベースファーストガイド 作者: 佐々木達也出版社/メーカー: 秀和システム発売日: 2011/04メディア: 大型本購入: 8人 クリック: 859回この商品を含むブログ (29件) を見る Index Standalone KVSのPerformance比較 Performanceの結果 MachineSpec TinyCDB Feature Setup Write Performance Read Perfomance QDBM Feature Setup Write Performance Read Perfomance Memcached Feature Setup Write Performance Read Perfomance Standalone KVSの性能比較 TinyCDB - a Constant DataBase データベースライブラリ QDBM
As dataset sizes grow, you need to buy larger/faster database machines, or shard data across multiple machines. sortdb is a database server we have written to help fill a specific need for performant access to static data. One observation about many datasets is that there is often a small dataset that is heavily updated, and a larger older related dataset that does not change. It is this second ca