Posted by glenn on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Posted in optimization, activerecord, rubyonrails Apologies to all for the extended hiatus, I was in the US for a month on holiday; and then I just got lazy. Anyway, I'm back and plugging someone else's extension. I came across ActiveRecord Extension last night, and was quite frankly dumbfounded that 1) I hadn't come across it before, and 2) More peopl
My understanding was that if the ruby VM has parallel threads running and dynamic class definition/alteration is occurring, that is VM-wide and therefore the threads can collide and screw each other up. Zed Shaw wrote the following in “Katana Suicide Concurrency” on Jun 5 2006. “I resisted doing this, but it’s going to come down sooner or later now that François SIMOND figured it out. Mongrel was
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