The MacPorts Project Official Homepage The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system. To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to thousa
The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. We modify Unix software so that it compiles and runs on Mac OS X ("port" it) and make it available for download as a coherent distribution. Fink uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get to provide powerful binary package management. You can choose whether you want to download precompiled binary packa
MacOS X WorkShop -- apt-rpm system on MacOS X -- 10.5-1 for Intel/PowerPCNext: 1 更新情報 MacOS X WorkShop -- apt-rpm system on MacOS X -- 10.5-1 for Intel/PowerPC CarbonEmacs パッケージを入れ、TeX のパッケージを入れ、、、 ghostscript を入れ、gnuplot を入れ、、、、 ドットファイル群を設定して、、、、 でも、LaTeXiT が動かなかったりする。。。。 web 上の掲示板でしばしば目にする光景です。 みんな殆ど同じ事をするのに、 ひとり一人が、或は一台一台大変な作業を繰り返すのは 開発者か趣味でもない限り 大いなる無駄!! だと思いませんか? MacOS X で LaTeX や emacs 等の環境を
GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. Digital liberties, and in general. Features GNU and Darwin-based OSComplete package setInternet and web servicesLarge and complete source code archiveVast online library of software do