InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example
Though this page is called "Published Patterns," all of the active patterns are listed including Works in Progress. However, you can't see the Works in Progress unless you are an author, because we want to encourage authors to openly offer their works only to a community of trusted critics. Also, we want you to check this page if you are considering writing a pattern, because someone else may alre
Make Large Scale Changes Incrementally with Branch By Abstraction Published 05 May 2011 Translations: 中文 | 한국말 Many development teams are used to making heavy use of branches in version control. Distributed version control systems make this even more convenient. Thus one of the more controversial statements in Continuous Delivery is that you can't do continuous integration and use branches. By def
As I hear stories about teams using a microservices architecture, I've noticed a common pattern. Almost all the successful microservice stories have started with a monolith that got too big and was broken up Almost all the cases where I've heard of a system that was built as a microservice system from scratch, it has ended up in serious trouble. This pattern has led many of my colleagues to argue
Table of ContentsPrefaceIntroductionSolving Integration Problems using PatternsIntegration StylesFile TransferShared DatabaseRemote Procedure InvocationMessagingMessaging SystemsMessage ChannelMessagePipes and FiltersMessage RouterMessage TranslatorMessage EndpointMessaging ChannelsPoint-to-Point ChannelPublish-Subscribe ChannelDatatype ChannelInvalid Message ChannelDead Letter ChannelGuaranteed D
"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern"(EIP) is the paper I liked the most last year. It gave me a brand new look over something which I had be using for years: the for loop. In this post I'll try to present some ideas of that paper and show how to implement the solution described by the authors using Scalaz-like code. A minimum previous exposure to functional programming, functors and monads will d
MVVMパターンに関する認識・知見があちこちに散らばっているように見えるので、そろそろまとめてみる事にしました。この記事は、他の各サイトの記事などでMVVMの基本的な考え方・実装方法などを把握されている方が対象です。 そういった方がMVVMパターンを実務に適応してみようと思った時や、MVVMパターンを要件に合わせてカスタマイズしていく際に、認識すべきパターンの実装方式のそもそもの理由と考え方、要件に合わせて考えていかなければならないポイントを把握する助けとなる情報を提供するのを目的としてこの記事を書きました。(文字ばかりですいません><) MVVMの実装の各要素の実装をこねくりまわすばかりで、その過程でパターンを把握している気になって、パターンの本来の目的を破壊してしまうような実装を推奨してしまっている人も見ます。そんな滑稽な事をしない認識を持って欲しいのです。 MVVMパターンは、WPF
AsianPLoP 2010: 1st Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs March 16-17, 2010, Tokyo, Japan, co-located with GRACE International Symposium on Advanced Software Engineering Home Topics Submission Important dates Program Committee 日本語 AsianPLoP is a PLoP ® Conference sanctioned by the Hillside Group. PLoP is a registered trademark of The Hillside Group. What's New (Nov 13) AsianPLoP 201