Fred Emmott Ending PHP Support, and The Future Of Hack Posted September 12, 2018 Ending Support for PHP HHVM v3.30 will be the last release series where HHVM aims to support PHP. The key dates are: 2018-12-03: branch cut: expect PHP code to stop working with master and nightly builds after this date 2018-12-17: expected release date for v3.30.0 2019-01-28: expected release date for v4.0.0, without
What is Eta? Eta is a pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM. It brings two big ecosystems, the JVM and Haskell, together. This allows you to harness the best of both ecosystems to build your applications quickly and effectively. Eta's concurrency support helps you to build highly scalable systems.
In Holland there used to be many windmills. They were used to pump the water from the polders, grind flour, saw wood, etc. Only few of them remain now, but the name Moolenaar can be found all around the world. An overview of people who are called Moolenaar and are present on the Internet: by country alphabetical If your last name is Moolenaar, you can get an entry on these pages by filling out thi