Holden Kelm
02/2021: "Schleiermacher's Lectures on Aesthetics in context. On the reflexion and application of digital methods in constellation research" (DFG), associated with the BBAW-project "Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808-1834"
08/2020-01/2021: Scientic assisstent at the BBAW: "Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808-1834" (Schleiermacher's Lectures on Ethics)
04/2016-07/2020: Scientic assisstent at the BBAW, associated with the Schleiermacher-Forschungsstelle "Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808-1834" with the (DFG-)Project: "F.D.E. Schleiermachers Vorlesungen über Ästhetik, historisch-kritische Edition."
07/2015-02/2016: Digital Edition of Alexander Schweizer's transcript of Schleiermacher's Lectures on Aesthetics (1832/33) in Berlin (Gerda-Henkel-Scholarship for Post-Doc-Researchers)
2013 PhD-Thesis: "Hegel und Foucault. Die Geschichtlichkeit des Wissens als Entwicklung und Transformation" (published 2015). Herein I discuss the concept of the historicity of knowledge in Hegels "Phenomenology of Spirit" and Foucaults "Archaeology of Knowledge"
2007: M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin): Philosophy, Sociology and Classical Archaeology
08/2020-01/2021: Scientic assisstent at the BBAW: "Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808-1834" (Schleiermacher's Lectures on Ethics)
04/2016-07/2020: Scientic assisstent at the BBAW, associated with the Schleiermacher-Forschungsstelle "Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808-1834" with the (DFG-)Project: "F.D.E. Schleiermachers Vorlesungen über Ästhetik, historisch-kritische Edition."
07/2015-02/2016: Digital Edition of Alexander Schweizer's transcript of Schleiermacher's Lectures on Aesthetics (1832/33) in Berlin (Gerda-Henkel-Scholarship for Post-Doc-Researchers)
2013 PhD-Thesis: "Hegel und Foucault. Die Geschichtlichkeit des Wissens als Entwicklung und Transformation" (published 2015). Herein I discuss the concept of the historicity of knowledge in Hegels "Phenomenology of Spirit" and Foucaults "Archaeology of Knowledge"
2007: M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin): Philosophy, Sociology and Classical Archaeology
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Papers by Holden Kelm
Drafts by Holden Kelm