Problem statement: Edge detection is an important field in image proc essing. Edges characterize ... more Problem statement: Edge detection is an important field in image proc essing. Edges characterize object boundaries and are therefore us eful for segmentation, registration, feature extraction, and identification of objects in a scen e. Approach: This study presented a novel method for edge detection using 2D Gamma distribution. Edge detection is traditionally implemented by convolving the image with masks. These
Image segmentation is a fundamental step in many applications of image processing. Many technique... more Image segmentation is a fundamental step in many applications of image processing. Many techniques exist for image segmentation based on different methods as classification-based methods, edge-based methods, region-based methods, and hybrid methods. The principal approach of segmentation is based on thresholding (classification) that is lied to the problem of the thresholds estimation. We assume that the data of image can be modeled by Gamma distribution. In this paper, we will explain a new method that estimates thresholds using the unsupervised learning technique (ISODATA) with Gamma distribution. The ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique) method is one of the classification-based methods in image segmentation. It is an unsupervised classification algorithm. The objective of this algorithm is to split a non-homogeneous region into two sub-regions by using statistical parameters of the Gamma distribution of two sub-regions. Experimental results showed good segmentation for artificial and real images.
Braille is a very important communication code for low vision and blind people. Recently, there h... more Braille is a very important communication code for low vision and blind people. Recently, there has been an increasing trend to use computers for entering, editing and printing Braille documents using special purpose software and printers. Also, there is a large number of old Braille documents that have started to wear out and they need to be reproduced so that they can be preserved and copies made available to many people. Hence, the motivation of this research is the need to duplicate many of Braille documents automatically in very easy manner (like traditional photocopying machine) to be preserved and copies made available to many people. Implications of this research include building a Braille Copier machine that produces copies of Braille documents in exact format regardless of the language used. In addition, this machine is able to work as two-in-one (Coping and Printing). The method used requires optical recognition and image processing techniques so that Braille papers can b...
Breast cancer detection is one of the crucial research problems in which mammogram image segmenta... more Breast cancer detection is one of the crucial research problems in which mammogram image segmentation plays key role. Thresholding is one of the widely used segmentation approach. In this approach the challenge is to calculate the optimal threshold that separates the lesion from the background (mainly tissue). Various thresholding techniques have been proposed. Using moment preserving principle an image can be segmented into meaningful gray level segments while preserving moments of the original image. On the other hand Gamma function better models the distribution of gray levels in a mammogram. Exploiting moment preserving principle and Gamma distribution, a novel thresholding technique for the segmentation of mammograms is proposed. We tested our algorithm on several DDSM database images and found that it segments the lesion part from the background in a better way.
Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death among women worldwide. Mammography is an effecti... more Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death among women worldwide. Mammography is an effective imaging modality for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Understanding the nature of data in breast images is very important for developing a model that fits well the data. Gaussian distribution is widely used for modeling the data in breast images but due to the asymmetric nature of the distribution of gray levels in mammogram, Gamma distribution is more suitable. Exploiting Gamma distribution for modeling the k-mean method, we developed an efficient technique for the segmentation of mammograms. The approach was tested over several images taken from mini-MIAS (Mammogram Image Analysis Society, UK) database. The experimental results on mammogram images using this technique showed improvement in the accuracy of breast segmentation for breast cancer detection.
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 2010
Abstract Recently, Personal Identification System becomes a key factor for safety and secures env... more Abstract Recently, Personal Identification System becomes a key factor for safety and secures environments. Iris segmentation step is one of the most important steps that plays a vital role in the accuracy and efficiency of Personal Identification System. Pupil detection ...
2012 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 2012
ABSTRACT With one million new cases in the world every year, breast cancer is the most common mal... more ABSTRACT With one million new cases in the world every year, breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and it has been proved that an early diagnosis of the disease can help to strongly enhance the expectancy of survival. Mammography is the most effective imaging method for detecting no-palpable early-stage breast cancer. Image processing techniques has been used for processing the mammogram image. Image thresholding is an important concept, both in the area of objects segmentation and recognition. It has been widely used due to the simplicity of implementation and speed of time execution. Many thresholding techniques have been proposed in the literature. The aim of this paper is to provide formula and their implementation to threshold images using Between-Class Variance with a Mixture of Gamma Distributions. The algorithms will be described by given their steps, and applications. Experimental results are presented to show good results on segmentation of mammogram image.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009
Images segmentation is an important issue for many applications as pattern recognition and comput... more Images segmentation is an important issue for many applications as pattern recognition and computer vision. Thresholding is an important and fast technique used in most applications. Gaussian Otsu's method is a thresholding technique based on between class variance. Gamma ...
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, 1997
This paper presents a new 2D disparity-estimation algorithm. Disparity is calculated from an esti... more This paper presents a new 2D disparity-estimation algorithm. Disparity is calculated from an estima-tion of the phase di erence between two views of the same scene from di erent angles. This phase di er-ence is obtained by convolution of the two views with the ...
SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Cat. No.98CH36218), 1998
An automatic detection model for ship targets in RADARSAT SAR images is being developed by using ... more An automatic detection model for ship targets in RADARSAT SAR images is being developed by using statistical methods, Radon transform and other image processing techniques. This paper presents current progress made on the detection model.
In this paper we introduce MWF- Multi-Window Filter as an adaptive smoothing technique which oper... more In this paper we introduce MWF- Multi-Window Filter as an adaptive smoothing technique which operates in a 5x5 pixel moving kernel utilizing the statistical properties of the local area understudy. These statistical properties are the first (mean- µ ) and the second moment (variance- 2 σ ). In contrast to other methods (median, mean, etc.), it works with nine windows.
Problem statement: Edge detection is an important field in image proc essing. Edges characterize ... more Problem statement: Edge detection is an important field in image proc essing. Edges characterize object boundaries and are therefore us eful for segmentation, registration, feature extraction, and identification of objects in a scen e. Approach: This study presented a novel method for edge detection using 2D Gamma distribution. Edge detection is traditionally implemented by convolving the image with masks. These
Image segmentation is a fundamental step in many applications of image processing. Many technique... more Image segmentation is a fundamental step in many applications of image processing. Many techniques exist for image segmentation based on different methods as classification-based methods, edge-based methods, region-based methods, and hybrid methods. The principal approach of segmentation is based on thresholding (classification) that is lied to the problem of the thresholds estimation. We assume that the data of image can be modeled by Gamma distribution. In this paper, we will explain a new method that estimates thresholds using the unsupervised learning technique (ISODATA) with Gamma distribution. The ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique) method is one of the classification-based methods in image segmentation. It is an unsupervised classification algorithm. The objective of this algorithm is to split a non-homogeneous region into two sub-regions by using statistical parameters of the Gamma distribution of two sub-regions. Experimental results showed good segmentation for artificial and real images.
Braille is a very important communication code for low vision and blind people. Recently, there h... more Braille is a very important communication code for low vision and blind people. Recently, there has been an increasing trend to use computers for entering, editing and printing Braille documents using special purpose software and printers. Also, there is a large number of old Braille documents that have started to wear out and they need to be reproduced so that they can be preserved and copies made available to many people. Hence, the motivation of this research is the need to duplicate many of Braille documents automatically in very easy manner (like traditional photocopying machine) to be preserved and copies made available to many people. Implications of this research include building a Braille Copier machine that produces copies of Braille documents in exact format regardless of the language used. In addition, this machine is able to work as two-in-one (Coping and Printing). The method used requires optical recognition and image processing techniques so that Braille papers can b...
Breast cancer detection is one of the crucial research problems in which mammogram image segmenta... more Breast cancer detection is one of the crucial research problems in which mammogram image segmentation plays key role. Thresholding is one of the widely used segmentation approach. In this approach the challenge is to calculate the optimal threshold that separates the lesion from the background (mainly tissue). Various thresholding techniques have been proposed. Using moment preserving principle an image can be segmented into meaningful gray level segments while preserving moments of the original image. On the other hand Gamma function better models the distribution of gray levels in a mammogram. Exploiting moment preserving principle and Gamma distribution, a novel thresholding technique for the segmentation of mammograms is proposed. We tested our algorithm on several DDSM database images and found that it segments the lesion part from the background in a better way.
Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death among women worldwide. Mammography is an effecti... more Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death among women worldwide. Mammography is an effective imaging modality for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Understanding the nature of data in breast images is very important for developing a model that fits well the data. Gaussian distribution is widely used for modeling the data in breast images but due to the asymmetric nature of the distribution of gray levels in mammogram, Gamma distribution is more suitable. Exploiting Gamma distribution for modeling the k-mean method, we developed an efficient technique for the segmentation of mammograms. The approach was tested over several images taken from mini-MIAS (Mammogram Image Analysis Society, UK) database. The experimental results on mammogram images using this technique showed improvement in the accuracy of breast segmentation for breast cancer detection.
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 2010
Abstract Recently, Personal Identification System becomes a key factor for safety and secures env... more Abstract Recently, Personal Identification System becomes a key factor for safety and secures environments. Iris segmentation step is one of the most important steps that plays a vital role in the accuracy and efficiency of Personal Identification System. Pupil detection ...
2012 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 2012
ABSTRACT With one million new cases in the world every year, breast cancer is the most common mal... more ABSTRACT With one million new cases in the world every year, breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and it has been proved that an early diagnosis of the disease can help to strongly enhance the expectancy of survival. Mammography is the most effective imaging method for detecting no-palpable early-stage breast cancer. Image processing techniques has been used for processing the mammogram image. Image thresholding is an important concept, both in the area of objects segmentation and recognition. It has been widely used due to the simplicity of implementation and speed of time execution. Many thresholding techniques have been proposed in the literature. The aim of this paper is to provide formula and their implementation to threshold images using Between-Class Variance with a Mixture of Gamma Distributions. The algorithms will be described by given their steps, and applications. Experimental results are presented to show good results on segmentation of mammogram image.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009
Images segmentation is an important issue for many applications as pattern recognition and comput... more Images segmentation is an important issue for many applications as pattern recognition and computer vision. Thresholding is an important and fast technique used in most applications. Gaussian Otsu's method is a thresholding technique based on between class variance. Gamma ...
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, 1997
This paper presents a new 2D disparity-estimation algorithm. Disparity is calculated from an esti... more This paper presents a new 2D disparity-estimation algorithm. Disparity is calculated from an estima-tion of the phase di erence between two views of the same scene from di erent angles. This phase di er-ence is obtained by convolution of the two views with the ...
SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Cat. No.98CH36218), 1998
An automatic detection model for ship targets in RADARSAT SAR images is being developed by using ... more An automatic detection model for ship targets in RADARSAT SAR images is being developed by using statistical methods, Radon transform and other image processing techniques. This paper presents current progress made on the detection model.
In this paper we introduce MWF- Multi-Window Filter as an adaptive smoothing technique which oper... more In this paper we introduce MWF- Multi-Window Filter as an adaptive smoothing technique which operates in a 5x5 pixel moving kernel utilizing the statistical properties of the local area understudy. These statistical properties are the first (mean- µ ) and the second moment (variance- 2 σ ). In contrast to other methods (median, mean, etc.), it works with nine windows.
Papers by Ali El-Zaart