Archive for December, 2022
PLM and Digital Thread Evolution – Part 1
Manufacturers across the globe are continuing to push forward with transformational digital initiatives, recognizing the need to adapt their operations in order to remain competitive. The emergence of a “digital thread” architecture – an integrated system that connects data from all facets of an operation and enables sharing between different…
Will PLM Vendors Build A Web Of Data?
Digital Thread and Web of Data The rise of the digital age is making it easier for manufacturing companies to access and share data, but even with all modern applications, cloud-based systems, and integration platforms, manufacturing, and supply chain is still a very fragmented and siloed space when it comes…
Integrated PLM Platforms and Multi-Cloud Web Services
Integration was a big deal for manufacturing companies implementing PLM systems for a very long time. It is very rare to see how the entire product lifecycle management process can fit a single software stack. Manufacturing companies were always divided between hedging their risks with multiple vendors and looking at…
Cloud Transformation – Can The Same PLM Platform Be On-Premise, SaaS, and PaaS?
What Kind of PLM Do Hardware Startups Need?
Hardware is hard. This phrase is quite popular among people involved in the creation of manufacturing businesses or how it is commonly called “hardware startups”. My attention was caught by the article and discussion started by Jos Voskuil and Alex Bruskin on LinkedIn and Jos’ article – PLM and Startups….
PLM Innovation In Downturn
Recessions offer major opportunities for everyone who likes to innovate. Engineering or sales, strategy, and tactic – there are usually plenty of opportunities to make it happen during the downturn. It can be a good time to introduce game-changing offerings or simple and affordable solutions to break the current status…
Three P’s of PLM Resistance and Digital Transformation
PLM adoption is hard. The history of PLM projects start as engineering projects and, unfortunately, struggles with many aspects related to PLM adoption. It was the story of PLM years. The adoption of PLM systems and technologies leads to many confusing moments. PLM technology leaders traditionally came with a high…