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Daily PLM Think Tank

Originally, Think Tank is an idea generator. I’m posting my daily thoughts about different aspects of Product Lifecycle Management – technological, organizational, business here. Follow PLM Think Tank category in my blog. Below you can see the archive of all my “think tank” posts starting from 2008.

PLM Perfect Storm 2012

PLM Innovation 2012: PLM is Strategic, but what’s next?

PLM Innovation Panel: The Future of PLM Business Models

PLM and IT Consumerization (PLM 2012 in Munich)

Few minutes before PLM Innovation 2012

Autodesk, Vault and Multi-CAD

Will Europe adopt Cloud PLM?

The anatomy of MultiCAD-PDM integrations

PLM, Kenesto and Process Experience

Multi-CAD and PDM: Dead Lock?

SolidWorks, Cloud and Product Data Management

SolidWorks World 2012: Community and the Opportunity for PLM

SolidWorks and PLM story

PDM/PLM Evolution: Final Step and Cloud / On-Premises Integration

PLM Think Tank Top 5 – January, 2012

PLM and Selling Data

Software vendors and PDM/PLM Evolution Steps

Part Numbers and External Classification Schemas

Social PLM and Anti-Social Efficiency

PLM Architecture Discussion with Peter Schroer of Aras Corp.

GrabCAD, New Openness and Future Business Models

PLM and Amazon Enterprise Cloud

Technological Options of PLM on the cloud

From iMat to iDesk: The Future of Engineering Appliance

PLM and the Evolution of Integration

Process Simplification – the next goal for PLM companies?

Cloud PLM and Service Channels

PLM, RDBMS and Future Data Management Challenges

My first take on PLM Cloud Maturity Model

What 2012 holds for Product Lifecycle Management?

Beyond PLM – Looking forward to 2012

PLM Cost and Enterprisey Cloud

PLM and Multiplatform Development

PLM Cloud: differentiation or “anti-cloud” rant?

PLM, ECO and Cost of Change

PLM, Autodesk and Cloud Wars Club

How do you know your PLM project is in trouble?

The enterprise and PLM will rock 2012?

DIY PLM and Zero Email Policy

Why to plot a drawing from a mobile device?

PLM and Global Product Development Strategy

Crowd-sourcing in CAD / PLM software development

How to streamline PLM?

PLM Highway and New Dassault Waltham Campus

Autodesk, Aras and Integrated PDM / PLM story

PLM and the future of Appification

Manufacturing Crowd-sourcing and cloud PLM opportunity

Autodesk PLM Nexus – First Hands-on demo

Autodesk Enters PLM: Everything changes… for Autodesk

AU2011: New PLM software frontiers

Autodesk. CAD is done. Now PLM. The moment before AU…

Why you should (or not) be using Arena PDX Viewer

Historical Perspective: From Ivan Sutherland to Modern 2D/3D Sketch Apps

Autodesk PLM Story is about to begin. AU 2011.

Do It Yourself (DIY) PLM and Microsoft Excel Services

PLM and My Reading List

PLM and IT Consumerization: Top 3 Showstoppers

Microsoft Socl and Social PLM Thoughts

Google vs. Microsoft at General Motors: What does it mean for PLM Cloud?

PDM ROI Calculator from SolidWorks

PLM: Controversy about Process vs. Data Management

Social Enterprise, Twitting Cars, Siri and Furbi

PLM Cloud, Replication and Pig Latin

DSCC 2011: How Dassault Blends PLM and Search Based Applications?

DSCC 2011: Thinking Inside Dassault PLM Box

Before DSCC 2011: Learning New Dassault Keywords

What is PLM Software Associated Cost?

PLM Cloud and Gartner Flip Flop

BOM and CAD-PDM-PLM-ERP Integration Challenges

From PDM to PLM: Unify or Integrate?

How to host PDM/PLM database on the cloud?

CAD, New Collaboration and Online Storage Services

Cloud, Head’s-down Drafters and Technological Analogies

Aras, SolidWorks and Disruptive PLM Strategies

PLM and Strategic Technologies for 2012

Will PLM Handbook for SME solve customer problems?

Will Database in the cloud Supercharge PLM for Small Companies?

Engineers and FaaP (Facebook as a Platform)

Cloud and Next Generation of BOM

PLM Vendors and “Cloud Marketing” Hype

CAD, PLM and Visual Reporting

PLM Definitions and ERP implementation patterns

Comments and Photos from Dassault PLM Forum in Moscow

PLM & Marketing and Technology Trends

PDM Cartoons, Marketing and Unsolved Problems

PLM and Re-thinking UI paradigms

3 Key Cloud Principles: Will CAD/PLM Follow?

Autodesk Cloud and “Business as Usual” Question

GMail and CAD/PLM Cloud: Does It Fit Together?

PLM, Organization and Information Silos: Good, Bad and Ugly

PLM, Sharing Information and Google+ Circles

Siemens’ Active Workspace: PLM Next Big Thing?

From Multi-CAD to Multi-Cloud. Thougths about Cloud Realities…

Autodesk Quietly Launched Their Cloud

Autodesk, Russia and Local PLM

Win8, Metro and the future of PLM Client Apps

PLM Trends and Solution Alternatives: Presentation and Roundtable

Does Autodesk Smells PLM? First Impression from Moscow Forum.

PLM and Future of Gamification

Business Process Management, PLM and Open Source Stack

BIM Open Source – Stimulus for PLM?

Dynamics AX Hybrid Cloud. Should PLM Vendors Care?

PLM and Location Based Intelligence

Cloud PLM and Data Residency Option

PLM Enterprise App Store: Bad Idea or Future Promise?

PLM and Social Enterprise: Files vs. People?

What is the biggest PLM Challenge?

PLM Think Tank – Top 5, August 2011

PDM in 2010s: Commodity or Competitive Advantage?

PLM – Clearer Definition or Problem Solving?

PLM Collaboration. Not Virtual. Whiteboard…

Live from SolidWorks 2011 Media Event

PLM and Unexpected Office Collaboration Option?

JT Open and The Future of PLM 2.0

PLM 2.0: Born to Die?

How to place PLM in a Social Network? Kill “M”…

3D and Communication Strategy

CAD / PLM and Patent Wars

Cloud PLM and Security Certification

PDM/PLM and Future Competition

PLM User Experience and Google Related

A Geek’s View on Part Numbers

Will Google Develop A Better PLM for Motorola?

Why PLM Should Care of SharePoint?

PLM Definition from Dassault System’s Al Bunshaft

Total Integration and The Future of PLM

ERP vs. PLM: More Competition in the Future?

PLM Storm and Infinite Processes

SolidWorks Customers Focus on Office. Cloud? Meh…

PDM, Part Numbers and the Future of Identification

The Future of CAD without files?

Engineers and Video Collaboration?

Cloud PLM and Amazon S3 Scale?

PLM and New Openness

Google+ Potential for PLM and Business User

PLM Collaboration: From Old Concepts to a New Reality

PLM Online Data Sharing: From Spreadsheets to Databases?

Top 3 Reasons Why Data Sharing is Important for PLM

3D Mashup: Reality Check

PLM and Future Semantic Enterprise

Autodesk PLM: Fast Second?

Why Apple isn’t cool for engineers? Or you are here to work…

Google+, PLM and Product Data Sharing Models

PLM vs. PDM: Implementation Gaps

Autodesk and SharePoint: Collaboration with no compromises?

PLM Competition and “True Cloud” Solution

My Experience with DS V6 PLM Cloud on Amazon

Electric Design and PLM Roadmap

PLM Excels and Microsoft Cloud Office 365

Autodesk, SolidWorks and Collaboration Renaissance

PLM, Engineering Software and Business Trends in 2011

PDF, CAD Rendering and HTML5

PTC SocialLink and SharePoint: What the future holds?

Future Promises and Concerns about PTC after Planet PTC Live

Thinking about PLM on the Planet PTC Live – Day 1

Design to Manufacturing Processes: Bumpy Road

RSS, PLM Collaboration and Activity Streams

Corporate iCloud, iPLM Future and Google Apps?

Revisions in CAD/PDM/PLM/ERP: Old Problems or New Challenges?

PLM: Work-in-Progress vs. System of Records?

PLM User Experience, Windows 8 and the End of the Desktop

PLM, Cloud and Open Source Separation?

PLM, Manufacturing and Mobile Apps Hysteria

PLM Simplification, Alfresco and AutoCAD Integration

PLM: From Work To Home via Microsoft and Open Cloud

PLM Implementations and KISSASSing

PLM and Control Your Home

What if… “PLM on the Cloud” succeeds?

PLM User Experience and The Evil of Folders

PLM: Standards, Openness, Open Source and more…

Thinking outside the box about PLM

PLM Reflections and “Why Standards?” Question

SolidEdge and the future of Micropayments in CAD/PLM?

Europstep and Standard-based PLM

Chromebook: Another Small Step Towards Cloud PLM?

Autodesk, Dassault and Free CAD Options?

New PLM: From Definition to Realization?

Top 3 “PLM Cloud” Killers

PLM, Google and Cloud Babysitting…

Aras PLM Lines up against Windchill, Enovia and TeamCenter

PLM, SharePoint and ProductPoint Lessons

Microsoft Office, Google Cloud and noPLM option

Should we “pack” PLM data in 3D PDF?

PLM, ERP and Managing Effectivity

PLM and ‘Almost Enterprise’ Apps

PLM, Enterprise Search and Aras Strategy

Beyond PLM Panel on ACE 2011

PLM Definition – Multiple Dimensions by Prof. Eigner

PLM, Microblogging and Communication

PLM, Supply Chain and Cloud Adoption

PLM: How to Fix Technologies and Stop Fixing People?

Post COFES, Dropbox and PLM Made Simple

COFES, Microsoft and Engineering Software Business Models

COFES, PLM, BIM and Augmented Reality

COFES 2011 Roundtable Discussions

NoPLM and Quirky Social Product Development

HP, PLM Cloud and Service Aggregation

Social PLM and Facebook Data Centers?

Microsoft Azure and Toyota Cloud: Should PLM Care?

PDM. Pre-configured? Painless?

CAD and PLM Vendors Website Traffic

PLM and Post-PC Era

Autodesk Vault: Enterprise PDM or PLM?

Moving from PLM to PLMSocial?

PLM and Comprehensive Search

ECO Management: What Matters?

Autodesk: From PDM to MLP?

The Future of Engineering Communities

Open Standards and Data Sharing

PLM Definition – Corporate vs. Consumer Style?

PLM Definition – Next Round?

PLM Complexity: What Does The Future Hold?

SharePoint: PLM and Widget Libraries

Social PLM, Collaboration and Structured Discussion

PLM Open Source: Strategic or Off Road?

Google Cloud: Ready for CAD / PLM?

PLM and SharePoint Scalability

How to Stop Searching for PLM Killer App?

How to Virtualize PLM?

PLM and Texting

PLM Platforms and PLM Automotive Future

PLM and Open Standards: Money Talks?

CAD/PLM Strategy and Burning Chrome

Will PLM Channels Survive the Cloud Era?

PTC, SolidWorks and PLM Success.

Will Google Docs Goes 3D?

PLM Platform Wars: Who is Right or Who is Left?

PLM Practices in Building Industry?

CRM and PLM: Same Challenges?

Search Based Apps and PLM Innovation

PLM Migration to… Text?

PLM and Social Technologies Dating?

PLM Standards: From Formats to Frameworks

Facebook for SIM and PLM Mainstream Revolution

Building Engineering Office around Mac

PLM, SharePoint and Future Virtualization

PLM and Seamless Multi-Lingual Collaboration

Integrated PDM and PLM: Wrong Question?

CAD, PLM and Product Cost

Microsoft and Future PLM Online Platforms

Honeycomb PLM Attraction

PLM, Project, Tasks and Social Productivity

PLM Cloud: Dedicated, Private, Public

3D/PLM and iPad: Future or Baloney?

3D, Games and Product Development

SolidWorks n!Fuze: The Cloud Remake of PLM Collaboration?

CAD, PLM and End of Microsoft’s Dominance

SolidWorks: From Files to PLM?

PLM: Share Data or Die

PLM Innovation 2011: Short Summary and Hashtag Album

PLM Collaboration and SaaS Wake-up Call

2011 ERP Slowdown. Will PLM Gain Benefits?

PLM Integration Failures

Manufacturing Companies and SaaS Business Opportunity

SolidWorks Lifecycle Management

PLM, Cloud Mashup and Terminological Games

Mobile, Photo, Video and Manufacturing Collaboration

PLM Reset 2011

Collaborative PLM and Oracle 2011 Targets

PLM Cloud: Back to Database?

Will Chrome OS be the Next Big Thing for PLM?

PLM Migration and Product Data Rock-n-Roll

Winter Slowdown, SharePoint and Enterprise PLM Scale?

PLM Collaboration and Email Innovation

PLM Appliance Game Changer?

Mini PLM and Google Shared Space

Less Services. More PLM…

Engineering and Social Dashboards

PLM and Cloud: Hold the Promise?

PLM Innovation and Packaging Trajectories

PLM and COFES Israel: People Just Want to Drink a Beer!

CAD, PLM and Pragmatic Cloud: Do Less.

CAD-less PLM Puzzle

PLM Out-of-the-box: Misleading or Focusing?

Do we Need to Coach PLM Backbone with NoSQL?

Social PLM and Email Lock-In?

GSA or How to Reduce PLM Collaboration Cost

CAD, PLM and Technological Trajectories

PLM Processes, Lists and Implementation Confusion

Social Enterprise Discussion and Next Collaboration Buzz

Engineering Software: Move To The Cloud vs. Born In The Cloud?

Open Cloud, PLM Backbone and Vendor Lock-In

PLM, SharePoint and Migration Madness

PLM Wave In A Box?

Daimler PLM Dilemma – PDM First

PLM Backbones and Engineering Process Complexity

PLM+ERP: Outside Of Equation?

PLM and Google TV: Not for Average People

PLM and SharePoint: Business Together?

Social PLM Inbox and Changing Paradigms

CAD: From Files to Database and Cloud…

Technia and PLM Implementation Secret Sauce

Microsoft in the PLM Spotlight

3DSwYm: Future PLM Mainstream or Copycat?

Swearch and the Future Applification of PLM

Hyper-Social Organization and PLM for Dummies

Live Blog: no PLM, PLM, Beyond PLM

Why Do We Struggle With File Names in PDM / PLM?

Google Cloud Printing, PLM and Manufacturing

PLM Vendors, IT and Cloud Strateg

Social Intranet and PLM Apps

PLM Think Tank Top 5, September 2010

PTC Creo – AnyThing Possible?

How To Reset PLM Collaboration?

PLM and Complex Products

Stuck PLM Project and Leo Tolstoy

PLM Network Effect and Single Point of Truth

PLM SharePoint Thoughts.

CAD, PDM and PLM Diversity

PLM and Project Management Options

3 Steps To Simplify PLM Selection Process

De-confusing PLM Collaboration

Marketplaces and Engineering Software

Top 5 API Mistakes in CAD/PLM Software

PLM Mirror and Google Cars

Lucene Revolution and PLM Open Source Thoughts

Google Docs Revisions and PLM Collaboration

PLM Jungle or PLM State?

PLM and Enterprise View of Product Cost

CAD Data and PLM

3D Shape Search in CAD and PLM

Cloud PLM and Small Manufacturers Survival Plan

PLM SharePoint: Silver Bullet or Fierce Criticism?

New PLM and Digital Content

PLM Philosophies Collide

PLM: Open Source vs. Free?

PLM Basics: Reference Designators and Find Numbers

PLM and Open Source Licenses

The Future of TLA in Engineering Software

SaaS PLM – New, Complex, Expensive?

PLM Mobile Networks – Big Time?

How PLM can Remove Business Waste?

PLM, Emails and Social Links

noSQL Use Case for PLM?

Will ERP Take a Lead in PLM Redefinition?

Can “Try For Free” Model Work in PLM?

How to Choose PDM? (another visual guide)

PLM Usability and Social News Aggregators

PLM: Lipstick on a Pig or Missed Opportunity?

PLM Interest To Enterprise Search

PLM Collaboration and “New Socials”

How To Choose PLM? (Visual Guide)

Product Development and Collaboration in Multiple Languages

Not-Linear BOM Perspectives

PLM Collaboration, Social Trends and Lotus Notes Memories

Migrations Between PLM Systems

PDM vs. PLM: An Integration Perspective

Oracle, Google and Aras’ 226% Growth

Should PLM Disconnect Data from Process?

Autodesk, Data Management and “Why PLM?” Question

What is the Future of PLM Strategic Presentations?

PLM and Social Connections

PLM and Enterprise Integration Game

PLM and Bottom Up Option

CAD-BOM Missing Links

PLM Social Detours

PDM vs. PLM: A Process Perspective

PLM and Legacy Product Data Management Systems

The PLM Gutenberg Revolution

PLM Software and Business Process Scalability

PLM Architecture, Cloud and Design Versions

CAD Strategies: Unified or Diversified?

PLM, Enterprise Social Software and Excel Litmus Test?

PLM Downstream – Sent from my iPad?

PLM Wave and ‘Good Enough’ Collaboration

Wikipedia: PLM Open Source Reference?

PLM Collaboration: 5 Questions to Ask Before You Make a Choice

Chrysler, PLM Platforms and Business Realities

PLM, BOM, Excel – How To Make It Right?

PLM, Collaborative Sandbox and Facebook Pills

iPad and Enterprise PLM

3DLive, 3DHD, 3D UI and Efficiency

PLM and Legacy Data

PDM vs. PLM: A Data Perspective

Product Data Formats for the 21st Century?

PLM – Do the Right Thing?

PLM In The Azure Box?

Vertical PLM Medley

PLM and Engineering Documents Identification

Top 3 Elements of a Successful Social PLM Strategy

PLM Data Warehouse: Dream or Nightmare?

Free CAD File Conversion In The Cloud?

Open PLM – A Climb For Losers?

Social PLM: More Syndication and Less Communities

How Big Is Product Lifecycle Data?

PLM Wood And Open Source Termites

How PLM Can Catch Up On Cloud-2?

PLM and Open Source Big Games

Open Source PLM Factoids

Closed Thoughts About PLM Openness

3 Steps To Improve PLM Collaboration

PLM and A Single Point Of Disagreement

Open vs. Closed PLM Debates

PLM and The Power Of Pull

PUI: Not PLM UI. Future User Experience.

How To Disrupt PLM Price With Technologies?

The Future Of PLM Walmarting

How To Manage ECO Without Paying $1’500 Per Seat?

PLM and Enterprise 2.0: No Fight… Yet.

PLM and Real Time Data

PLM, IT Transformation and Self-Organization

PLM Competition and “MEH”?

PLM Life-like Search Injection

Ozone and Big Unresolved Problems in PLM

PLM Future Business And Social Models

PLM Usability Notes or Don’t Make Me Think

PLM, RFID, RuBee, Virtual and Real

What Is The Future of CAD and PLM Standards?

Top Five Concerns About PLM Systems

PLM and ALM: How To Blend Disparate Systems?

The ABC of PLM Facebooking

How To Redefine Collaboration In PLM?

What Are Demands For “PLM on Demand”?

PLM- Move From Content To Context?

PLM-less AutoCAD Users and PLM Strategies

PLM and Scaling Options

Out-Of-The-Box PLM and Open Source Option

PLM Process: Flowchart Vs. Rule-Based?

The Role Of Augment Reality in PLM

PLM Collaboration and Technological Splashes

SAP Goes for Database, What is PLM Path?

PLMosaur, Tradition PLM and SaaS Newbies

Do We Need PLM To Manage Changes?

PLM and One Big Spreadsheet

PLM and Mobile Options

PLM Gaps and Social Software Liquid

My Trip In The PLM Time Machine 1987

PLM and Heterogeneous Product Development

PLM And New Types Of User Experience

5 Things To Know Before PLM-ERP Integration Project

PLM Model: Granularity, Bottom-Up and Change

PLM Open Source Tradeoff

PLM Excels and The Ugly Truth About iPad

PLM Content and Facebook Open Graph

PLM, Product Development and Social Search

3D CAD Future: How To Liberate Data?

PLM and Management of CAD Files

PLM and Sustainability: Where Is The Problem?

PDM/PLM and Customization

COFES 2010, Maieutic Parataxis and PLM Excels

Can PLM To User Twitter To Predict The Future Of Products?

6 Questions About You Future Cloud CAD/PLM

Cloud and PLM Solution Evaluation

What Are The Metrics For PLM Innovation?

PLM and Social Tools: The Odd Couple?

PLM and The Collapse of Complex Societies

PLM Data, Identification and Part Numbers

Why Do We Need PLM Data Model?

PLM Challenges In The Global Product Development

PLM, iPad and High Impact Technical Documentation

AUGI, CAD/PLM Data And The Future of Cloud

PLM, 3D Virtual and Apple Patents

Mid-Market PLM: Smashed or Transformed?

Who Will Be The First To Put PLM On Amazon?

What Is The Future of Integrated PLM Systems?

How To Create A Fully Buzzword Compliant PLM?

PLM and End-To-End Business Process Myth

PLM and The Future Of Files in Organizations

PLM and Supply Chain in Web 2.0 Era

How To Fix PLM Industry Dissatisfaction?

PLM, Social Siloes and Information Streams

How To Create A Good PLM Dashboard?

The “New Normal” Wake Up Call for Enterprise PLM

Manufacturers Priorities and PLM Integrations Deadlock

Consolidation in EDA and PLM Pitfalls

Social PLM and Customer Data

Dream: PLM Saving Calculator?

Industry Solutions and PLM Strategic Cross-Road

PLM Collaboration And Gmail Contextual Gadget

Future CAD-PLM and Assembly Version Management

How To Facebook PLM?

PLM Best Practice Torpedo

Will Google App Store Disrupt PLM?

The Future of PLM User Interface

The Ugly Truth About PLM-ERP Monkey Volleyball

PLM Trends in Pull Economy

Social Tagging and PLM – Can It Work Together?

PLM Platforms: Retirement or noSQL Knock-Out?

Is PLM Customization a Data Management Titanic?

PLM, Cloud, SaaS and Software Upgrades

CAD/PLM On The Cloud and Vendor Lock In

Do We Need Chief Excel Officer To Manage BOM?

Regulation and Future PLM Renaissance

What Are Your Questions To PLM Virtual Assistant?

Social PLM Enterprise and Federated Identity

PLM and BIM Interplay in Enterprise Data

Social PLM Options

PLM Social Disruption: Whom Should We Follow?

PLM In The Cloud: Opportunity Or Threat?

PLM Backward Evolution into Lifelike 3D

First PLM Lessons From Google Buzz

PLM, Design Quality and Cost of a Product

PLM and Value Engineering

Do I Need An Invitation To Join CAD/PLM Cloud?

Do We Need To Manage CAE Data in PLM?

Faltered Licenses and Future PLM Business Models

FREE and COOL Trends in CAD/PLM?

PLM vs. ERP: Weird or Different?

Innovation On The PLM/ERP Edge

Who Can Generate 3D/PLM Content for Apple iPad?

Do We Need Reporting Standards in PLM?

PLM for Individuals – Integrate or Die?

How To Monetize PLM?

Five Online Technologies for PLM in 2010

PLM vs. ERP – Don’t Manage Innovation!

What Will Be The Role of Mobile Applications in PLM?

What We Are Losing By Going From CAD to PLM?

How PLM Vendors Can Listen to Competitors?

Is Google Docs A Good Place To Store CAD Files?

How do you want to see your PLM start page?

PLM, Chocolate and Innovation

PLM: Hug Your Data or Federate?

Things Are Getting Touchy (PLM Tablet User Experience Thoughts)

Collaboration Trends of Why I Stopped Using Google Wave?

The Next Level Of PLM Social Tools Development

Cisco EOS or How To Make Manufacturing Companies Social?

Key Success of SharePoint – What Should PLM Learn?

Vuuch, Social PLM and Google Wave Evaluation

Top 10 Posts of 2009, Beyond PLM and More…

How to Visualize PLM Excels Using Microsoft Pivot?

New Year Wishes to PLM Industry in 2010

Top Five PLM Software Challenges for the 2010s

Will Mashup Grow Up in PLM?

Why Do We Need PLM to Control Product Cost?

Large Monolithic PLM Implementations are A Thing of the Past

How to Simplify My Next PLM Implementation?

Will PLM Get Troubled by Future FOSS Databases?

Back to basics: PLM and ERP Integration

Back to basics: Multi-CAD and PLM

Back to basics: PLM and Single Point of Truth

Back to basics: Should PLM Take Control of Your BOMs?

What Is The Role of Business Intelligence in PLM?

Next PLM Challenge: To Connect Process and Communities

Microsoft Futuristic PLM Commercials and Google’s Reality

Freemium PLM – Yes or No?

Data Quality and PLM

Product and Process Model in PLM – What Should Come First?

PLM: How Much Do We Have And To Whom It Belongs?

PLM Open Source: Business or Social Need?

Happy 1st Birthday PLM Think Tank!

3D Marketplace and Potential Content Wars

Google Wave PLM Use Cases

PLM and ERP: Why It Doesn’t Fit?

How Many Social Platforms We Need For Enterprise?

Develop A Successful PLM Elevator Pitch

3D Warehouse Parade

Azure Goes Live, Will be PLM Impacted?

SaaS and Open Source: PLM Future Rides

Measuring PLM Technologies Payoff

How Many Enterprise Backbones Organization Needs?

Pitfalls of Selecting PLM for Order to Manufacturing

PLM Plus User Experience Minus Complexity On Demand

3DLive, HD3D and demand for CAD/PDM Immersivity

Google Wave for Design and Process Collaboration

Twitter Retweet Project or How To Improve Collaboration and Process Management in Organization

Why is Change Process Speed Important?

GPS, PLM, BIM: Plan the Next Leapfrog?

PLM and Collaboration Platforms: Partnership or Buzzworks?

Do We Need Files To Collaborate in PLM?

The Notion of Trust in PLM

Design and Manufacturing: Top Down Approach with Treehouse

Open Source Threat for CAD

SharePoint 2010 Communities and PLM Social Demands

PLM Strategy and Six Thinking Hats

SharePoint 2010 for Collaborative Product Development Applications

BOM: Manufacturing and Engineering

Why PLM Need to Learn about SharePoint 2010 Composites?

BOM: Overstructured, Understructured or Lean?

Do We Have Enough Maps in PLM?

PLM Collaboration on Steroids – Google Shared Folders

Cloud of Data – Can It Work for PLM?

Seven Rules Towards Single Bill of Materials

Can we improve usability of PLM Software?

Engineering and Manufacturing Data Management back in 1992

The New Efficiency of PLM

Future PLM connection between Physical and Virtual Worlds – Google Power Meter

Emerging Social Economies and PLM communities

Best Practices Aren’t Good Enough for PLM?

Future PLM User Experience will be flat?

Google Wave – Is it the Next Collaborative Process Engine for PLM?

Pragmatic Architectures for PLM future

Accidental Collaboration using PLM

How to Unleash the Potential of PLM 2.0?

What is the Next Big Deal in PLM Service?

Benefits of RIA for Product Lifecycle Management

PLM off Craiglist – Different Angle on Social PLM

PDM vs. PLM – Is this about Process?

PLM, Microsoft and Open Source Party

PLM: Data Protection and Security Approaches

PLM Architecture: Content As a Service

PLM Architecture: Get Off My Cloud?

Why Project Management is Important for PLM?

How We Can Move Design and Engineering Content to Web?

Internet Kills. PLM better move to become real PLM 2.0…

Next 3 Steps in Collaborative PLM

Non-3D User Experience for PLM

Bing-bang PLM Dreams – should we move away from monolith approach?

PLM and Multi-domain business processes

PLM vs. ERP: Demand for Business Process

Can we scale PLM down?

How PLM can be more consumer oriented?

What is Sink Hole of PLM Implementations?

Who owns PLM implementation project?

Top Annoying Thing about PLM software?

How many Lifecycles do we need?

PLM Trends in the intersection of Business and IT

Social PLM Challenges

PLM and Virtualization Technologies

PLM and MDM – How to start right?

How PLM can help me to share product secrets in organization?

PLM SOA – How to mix integrations and business processes?

PLM, don’t fight processes – focus on people!

Should I keep secrets from my PLM system?

Why PLM scares me?

The pains of file management, will PDM be popular again?

5 Things SharePoint can do for your PLM

PLM Goes Social – Don’t forget your daily job!

How we can Tag 3D CAD?

Will PLM move beyond search?

DeskEng: ENOVIA SmarTeam BOM Management story in S&C Electric

PLM Transformation: Easy, No; Costly, Yes.

PLM problem with email – final sentence?

PLM On Demand Services

6 factors impacting PLM industry today

3 main factors of mainstream PLM adoption

PLM and Internet of Things

What is the right time to implement PLM workflow and processes?

New Office 2010 features and PLM integration

PLM in 21st Century: Fewer Giants, Folksonomies and Infinite Opportunity

What is difference between PLM and Content Management Systems?

Office 2010 and PLM On Demand Solutions

SharePoint 2010 – Is it good for PLM?

PLM and Publishing Frameworks

Initial prediction – what MS Office 2010 Technologies can bring to PLM?

The PLM Industry most confusing buzzwords

PLM Think Tank: Top Discussions for 6 months…

Daily PLM Think Tank – 6 months…

Do we need multi-faceted BOM compare?

PLM Way to Enterprise 2.0

How to Move from PLM Legacy to PLM 2.0?

How to increase “Business Process Technology” adoption rate for PLM

5 Ways to Become Open PLM Industry

Relative Value vs. Absolute Value of PLM

PLM vs. BPM or What do you think about IBM PDIF?

Enterprise 2.0 Checklist for PLM

PLM, Please Don’t Take Giant Steps…

Future PDM’s Trajectories

Why I haven’t bought PLM yet…

Complexity Kills or Three Ways to Improve PLM Adoption

Bing, Bong, BI… where is my PLM decision?

Who wants to manage Product Data?

How to Extend PLM Reach – Process vs. Content

Google Version of CAD Interoperability Story

My Slice of PLM Single Version of Truth

Future PLM face to face: Open Source vs. Cloud

Cloudy PLM: Roadmap Into The Future

How is PLM Collaboration Different From Social Networking?

6 reasons Why Google Wave will Change PLM Collaboration

Who Owns (or Pwns?) PLM Master Data in Your Company?

Do we have problem managing history and time in PLM?

Do we need to fix PLM basics?

CAD – The Future of Collaborative Modeling

How to Take PLM Beyond the “Department Of Lost and Found Revisions”?

Why do I Need to Change My “Out-of-the-Box PLM”?

Total 3D: Industrial Design Tools, CAD/PLM and Google O3D

PLM Collaboration – To Catch Wave vs. To Share List

PLM+ERP: How to Prevent a Divorce?

PLM: How to enable long term retention of you product data?

Options to Streamline PLM Collaboration: Microsoft vs. Google

What will be the future potential cost saving with PLM 2.0?

PLM Excel Spreadsheets: From Odes to Woes

Why Do I Like My PLM Excel Spreadsheet?

Top Five Disappointing PLM Technologies

PLM Action Plan for Dummies

Should Engineers Take Care of ERP?

What will drive 3D and CAD after recession?

How Business Intelligence Influences PLM?

How to Improve BOM Collaboration?

Who will be the first to use a cloud model in product development and PLM?

Process-free Process Management in PLM

Invisible Data Management for PLM

Four directions for successful PLM collaboration

PLM 2010: Game changers

How will PLM applications change when they move to a cloud?

How we can socialize PLM Bill of Materials?

What is the Engineer’s Social Formula for PLM?

How can you prevent PLM 2.0 silos?

Can Internet Change CAD?

PLM Integration Gotchas

When BOM seeks the right enterprise nanny…

What is the future of search for PLM?

5 reasons why Wiki fails for PLM collaboration

How to create self-contained PLM persistent storage?

Will Master Data Management (MDM) work for PLM?

How to Improve Engineering Change Processes using Enterprise 2.0 Technologies?

PLM Next Big Things

PLM Process Management – How many Workflows do we Need?

COFES 2009: PLM vs not PLM?

Host PLM Data using Cloud Services

How to improve PLM Collaboration by focusing on people?

Should PLM take Excel to the Cloud?

Can RIA technologies help us to build better Enterprise PLM?

How can PLM use Social Search to develop the next innovative products?

Live World – Is it common future for CAD, PLM, AEC, BIM, GIS?

How Tagging can prevent PLM from a Compulsive Obsessive Disorder Problem?

PLM and Project Management – marriage or divorce?

Serious Joke – Why CAD needs to Tweet?

Microsoft Future Data Visualization, 3D Lifelike Experience and more…

PLM Content Downstream Usage, Googlenomic and Futuristic Search…

Is it time for a synchronized Bill of Materials?

Can we build PLM bottom up?

Should PLM 2.0 come with a new PLM format?

PLM – Small Things that Matter

PLM: How to Enable your Cloud Relationship

Microsoft’s Cloud-y Future, SharePoint and PLM Collaboration

The Biggest PLM Challenge on the Cloud

Where is the PLM shortcut to the cloud?

Where is PLM on Industry Cloud Map?

Does PLM Behave like Deep Web?

Search for the right BOM – I’m feeling lucky?

PLM beyond Twitter

How to improve collaborative processes for the global supply chain?

How PLM can improve enterprise collaboration?

Lifestream Concept for PLM Applications

What PLM technology can share CAD and engineering knowledge in organization? – Part 1.

What PLM technology can connect virtual and physical worlds?

Open Source: Is the Game Changing for PLM?

Do We Need Personal PLM?

Process Thinking with the Development of Social Collaborative Business Processes for PLM

Virtual World: Where is the border between game and PLM software?

Will PLM 2.0 on the cloud resolve the supply chain challenge?

Does Folksonomy Work for PLM?

How PLM can beat Excel? Or Blue Ocean’s ideas on how to improve usability…

CAD/PLM Robot Swarms

PLM 2.0: Technology or Facelift?

Use Wiki for PLM Change Management – revised!

Collaborate online – Does it make Sense for PLM?

Is PLM too Complex to Mashup?

3D Limits, or How to Avoid Killing 3D with 3D applications?

Should PLM develop its own process tools?

PLM 2.0: Technology or Facelift?

How close is the future of surface computing for CAD/PLM?

FAST Impact on PLM

How PLM can re-use SharePoint Social Network Capabilities?

Can we create 3D RSS?

Visual WIKI – is it next step in collaborative product development?

SharePoint Social Platform capability for SolidWorks

Improve organizational performance by the management of multiple Bill Of Materials

How to make PLM less complicated and more user-friendly?

PLM: Productivity vs. Process?

SolidWorks World 2009 is Ready for PLM!

SharePoint PLM Paradox?

The Social Bill of Material Tools Dream

New Social Bill Of Material Tool is the Way to Simplify PLM Deployment in Organizations

What is the Role of Search in Enterprise Systems and PLM?

CAD is boring… because CAD is alone!

Use Predictive Modeling to Decrease Product Cost during Product Design and Development?

How Can You Deliver Business Intelligence for PLM?

Contextual Collaboration within the Organization

How to improve PLM collaboration and information delivery with RSS

PLM in economic downturn – Is there a place for second-mover innovation?

What is beyond Collaboration and Process Management in PLM?

Key decisions for PLM to join Enterprise 2.0 in 2009

Social Design and PLM

Immersive CAD data management – is it the CAD/PDM future?

World CAD and PLM Market in 2008

PLM Today and Tomorrow: Tighten Your Belts … and be open to new technologies

PLM Process Management Technologies

Which technology can convert multiple PDMs into a single PLM?

Can we use 3D Gaming Technologies in PLM?

PLM Persistent Content and Dynamic 3D PDF

How can PLM leverage Social Networks to marketing with customers?

My favorite PLM and PLM-related technologies for 2008

Will cloud computing change our desktop behavior for PLM in the future?

How do I access my PLM data on a cloud?

How to make PLM social – problem in content?

PLM Dream Technologies for 2009

Merge of Social Software and Business Process for Product Development

Do you have PLM iPhone? – “I’LL TXT U”

PLM and BIM – common roots or common future?

Putting your Design on a Cloud

Micro-blogs and Micro-content for PLM

PLM Structured World in Web 2.0 Language

PLM and Enterprise Search: can we leverage it in downstream applications?

PLM Glue Technologies for organization – recipe #2 – Business Rules

How to implement Social Networking for PLM?

How to reinforce PLM by additional technologies – round #2 – Tagging

PLM Glue Technologies for organization – recipe #1.

What PLM can do with MS Excel and SaaS/Cloud Services?

Is there place for PLM Mashup technologies?

Top down PLM approach … from SolidWorks Labs?

Who will play role of Google Maps in PLM?

How to improve PLM processes before PLM system using BPMN.

PLM innovation – is it about risk?

Virtual CCB idea: Can we use Wiki for PLM?

Do we have reasonable alternatives for PLM?

Structured vs. Unstructured – should PLM be reinforced by additional technologies?

CAD Data Management, Globalization, Cloud Services and Amazon S3?

Simple PLM Technologies?

Should PLM Fit Business Process or Change it?
