Conference Presentations by Ivan Stojšić
Zbornik radova - XXX Skup TRENDOVI RAZVOJA (TREND 2024), 2024
The literature argues that field trips and fieldwork activities are crucial parts of geography hi... more The literature argues that field trips and fieldwork activities are crucial parts of geography higher education since specific characteristics of places/spaces can be completely grasped only in realistic environments. In the past few years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the massive cancellation of actual field trips, many higher education institutions started looking for alternatives for field-related activities and practical place-related courses. Virtual field trips are not a complete novelty in geography higher education, but up until now, they were mostly underutilized (both as a substitution for actual fieldwork and as a supplement) because of various reasons. We should be mindful that the use of virtual field trips comes with specific advantages and disadvantages as well as technical requirements. Additionally, the effectiveness of utilizing virtual field trips is influenced by beliefs held by both students and teachers. The goal of this paper is to present the beliefs and opinions of final-year geography students regarding the use of virtual field trips in their courses. The results of the content analyses illustrated common advantages and disadvantages, as well as factors that according to the students would facilitate or complicate the use of virtual fieldwork in geography courses.
TREND 2023 - XXIX Skup TRENDOVI RAZVOJA: “Univerzitet pred novim izazovima”, 2023
Integracija proširene realnosti se često preporučuje u literaturi kako bi se unapredio kvalitet n... more Integracija proširene realnosti se često preporučuje u literaturi kako bi se unapredio kvalitet nastave (i nastavnih materijala) na visokoškolskim ustanovama, odnosno smanjila apstraktnost nastavnih sadržaja i povećala aktivnost, motivacija, interesovanje i zadovoljstvo studenata. Takođe, današnji studenti se percipiraju kao relativno iskusni korisnici novih tehnologija koji očekuju primenu digitalnih tehnologija i alata i u nastavnom procesu. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje da li je primereno i svrsishodno koristiti imerzivne tehnologije (kao što su proširena i virtuelna realnost) neselektivno (bez obzira na nastavni sadržaj i cilj učenja) posebno uzimajući u obzir i moguće negativne efekte takve primene (pozitivni rezultati mogu biti proizvod nekontrolisanog efekta noviteta, dok fokus studenata može biti na tehnologiji a ne na nastavnom sadržaju, zatim studenti mogu doživeti proširenu realnost kao "jeftin trik" i slično). Cilj ovog rada je da se sagledaju potrebe i želje studenata po pitanju uključivanja proširene realnosti u nastavne materijale koje koriste na fakultetima i visokim školama u Republici Srbiji. Rezultati pokazuju da određeni studenti znaju da prepoznaju kada bi im integracija ove obrazovne tehnologije bila korisna.
The 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers, 2021
New, improved, and consumer-priced head-mounted displays opened-up possibilities for using immers... more New, improved, and consumer-priced head-mounted displays opened-up possibilities for using immersive virtual reality field trips in geography teaching and learning. Nowadays, due to advancements in cameras and mobile and immersive technologies, teachers and students are in the position to use and capture 360° panoramas and video materials to create place-based learning experiences. However, the place of immersive virtual trips in school geography is still an open question. Are they a replacement, or a supplement to traditional field trips and fieldwork, or both? The purpose of this paper is to answer that question and to provide insights into creation, evaluation, and integration of immersive virtual trips at all levels of geography education.
Sinteza 2021 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, 2021
Based on the current research evidence on the effectiveness of lectures, it is possible to conclu... more Based on the current research evidence on the effectiveness of lectures, it is possible to conclude that lectures can be of value, provided they are structured as interactive events and not periods consisting solely of presentations by the lecturer. With such a range of educational technologies available (including augmented and virtual reality), it is important to ensure that the appropriate digital tools are adopted. One of the key factors in this decision must be the views of staff and students. In this paper, a part of workshop-based research (involving teaching demonstration, direct interaction and feedback) about immersive technologies with staff and students (N = 33) from King’s College London was presented. The findings have shown that participants had a wide variety of views about the use of augmented and virtual reality, as well as different needs regarding technological solutions in learning environments. Novelty of this research is demonstrated providing an overview of the landscape of pedagogical possibilities of immersive technologies using simplified didactic process maps.
Book of selected papers of the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty´s scientific conferences (Mobility) - 8th International Methodological Conference, 2019
In recent years, the rapid development of technologies of augmented and virtual reality created n... more In recent years, the rapid development of technologies of augmented and virtual reality created new opportunities for the improvement and modernization of geography teaching. Numerous studies indicated that these technologies could positively affect learning outcomes and student motivation. However, actual use in schools is limited, and integration is hampered by several open issues, as well as there is a lack of examples of good practice. Based on a literature review, the results of two conducted surveys in the Republic of Serbia (in which 106 teachers and 48 students of geography took part), and an analysis of the situation, a SWOT analysis was performed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats of including augmented and virtual reality in geography teaching and learning at all levels of education. The paper also included the proposal of integration.
Ubrzan razvoj tehnologija proširene (engl. Augmented reality - AR) i virtuelne (engl. Virtual reality - VR) realnosti u poslednjih nekoliko godina stvorio je nove mogućnosti za unapređenje i osavremenjavanje nastave geografije. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju da ove tehnologije mogu pozitivno uticati na ishode učenja i motivisanost učenika. Međutim, primena u školama je ograničena i integracija je otežana zbog postojanja više otvorenih pitanja, kao i nedostatka primera dobre prakse. Na osnovu pregleda literature, rezultata dva istraživanja sprovedena u Republici Srbiji (u kojima je učestvovalo 106 nastavnika i 48 studenata geografije) i analizom stanja urađena je SWOT analiza kako bi se istakle prednosti i slabosti, kao i mogućnosti i opasnosti uključivanja proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavu i učenje geografije na svim nivoima obrazovanja. U radu je naveden i predlog integracije.
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Ivkov-Džigurski, A., Đukičin Vučković, S. & Maričić, O. (2019). Primena proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije: SWOT analiza i predlog integracije [The use of augmented and virtual reality for geography teaching: Swot analysis and integration proposal]. In É. Borsos, R. Horák, C. Kovács, & Z. Námesztovszki (Eds.), Book of selected papers of the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty´s scientific conferences (Mobility) - 8th International Methodological Conference (pp. 509-523). Subotica, Republic of Serbia: Univesity of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty. Retrieved from
Зборник радова - III дидактичка конференција предметне дидактике: Унапређење наставног процеса - предности и изазови , 2018
Развој имерзивне виртуелне реалности у последњих неколико година прати и тежња да се ова образовн... more Развој имерзивне виртуелне реалности у последњих неколико година прати и тежња да се ова образовна технологија примени у наставном процесу на свим нивоима образовања. Међутим, интеграција је у пракси ограничена и наставници у Републици Србији који имају приступ овој технологији (било да је опрема у власништву школе или примењују BYOD [bring your own device – понеси свој уређај] модел) сусрећу се са одређеним проблемима који се пре свега односе на разлике међу уређајима за виртуелну реалност, затим ограничен је број бесплатних апликација (које се могу користити за учење географије) и алата за креирање садржаја који су једноставни за коришћење, а такође, мало је и примера добре праксе. У овом раду приказано је могуће решење за једноставније коришћење виртуелне реалности у настави географије кроз укључивање WebVR концепта. Овај концептуални оквир представља отворену платформу за виртуелну реалност и омогућава приступ садржајима директно из веб претраживача (без претходног преузимања и инсталирања апликације). На овај начин (кроз веб адресу) искуства и садржаји који се заснивају на технологији виртуелне реалности постају доступни на различитим уређајима (рачунарима, мобилним уређајима, као и наочарима/кацигама за имерзивну виртуелну или микс реалност). WebVR приступ има значајан потенцијал за примену у образовању јер може да олакша интеграцију и коришћење поменуте технологије у наставном процесу. Уз преглед доступних искустава (везаних за географске наставне садржаје) описани су и алати који се могу користити за креирање едукативних WebVR садржаја (од стране наставника и/или ученика). Спроведено је и пилот истраживања (са одабраним наставницима географије) чији резултати указују на позитиван однос учесника према WebVR приступу виртуелној реалности у настави, као и да постоји статистички значајна позитивна корелација између пријављеног степена развијености дигиталних компетенција и пријављене самоефикасности наставника при коришћењу Tour Creator онлајн алата.
Како цитирати:
Стојшић, И., Маричић, О., Ивков Џигурски, А., и Вишнић, Т. (2018). WebVR као могући концептуални приступ за примену виртуелне реалности у настави географије. У Ј. Станисављевић (уредник), Зборник радова - III дидактичка конференција предметне дидактике: Унапређење наставног процеса - предности и изазови (81-94). Београд, Република Србија: Друштво предметних дидактичара Србије. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Доступно на:
Kako citirati:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., i Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije. U J. Stanisavljević (urednik), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (81-94). Beograd, Republika Srbija: Društvo predmetnih didaktičara Srbije. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Dostupno na:
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., & Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije [WebVR as a possible conceptual approach for the application of virtual reality in geography teaching]. In J. Stanisavljević (Ed.), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (pp. 81-94). Belgrade, Republic of Serbia: The Serbian Society of Subject Didacticians. Retrieved from
Књига резимеа: II Дидактичка конференција Предметне дидактике - путокази за унапређење наставе, Jun 18, 2016
Papers by Ivan Stojšić
SCIENCE International Journal, 2024
Escape rooms used for teaching purposes are usually called educational escape rooms. Educational ... more Escape rooms used for teaching purposes are usually called educational escape rooms. Educational escape rooms are cooperative games designed for teaching particular educational material based on a series of narrative-driven puzzles that group(s) of pupils/students must solve within a limited time to achieve the goal of the game and leave a room or environment (or alternatively break into the locked box or unravel a mystery). The shift to online teaching caused by the COVID-19 pandemic increased the use of educational escape rooms in a digital format. Digital educational escape rooms are escape game-like interactive activities (based on educational content) that are made with digital technologies. Most of the research studies and literature reviews suggest that digital educational escape rooms could have some positive impacts on students’ cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes. However, a significant amount of digital escape games created by teachers lack engaging story, challenging narrative-based puzzles (that are related to specific learning objectives), and cohesive graphics. Therefore, the practical usability and effectiveness of such games in real and virtual learning environments are questionable. In the field of educational game development, generative artificial intelligence can play a significant role in simplifying the process, improving quality, and saving time. This paper discusses how teachers could utilize generative artificial intelligence tools to ease and improve the creation process of digital educational escape rooms. In other words, this paper provides examples of how elements of digital escape games (such as narrative, game environment images, and puzzles) can be created with generative artificial intelligence tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Bing Image Creator, Stable Diffusion, AutoDraw, etc.).
Pedagoška stvarnost, 2022
Digitalni kviz je poseban vid digitalnih igara koji je auditivno i vizuelno privlačan učenicima. ... more Digitalni kviz je poseban vid digitalnih igara koji je auditivno i vizuelno privlačan učenicima. Kahut (Kahoot!) kviz je jedan od digitalnih kvizova koji se danas široko koristi u obrazovanju. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati stavove učenika (N = 83) o primeni Kahut kviza u nastavi biologije u srednjoj školi. Stavovi učenika su analizirani i sa aspekta varijabli: pol, ocena iz biologije (na polugodištu) i ranija iskustva sa digitalnim kvizovima. U istraživanju je primenjen upitnik iz tri dela (I - pitanja koja se odnose na osnovne informacije i podatke o analiziranim varijablama, II - Likertova skala i III - otvoreno pitanje). Obradom prikupljenih podataka zaključeno je da su učenici iskazali pozitivne stavove prema Kahut kvizu, smatraju ga korisnim za utvrđivanje gradiva i većina je izrazila želju da se on primenjuje i u okviru drugih nastavnih predmeta. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike na nivou cele skale za analizirane varijable. Međutim, statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene za dva iskaza u odnosu na pol, odnosno učenice prijavljuju jači emocionalni doživljaj (kada odgovaraju na pitanja Kahut kviza) od učenika. Takođe, pored sviđanja i zadovoljstva, jedna od izdvojenih tema iz komentara (odgovora na otvoreno pitanje) je uzbuđenost i takmičarski duh. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da primena Kahut kviza može povećati angažovanje učenika na časovima biologije, ali treba voditi računa da uzbuđenost ne pređe u stres i frustraciju. Planiraju se dalja istraživanja kako bi se ispitalo da li uvođenje ove inovacije u dužem vremenskom periodu održava motivisanost učenika i da li utiče na njihov uspeh iz biologije.
Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 2022
Augmented reality is often indicated as a usable educational technology that can be integrated in... more Augmented reality is often indicated as a usable educational technology that can be integrated into biology classes to overcome the shortcomings of traditional teaching (such as lack of visualization of abstract teaching content, students' low participation and interest in classes, and their insufficient understanding of complex topics). Mobile applications with augmented reality experience mode have the potential to be used in online, blended/hybrid, and in-person teaching, which is particularly important during emergencies. This study's purpose was to determine primary and secondary school students' acceptance of augmented reality content in commercial mobile applications that can be used as a supplement in biology teaching. A total of 188 students (from schools included in this research) completed the online questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of students perceived mobile augmented reality applications as useful and easy to use, had a positive attitude, and expressed intention to use this educational technology if given the opportunity. The importance of prior evaluation regarding educational usability and performance is highlighted since technical quality (of used mobile applications) had a strong positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. There were no statistically significant differences between female and male and primary and secondary students, but students with prior experience with augmented reality rated perceived usefulness higher. Despite positive results, we need to raise our concerns regarding the reliability of using mobile augmented reality in biology education due to the lack of usable free content and the frequent cancellation of authoring tools and applications.
Društvena istraživanja, 2020
Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged from the framework of academic and industria... more Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged from the framework of academic and industrial laboratories and have acquired global attention. Currently, the focus shifted from the technologies themselves to finding adequate teaching and learning applications. In this paper, the students' attitudes toward the application of mobile AR (MAR) in higher education (HE) were researched (with a focus on augmented textbooks). The results showed that the students have a mostly positive attitude, and it is concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and non-STEM students' opinions regarding this topic. Based on the results, the further research and integration of this technology into HE settings can be suggested.
Geographica Pannonica, 2019
The rapid development of immersive technologies has opened up the possibilities for using augment... more The rapid development of immersive technologies has opened up the possibilities for using augmented, mixed, and virtual reality in education. The theoretical part of this paper included a literature review of previous studies dealing with the use of augmented and virtual reality in geography teaching and learning. However, a question raised regarding the readiness of geography teachers to integrate mobile devices and use the advantages of immersive technologies in practice. Based on their digital competences and readiness to use mobile devices and other information and communication technologies in the teaching process four groups of geography teachers can be separated using cluster analysis. The clusters are: 1) Confident and innovative, 2) Traditional approach, 3) Optimistic but low-digitally skilled, and 4) Pessimistic but digitally skilled teachers. Teachers (particularly those in the first cluster) highly assessed the possibilities of using immersive technologies in practice (especially with the physical and regional geography teaching contents).
Journal of Subject Didactics
Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and softwa... more Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and software, which providing realistic experience and possibility of interaction to the end-user. Benefits provided by immersive virtual reality in educational setting were recognised in the past decades, however mass application was left out due to the lack of development and high price. Intensive development of new platforms and virtual reality devices in the last few years started up with Oculus Rift, and subsequently accelerated in the year 2014 by occurrence of Google Cardboard. Nowadays, for the first time in history, immersive virtual reality is available to millions of people. In the mid 2015 Google commenced developing Expeditions Pioneer Program aiming to massively utilise the Google Cardboard platform in education. Expeditions and other VR apps can enhance geography teaching and learning. Realistic experience acquired by utilisation of virtual reality in teaching process significantly overcome possibilities provided by images and illustrations in the textbook. Besides literature review on usage of virtual reality in education this paper presents suggestion of VR mobile apps that can be used together with the Google Cardboard head mounted displays (HMDs) in geography classes, thereby emphasising advantages and disadvantages as well as possible obstacles which may occur in introducing the immersive virtual reality in the educational process.
Books by Ivan Stojšić
Technology-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during the Time of COVID-19 (Alternation African Scholarship Book Series Volume #02), 2020
Didactics of Smart Pedagogy, Jan 17, 2019
Innovations in the field of educational technology are very prominent. The application of immersi... more Innovations in the field of educational technology are very prominent. The application of immersive virtual reality (VR) in teaching and learning is currently in the focus of interest of researchers dealing with education. Numerous studies indicated that there are significant potential benefits of using this technology to improve learning outcomes and students’ motivation, overcome school-based and test anxiety, influence empathy, and ensure students focus on teaching content. However, there is still an issue of economic justification of investment in head-mounted displays (HMDs) and VR software for school use. Additionally, the key questions that arise from using VR in the classroom are on what theoretical basis to build immersive teaching and how to choose relevant content. The purpose of this chapter is to present a literature review of VR applications in education (with emphasis on both technological and pedagogical aspects, integration, and evaluation criteria), as well as to show the results of a small qualitative study conducted with teachers and an educational media specialist (all familiar with using VR as a teaching tool) in the Republic of Serbia.
Book Reviews by Ivan Stojšić
Pedagoška stvarnost, 2024
Conference Presentations by Ivan Stojšić
Ubrzan razvoj tehnologija proširene (engl. Augmented reality - AR) i virtuelne (engl. Virtual reality - VR) realnosti u poslednjih nekoliko godina stvorio je nove mogućnosti za unapređenje i osavremenjavanje nastave geografije. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju da ove tehnologije mogu pozitivno uticati na ishode učenja i motivisanost učenika. Međutim, primena u školama je ograničena i integracija je otežana zbog postojanja više otvorenih pitanja, kao i nedostatka primera dobre prakse. Na osnovu pregleda literature, rezultata dva istraživanja sprovedena u Republici Srbiji (u kojima je učestvovalo 106 nastavnika i 48 studenata geografije) i analizom stanja urađena je SWOT analiza kako bi se istakle prednosti i slabosti, kao i mogućnosti i opasnosti uključivanja proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavu i učenje geografije na svim nivoima obrazovanja. U radu je naveden i predlog integracije.
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Ivkov-Džigurski, A., Đukičin Vučković, S. & Maričić, O. (2019). Primena proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije: SWOT analiza i predlog integracije [The use of augmented and virtual reality for geography teaching: Swot analysis and integration proposal]. In É. Borsos, R. Horák, C. Kovács, & Z. Námesztovszki (Eds.), Book of selected papers of the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty´s scientific conferences (Mobility) - 8th International Methodological Conference (pp. 509-523). Subotica, Republic of Serbia: Univesity of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty. Retrieved from
Како цитирати:
Стојшић, И., Маричић, О., Ивков Џигурски, А., и Вишнић, Т. (2018). WebVR као могући концептуални приступ за примену виртуелне реалности у настави географије. У Ј. Станисављевић (уредник), Зборник радова - III дидактичка конференција предметне дидактике: Унапређење наставног процеса - предности и изазови (81-94). Београд, Република Србија: Друштво предметних дидактичара Србије. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Доступно на:
Kako citirati:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., i Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije. U J. Stanisavljević (urednik), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (81-94). Beograd, Republika Srbija: Društvo predmetnih didaktičara Srbije. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Dostupno na:
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., & Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije [WebVR as a possible conceptual approach for the application of virtual reality in geography teaching]. In J. Stanisavljević (Ed.), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (pp. 81-94). Belgrade, Republic of Serbia: The Serbian Society of Subject Didacticians. Retrieved from
Papers by Ivan Stojšić
Books by Ivan Stojšić
Book Reviews by Ivan Stojšić
Ubrzan razvoj tehnologija proširene (engl. Augmented reality - AR) i virtuelne (engl. Virtual reality - VR) realnosti u poslednjih nekoliko godina stvorio je nove mogućnosti za unapređenje i osavremenjavanje nastave geografije. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju da ove tehnologije mogu pozitivno uticati na ishode učenja i motivisanost učenika. Međutim, primena u školama je ograničena i integracija je otežana zbog postojanja više otvorenih pitanja, kao i nedostatka primera dobre prakse. Na osnovu pregleda literature, rezultata dva istraživanja sprovedena u Republici Srbiji (u kojima je učestvovalo 106 nastavnika i 48 studenata geografije) i analizom stanja urađena je SWOT analiza kako bi se istakle prednosti i slabosti, kao i mogućnosti i opasnosti uključivanja proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavu i učenje geografije na svim nivoima obrazovanja. U radu je naveden i predlog integracije.
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Ivkov-Džigurski, A., Đukičin Vučković, S. & Maričić, O. (2019). Primena proširene i virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije: SWOT analiza i predlog integracije [The use of augmented and virtual reality for geography teaching: Swot analysis and integration proposal]. In É. Borsos, R. Horák, C. Kovács, & Z. Námesztovszki (Eds.), Book of selected papers of the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty´s scientific conferences (Mobility) - 8th International Methodological Conference (pp. 509-523). Subotica, Republic of Serbia: Univesity of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty. Retrieved from
Како цитирати:
Стојшић, И., Маричић, О., Ивков Џигурски, А., и Вишнић, Т. (2018). WebVR као могући концептуални приступ за примену виртуелне реалности у настави географије. У Ј. Станисављевић (уредник), Зборник радова - III дидактичка конференција предметне дидактике: Унапређење наставног процеса - предности и изазови (81-94). Београд, Република Србија: Друштво предметних дидактичара Србије. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Доступно на:
Kako citirati:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., i Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije. U J. Stanisavljević (urednik), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (81-94). Beograd, Republika Srbija: Društvo predmetnih didaktičara Srbije. ISBN 978-86-918423-5-2 Dostupno na:
How to cite:
Stojšić, I., Maričić, O., Ivkov Džigurski, A., & Višnić, T. (2018). WebVR kao mogući konceptualni pristup za primenu virtuelne realnosti u nastavi geografije [WebVR as a possible conceptual approach for the application of virtual reality in geography teaching]. In J. Stanisavljević (Ed.), Zbornik radova - III didaktička konferencija predmetne didaktike: Unapređenje nastavnog procesa - prednosti i izazovi (pp. 81-94). Belgrade, Republic of Serbia: The Serbian Society of Subject Didacticians. Retrieved from