Phd thesis by Milan Vojnović
Srednje Podrinje - istorijsko-geografsko istraživanje (14. - početak 16. veka)
Papers by Milan Vojnović
Enciklopedija Republike Srpske tom 5
Žarko B. Veljković, Milan Ž. Vojnović, NUDMIR AND LUDMER: ONCE MORE ON THE SUBJECT OF THE TOPONYM... more Žarko B. Veljković, Milan Ž. Vojnović, NUDMIR AND LUDMER: ONCE MORE ON THE SUBJECT OF THE TOPONYM Summary: The article proceeds from the clarifying and comprehensive article on etymology of the toponym/horonym in Eastern Bosnia Лỳ̀дмер and Лудмèрија written by Aleksandar Loma, where its author cautiously gave the 'hypothetical reconstruction' as conclusion not being able to find the reliable historical acknowledgments of the name before the year 1900. By further investigation, additional historical acknowledgments of the name has been found, or the new readings of the old ones, during the period years 1530–1712/13, as well as the first reliable historical acknowledgment of the name in the year 1363 in the forms *Нỳ̀дмūр and Нудмùрија, in Latin Nudmiria. Loma’s etymology has been corrected as the toponym/horonym mentioned originate from *Нỳ̀дмūр́ (in Gen. *Нỳ̀дмūрја) that is *Нỳ̀дмūр́ пòток (in Gen. *Нỳ̀дмūрја пòтока) „Nudmir’s brook”, having been derived from the personal name Нỳ̀дмūр, in the older, non-syncopated form, *Нỳ̀димūр. This antique Serbian personal name Noудьмирь had been recorded in Contributors’ names book from Kruševo (Крушевски поменик) from the times before the end of the 15th c., its meaning being „one who (forcibly) compel, coerce into (peace) agreement, peace”, and itself falling to the type of the names in -мūр with negative semantics.
Bosna i njeni susjedi u srednjem vijeku: pristupi i perspektive, 2019
Апстракт: Током друге половине 15. века настале су три до данас сачуване карте Балканског полуост... more Апстракт: Током друге половине 15. века настале су три до данас сачуване карте Балканског полуострва које су израдили Франческо Росели и Хенрик Мартел. Иако се ради о добро познатим картама, у историографији до сада није посвећена посебна студија територији Босне која је на њима приказана. Разлике између Роселијеве и обе верзије Мартелове карте дају нам могућност да извршимо упоредну анализу, не само између њих већ и са осталим картографским приказима овог простора. Циљ овог рада биће да пружи скромни допринос картографској анализи територије некадашње средњовековне босанске државе, убикацији насеља и процене важности ових картографских извора, не само за Босну већ и за околне територије.
Апстракт: У раду су досадашња сазнања о путевима који су повезивали Ужице са Подрињем и Полимљем ... more Апстракт: У раду су досадашња сазнања о путевима који су повезивали Ужице са Подрињем и Полимљем допуњена информацијама из османских извора, путописа, антропогеографских и археолошких радова, материјалних остатака путева, некропола и утврђења. Посебна пажња посвећена је топонимији и микротопонимији, посведоченој на картама 18-20. века, као и локалној традицији, коју пружају (записана и усмена) сведочења мештана појединих насеља. Представљени су и резултати теренских истраживања на овом подручју.
Scarce medieval sources often do not allow us to reconstruct the microhistorical geography of a c... more Scarce medieval sources often do not allow us to reconstruct the microhistorical geography of a certain area. Therefore, one must rely on archaeology , topography, terrain analysis, later sources and comparative analysis in order to create a complete picture. This paper deals with the possibilities of research of microhistorical geography and microhistory, as well as the potential use of these methods in reconstructing the medieval landscape of a certain region. The research was conducted on a small area, around the fortress Hrtar, with very limited written source materials. This area is located in the middle course of the Drina river, north of the town Višegrad. Forests, vineyards, fields and meadows on both sides of the Drina dominated the medieval landscape of this area. One of the main barriers medievalists face in studying microhistory and microhistorical geography is the lack of preserved written sources. In the case of medieval Serbia and Bosnia, the percentage of preserved sources is much lower than in most parts of Western Europe. Therefore, in reconstructing the microhistory of a certain area one must rely on archaeology , topography, terrain analysis and some later sources, as well as on a comparative analysis with other, better documented areas. In this paper we shall use all of the mentioned methods in order to determine the possibilities of research of microhistorical geography and medieval landscape in a region with limited written source material. If we define microhistory as a micro-oriented study of a single event, person, or place, microhistorical geography would be its subdiscipline focused on the geographical approach in the research or simply historical geography of a smaller area.
We mapped seven fortresses and their visual communication near Drina river. All, except Đurđevac,... more We mapped seven fortresses and their visual communication near Drina river. All, except Đurđevac, haven't been mentioned in written sources. It should be pointed out that without detailed archaeological research existence of fortress Višesava must be taken with caution. Although line of communication between Kozjak and Solotnik indicates that some difference structure should have existed on that location.
Maps were created on DEM based data in software MicroDEM.
These maps are still work in progress so please share your thoughts, critics and ideas.
This article is a historical-geographical survey on upper valley of Drina river in Middle Ages. T... more This article is a historical-geographical survey on upper valley of Drina river in Middle Ages. The first part of this article deals with determinig borders of Medieval land of Drina. Because of the small number of preserved contemporary sources we must rely on physical geography of that area which can help us notice natural borders, like monutains and rivers that are easier to defend. The second part, again based on analyses of medieval sources and physical geography along with archeology, deals with reconstruction of medieval territorial administrative organization. Land of Drina consisted of several districts (Serb. župa), basic territorial units. The main district in this land was Drina, but it also included the districts: Drinaljevo, Gobza, Bistrica, Goražde, Pribud and Piva. The research results are presented on the historical map.
Book Reviews by Milan Vojnović
Istorijski časopis 69 (2020), 2020
Приказ 560
MASTER THESIS by Milan Vojnović
Maps by Milan Vojnović
Karta iz rada: Путне везе Ужица са Полимљем и Подрињем (14-17. век), Ужички зборник 41 (2017) 39-... more Karta iz rada: Путне везе Ужица са Полимљем и Подрињем (14-17. век), Ужички зборник 41 (2017) 39-72
Map from paper: Putne veze Užica sa Polimljem i Podrinjem
Conference Presentations by Milan Vojnović
Phd thesis by Milan Vojnović
Papers by Milan Vojnović
Maps were created on DEM based data in software MicroDEM.
These maps are still work in progress so please share your thoughts, critics and ideas.
Book Reviews by Milan Vojnović
MASTER THESIS by Milan Vojnović
Maps by Milan Vojnović
Map from paper: Putne veze Užica sa Polimljem i Podrinjem
Conference Presentations by Milan Vojnović
Maps were created on DEM based data in software MicroDEM.
These maps are still work in progress so please share your thoughts, critics and ideas.
Map from paper: Putne veze Užica sa Polimljem i Podrinjem