Предложените резултати ще се покажат, след като въведете текст в полето за търсене. За преглед използвайте стрелките нагоре и надолу. Натиснете Enter, за да изберете. Ако изберете фраза, то тя ще бъде подадена за търсене. Ако предложението е връзка, браузърът ще отвори тази страница.
Как да...
Неупълномощен достъп до акаунта
If you think your account has been accessed without your permission, it’s important to address it right away. Head to the Review your account page and follow the instructions.
You may be asked to:
Change your Airbnb password
Review when you last logged into your account and confirm you recognize the devices and locations that logged in
Check that your contact info, profile photos, listings, and payout methods haven’t been changed by someone else
Confirm that any reservations in your account were made by you
If anything doesn’t seem right, we’ll help you understand what changes were made and how to undo them. To help prevent someone else from logging into your account, read our tips for keeping your account secure.
If you think your Airbnb password has been compromised and you use the same password elsewhere, consider changing it as soon as possible.