Septembeat 20

Leaning hard into the boom-zap now. Sequenced and played in Tidalcycles, recorded into Reaper, and glitched out. I also took a section and imported it into the wonderfully weird Virtual ANS, which is a sort of spectral synthesizer/resynthesizer. You can basically treat sounds like drawings, which means erasing, rearranging, drawing more. It’s cool, check it out. It’s made by the same person who made SunVox, so you know it’s good.

As always, here’s the tidalcycles code:

let break =  fast 0.5 $ scramble 16 $ s "{g6*9 g6*2 g6*8 g6*16 g6*12 g6*4}%6" # n (irand 200) # speed 0.5 # lpf 9000 # cut 90 # sus 0.25

let kickpat = swingBy 0.06 4 $  st "[<t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 t*2 [t*2 t]> [~~~t] t*2 [~~~t]]" $ s "kicks:200" # amp 0.7 # gain 0.97 |* gain "[1 0.8]*2" # speed 1.3


p "s"
  $ every 31 (within (0,1) (const $ kickpat # o 2))
  $ every 33 (within (0.25,1) (# lpf 1000))
  $ every 22 (within (0.25,0.75) (const (break)))
  $ every 23 (within (0.75,0.9) (const (break)))
  $ every 29 (within (0,0.25) (|* gain 0))
  $ every 37 (within (0.5,0.75) (|* gain 0))
  $ whenmod 16 15 (within (0,0.75) (bite 4 "{0 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3}%4"))
  $ whenmod 16 15 ((within (0.5,1) (sb 0.2 (stut 4 0.2 (1/16)))))
  $ whenmod 4 3 (within (0.25,0.75) (sb 0.5 (ply "<2 2 2 3 2 4 2>")))
  $ stack [
       kickpat # shape 0.4 # o 2, -- 59 93 95 200 214
       -- (0.006 ~>) $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "[g3:122,g3:101]" # sus 0.07 # begin 0.01, -- 101 114
       (0.007 ~>) $ sb 0.01 (rev . stut 10 0.2 (1/50)) $ swingBy 0.1 8 $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "[g3:20]" # sus 0.08 # begin 0.01 # speed 2 # pan 0.4 # gain 1.1, -- 101 114 -- sd
       (0.007 <~ ) $ db "<1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1>/8" $ swingBy 0.1 8 $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "[g3:90]" # sus 0.08 # begin 0.01 # hpf 900 # speed 2 # pan 0.8  # gain 1, -- clap
       db "<1 1 0 1 0 1 0>/8" $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "laser" # n 31 # speed (1) # sus 0.3 # gain 0.8 # begin 0.1 # pan 0.8,
       -- swingBy 0.05 4 $ st "[t*8]" $ s "g3:164" # sus 0.06 # begin 0.2 # speed 3-- 119
       swingBy 0.08 4 $ (0.001 ~>) $ swingBy 0.00 8 $  st "[t*8]" $ s "g3:165" # sus 0.03 # begin 0.1 # speed 6 # gain 0.9 |* gain "[1 0.8]*4",-- 119
       stack [
        -- A
        (|* gain 1) $ (|* gain "<1 1 1 0 0>/8") $ fast 2 $ wrandcat [
                      (  (slow 2 ) $ (0.25~>) $st "t*3" $ loopFirst $ (2109 ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 100)  # speed 1, 1000) -- 219/100 -- 2109/100 2398
                      -- (  ( slow 2 $   (0.25~>) $st "[t t*2 t t*4]" $ loopFirst $ (31  ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 100) ) # speed 0.5,20),
                      -- (  ( slow 2 $    (0.25~>) $st "[t t*2 t t*4]" $ loopFirst $ (103  ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 100) ) # speed 0.5,30),
                      -- (  (slow 2 ) $ (0.25~>) $st "t*3" $ loopFirst $ (420 ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 200)  # speed 1, 1) -- 219/100 -- 2109/100 2398
                   ] # lpf 8000,
        -- B
        (|*  gain 1 ) $ (|* gain "<0 0 0 1 1>/8") $ (0.25~>) $st "[t t t t]" $ loopFirst $ (421  ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 100) # lpf 8000 # speed 0.5, -- 250 254
        (|* gain 1) $ (|* gain "<1 0 1 0 0>/8") $ slow 2 $ (0.75~>) $ (0.006 ~>) $st "t*4" $ loopFirst $ (11 ~>) $ s "[g5*4]" # n (irand 100) # gain 1.1
             ] # o 1,
                whenmod 16 8 (db 0.4) $ (0.01 ~>) $ swingBy 0.1 8 $ st "[[~~] [~t~~] [~t] [~<~t~~>~<t~~t>]]" $ s "kicks:99" # speed "[1.2 [1 1.5]]" # gain 1.3 -- (bass)
A screenshot of Virtual ANS, like a drawing program but for sound

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