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Let Readers Read

Ask publishers to restore access to the 500,000 books they’ve caused to be removed from the Internet Archive’s lending library.

Sign the Open Letter

I’m Chris Freeland, a librarian at the Internet Archive. The lawsuit against our library—Hachette v. Internet Archive—is fast approaching the oral argument stage of its appeal on June 28. I’ve been reflecting on our ongoing, four-year experience with this litigation and on the outcome we’re hoping for. Our position is straightforward; we just want to let our library patrons borrow and read the books we own, like any other library. 

We purchase and acquire books—yes, physical, paper books—and make them available for one person at a time to check out and read online. This work is important for readers and authors alike, as many younger and low-income readers can only read if books are free to borrow, and many authors’ books will only be discovered or preserved through the work of librarians. We use industry-standard technology to prevent our books from being downloaded and redistributed—the same technology used by corporate publishers.

But the publishers suing our library say we shouldn’t be allowed to lend the books we own. They have forced us to remove more than half a million books from our library, and that’s why we are appealing.  


The legal decision and resulting injunction against our library have already had a profoundly negative impact on our patrons. They have inundated us with so many inquiries that our patron services team needed to prepare a Help Document explaining why our collection has been shrinking so rapidly. 

We asked our patrons to share their stories of what losing access to these 500,000 books has meant to them. What’s clear from the hundreds of testimonials we’ve received is the ability to access our books remains an absolute necessity for the many people around the world who depend on our library for their educational and professional development: 

  • Mark, a researcher from New York, said that as an independent scholar without an institutional affiliation, he often struggles to gain access to books he needs for his research. He says that The Internet Archive has been a lifeline for him.
  • We heard from Lucero, an educator from Mexico City, who said that without our library, he wouldn’t have been able to complete his research on Mexican Sign Langauge.
  • Perhaps Mrittika said it best. She’s from a rural region in India and doesn’t have access to rare books. She asks the publishers, “If you are going to ban online availability of these resources, what about us?”

Take Action

In appealing the district court’s decision, our goal is simply to let these readers continue on their journey. We envision a world in which Wikipedians can verify facts by following citations to information contained only in our printed history; where libraries can serve their communities online with collections financed through public investment; and above all, where library patrons are free to read without fear of corporate or government surveillance.

Sign the Open Letter

Please help spread the word across social media: Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, TikTok, Twitter/X

The potential repercussions of this lawsuit extend far beyond the Internet Archive. This is a fight for the preservation of all libraries, and the fundamental right to access information, a cornerstone of any democratic society. We believe in the right of authors to benefit from their work; and we believe that libraries must be permitted to fulfill their mission of providing access to knowledge, regardless of whether it takes physical or digital form. Doing so upholds the principle that knowledge should be equally and equitably accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live or where they learn. 

As we head into this appeal, our message remains clear and unwavering: Let readers read.

Lend your voice to this message by signing the open letter to publishers, asking them to restore access to the books they have removed from our library.

7 thoughts on “Let Readers Read

  1. Paulo Raffaelli

    I use the internet archive extensively for research pertaining to older technology, frequently obsoleted or from the early days of computing, and the Internet Archive is an invaluable resource.
    Should this decision go through, then the very concept of lending books from a library is endangered; the fact that a copy is digital or physical is a distinction without a difference.

  2. Len Allison

    If the purpose of this suit is to restrict the readership of a publication to the original purchaser then the actual utility value of the item is greatly diminished. This can only result in lower original prices, lower volume sales and lower readership. New authors rely on generating demand by growing readership not restricting readership!

  3. Kamala Govindasamy

    Internet Archive is very precious to me.Why! because it gives me happiness by filling my loneliness.I’m an ardent reader of certain authors.I get their books here free.I feel very happy.I have notice they don’t have lots of in their collection now.It makes me sad We need their contribution.We value their efforts.We thank them immensely.We hope they get the opportunity to keep making people happy.Thank U.

  4. Rhungapen Narainsamy Pillay

    Thank you for providing the world with knowledge… God bless you all for doing such a marvelous achivement. Am from very little Island of Mauritius in thé Indian Océan.. This action Will definitely solve thé poverty dilemma… by providing knowledge to thé world… My very Best regards to you all..

  5. Dileepa Perera

    If there be thorns by V.C.Andrews I wish to read the story line briefly in English from chapter 1 to the e
    nd. Or in paragraph form as I’m anxious to read it.

  6. Zdenka Kopecká

    I miss the opportunity to read books from Openlibrary very much. The fact is I used to borrow romantic novels only, mostly published by Harlequin because the English is easy for me to follow. I can buy those books here in Czech Republic translated into Czech but that is not the issue. I want to read them in English. Please, return the books so people around the world may borrow them again.

  7. Fizeau

    Being French, trained in the law, and a bookworm in my spare time, I wonder about what happened to private copy right.
    The archive does not sell nor rent copies, so what is the f… happening in the mind of Hachette publishing ?

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