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A BEAM Language Journal of Coding Coffeehouse Jazz for Syntaxless Beatnicks.
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Running LFE in Docker, Updated

Significant changes have been made to the LFE Docker support of late, least of which is using the official Erlang Docker images as the base. This post is an update to the 2014 post on LFE with Docker that takese these recent changes into account.

So much changed since the original version of this tutorial was created, back in 2014 – not the least of which is Docker's continued rise in the industry. There have been many new releases of Erlang and there is an actively supported Dockerhub repo of Erlang Docker images. Most significantly for LFE users, though, are the following changes:

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Duncan McGreggor | May 13, 2019 | Tags : docker paas howtos web apps ops lfest exemplar

Catch Up

While the three years since the last blog post might have flown by, and it may not seem like much is going on in LFE land, there has been :-) There have been on-going discussions in Github tickets as well as some chatter on the mail list, but there has also been some quiet hacking going on in the project itself.

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Duncan McGreggor | May 13, 2019 | Tags : updates

Tracing LFE Functions

What follows is an LFE translation of Roberto Aloi's Tracing Erlang Functions, originally posted to my blog.

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Eric Bailey | April 27, 2016 | Tags : howto libraries tools utilities tracing debugging

LFE and rebar3

This post provides a quick introduction to using rebar3 in LFE projects or in Erlang+LFE projects. After this quick read, you'll be able to jump right in to LFE development in projects managed with rebar3 :-)

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Duncan McGreggor | March 25, 2016 | Tags : howto libraries tools utilities

Coming in LFE v1.0: exporting macros

Here are some more new things which are coming in LFE v1.0. These can also be tested on the develop branch.

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Robert Virding | March 5, 2016 | Tags : v1.0

Coming in LFE v1.0: multi-module files

Finally LFE v1.0 is about to be released. Pretty soon anyway. So here are some new things which are coming. These can all be tested on the develop branch.

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Robert Virding | March 3, 2016 | Tags : v1.0

LFE Friday - ETS selects, continuations and inserts

This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

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Robert Virding | January 31, 2016 | Tags : lfe friday lfe erlang

LFE Friday - Using ETS select with a limit

This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

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Robert Virding | January 23, 2016 | Tags : lfe friday lfe erlang

LFE Friday - ETS, match_specs and functions

This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

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Robert Virding | January 18, 2016 | Tags : lfe friday lfe erlang

LFE Friday - More ETS data matching (and querying)

This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

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Robert Virding | January 10, 2016 | Tags : lfe friday lfe erlang