Majalengka is a district in West Java which is located close to local faults and subduction zone,... more Majalengka is a district in West Java which is located close to local faults and subduction zone, so that made this area has a high enough risk of earthquake hazards. Engineering Seismology Team of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency has been carried out microtremor and MASW survey in Majalengka. The combination of HVSR and MASW inversion methods is applied to obtain the value of the shear wave velocity (Vs), a combination of the two methods is expected to overcome the deficiency of each method. Results of the distribution of the value of the shear wave velocity can explain the subsurface conditions related to a vulnerability in the study area to seismic hazards. The results of HVSR and MASW inversion are 1-D (Vs) profiles at each measurement point, after that interpolated to obtain a 3-D Vs30 model. The results showed that Vs30 values in Majalengka District varied around 80 - 1500 m/s. Layers with low (Vs) values were relatively thick dominant in the north and northwest r...
This study aims to investigate site conditions based on the dominant period and elliptical curve ... more This study aims to investigate site conditions based on the dominant period and elliptical curve inversion of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR). The data were taken using a seismometer portable short period in the minimum time span of data retrieval for 30 minutes. The Nakamura method as known as Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) is used to obtain the value of the dominant frequency and amplification factor. The dominant frequency is changed to the dominant period which can indicate the type of soil. HVSR processing use Geopsy software with a guide from the SESAME Project. The results of processing show that the dominant frequency and the amplification factor. In Geopsy there are several modules and packages. This processing uses TFA Module and Max2curve Package and Dinver Package. Waveform can be inversed based on the elliptical curve of HVSR model to produce a shear wave velocity model (Vs) uses that modules and packages. From the velocity model, we can know ...
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHES): Conference Series
Kabupaten Brebes memiliki resiko gempa bumi karena dilalui oleh sebuah sesar aktif, yaitu sesar B... more Kabupaten Brebes memiliki resiko gempa bumi karena dilalui oleh sebuah sesar aktif, yaitu sesar Baribis-Kendeng segmen Brebes. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemetaan nilai percepatan tanah maksimum di batuan dasar (PGA) dan di permukaan (PGAM) untuk mengetahui zona persebaran daerah rawan bahaya gempa bumi di Kabupaten Brebes. Nilai PGAM merupakan nilai penyesuaian PGA akibat pengaruh klasifikasi situs yang ditentukan berdasarkan nilai VS30 berdasarkan data United States Geological Survey (USGS) VS30. Pengambilan data percepatan tanah maksimum dilakukan dengan software RSA 2019. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh PGA di Kabupaten Brebes adalah 0,2774 g hingga 0,5405 g. Sedangkan wilayah persebaran PGAM yang diperoleh hampir sama dengan persebaran nilai PGA dengan rentang antara 0,3082 g hingga 0,6274 g. Beberapa daerah di bagian selatan memiliki nilai PGAM lebih rendah dibanding PGA, disebabkan oleh pengaruh kelas situs. Berdasarkan peta indeks bahaya yang diperoleh diketahui ba...
<p>A major earthquakes struck the north of Flores island, in Nusa Tenggara ... more <p>A major earthquakes struck the north of Flores island, in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, on 14  December 2021 at 10:20:22 local time, the hypocenter is 7.59°S, 122.26°E, depth 12.0 km, with moment magnitude Mw 7.4. The faulting orientation of the mainshock, fault plane was strike = 290°, dip = 89°, and rake = 177°, and the auxiliary plane was strike = 21°, dip = 87°, and rake = 1°, respectively, is possibly related to thrust fault in the sea. Focal mechanism solutions for the earthquakes indicate rupture occurred thrust fault with large dip angle. The mainshock was followed by low aftershocks productivity may due to homogeneous faulting systems and relatively uniform stress state in that region. We analyze aftershock hypocenter relocation and gravity anomaly, slip distribution, coulomb stress and seismic hazard (PSHA) to investigate the earthquake characteristics and seismic hazard analysis. The distribution of hypocenter relocations show that aftershock ruptured distribute between two block of high gravity anomaly, its indicate that it was not the new fault. The inversion of the source model shows several time periods of energy release with three main peaks. These temporal rupture suggest repetition of a large scale slip on the large asperity. The models of coulomb stress indicate that static stress transfer due to the Mw 7.4 earthquake is suitable with aftershock spatial distribution. We compute the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in the Flores region for Earthquake mitigation</p>
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The area of Ambon, Maluku is located in the subduction zone in bands where the Australian plate m... more The area of Ambon, Maluku is located in the subduction zone in bands where the Australian plate meets the Eurasian plate, thus causing tectonic activities. The Ambon earthquake on 26th September 2019 with 6.5 Magnitude, while the Epicentral coordinates of the earthquake were determined as 3,53° S and 128,39° E and a focal depth of 10 km, according to the Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia. This earthquake was strongly felt at the biggest shock was felt with intensity VI-VII as unified in Ambon City, while several other areas are reported to have experienced small shaking, such as Intensity V in Masohi, and Intensity IV in Namlea and Namrole. We used a dataset of 24 waveforms of seven sensors, we determine a tabular solution, which have a large moment of 0.4573 x 1019 N-m, the depth is 6 km by minimizing the inversion residual. The method resulting strike and rake fault, with strike: 341.8°; dip; 81.5°; rake: 158.4°, and second nodal plane strike: 75.1°; dip...
A real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data managed by the Geospatial Information ... more A real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data managed by the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) can be developed for indirect tsunami monitoring. This involves using GNSS TEC data due to the atmospheric-ionosphere coupling through tsunami- triggered infrared waves. The application of this method is, however, limited to tsunamis originating from earthquake epicenter which is far from the coast. Meanwhile, the arrival of tsunamis to the coast requires a longer time than the propagation of infrasound waves into the ionosphere. This GNSS signal reflection technique can, therefore, be used to detect tsunamis which are close to shore in order to overcome the detection weakness associated with the GNSS TEC and also routinely used to monitor sea waves. This research conducted a simulation of this technique using single-frequency code distance data to determine the sea level and the results showed its effectiveness in determining sea wave height using one differentiation. It is...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Eruption of Mount Lokon has the potential to cause danger to the community. The study of the iono... more Eruption of Mount Lokon has the potential to cause danger to the community. The study of the ionospheric disturbances triggered by Lokon activity is very important to determine eruptive behavior. TEC anomaly before eruption is succesfully detected using correlation methods. Based on GPS TEC data from the GNSS satellite it was concluded that the TEC anomaly occurred three days before the eruption on July 14th, 2011. Using leveling method and polynomial technique, eruption effects on ionosphere were be determined. Eruption on July 2011 caused ionospheric disturbance. These results will be important considerations in decision making related to disaster mitigation
Respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016 telah diteliti menggunakan data Glob... more Respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016 telah diteliti menggunakan data Global Positioning System (GPS) stasiun PALP di Palu. Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) diturunkan dari data jarak kode yang diukur dari satelit GPS dengan PRN 24 pada dua frekuensi yang berbeda. STEC pada tanggal 8 Maret 2016 digunakan sebagai nilai referensi STEC pada kondisi normal atau tidak terpengaruh oleh gerhana matahari. Pengurangan STEC tanggal 9 Maret 2016 saat gerhana terhadap STEC 8 Maret 2016 menunjukkan respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari berupa penurunan STEC sekitar -12 TECU. Selama gerhana matahari terdapat histeresis ionosfer. Laju penurunan STEC saat radiasi matahari berkurang sebelum mencapai gerhana matahari total lebih lambat jika dibandingkan dengan laju kenaikan STEC selama proses kenaikan radiasi matahari dari gerhana matahari total mulai berakhir hingga selesainya gerhana matahari. Setelah gerhana matahari selesai, nilai STEC tidak kembali ke keadaan awal sebelum gerhana matahari terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini mengkorfirmasi hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan melengkapi dengan tambahan adanya histeresis respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016
The devastating earthquake Mw 7.4 hit Palu City, Central Sulawesi on September 28th, 2018, at 17:... more The devastating earthquake Mw 7.4 hit Palu City, Central Sulawesi on September 28th, 2018, at 17:02:44 WIB. A high tsunami followed it. More than 2000 people died as a result of the earthquake and tsunami disaster. The latest evidence shows that the earthquake was categorized as a rare super shear earthquake. The earthquake shaking that hit Palu City is relatively large. Acceleration data are not available at the study site due to the lack of instrumentation in the area. The Authors present a simulation of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) due to the earthquake in three locations Tatura Mall, Roa-Roa Hotel, and Antapura Hospital. PGA describes the maximum acceleration on the ground, while pseudo-spectral acceleration describes the acceleration of earthquake shaking from buildings with various floor numbers. Simulation of PGA and PSA to the three sites used three different Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) functions, BSSA14, CB14, and CY14, ...
This research was conducted as one of the earthquake disaster mitigation efforts in Nusa Tenggara... more This research was conducted as one of the earthquake disaster mitigation efforts in Nusa Tenggara Barat region, because this region is one of the regions in Indonesia which has a relatively high level of seismicity. The purpose of this research is to determine seismotectonic parameter, earthquake periodicity along with the average of seismicity rate changes in Nusa Tenggara Barat region. The data used in this research is the data sourced from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) from Januari 1973 until February 2015 for Bali Strait region up to Banda Sea with coordinate boundaries of 1140–1300 East Longitude and 40-130 South Latitude. This research was conducted using the maximum likelihood method with second party of software Zmap ver 6.0 also software ArcGis ver 10 to map seismotectonic parameter, periodicity and the average velocity of seismicity rate changes. Variation b value range between 0.972–1.44, a low value of b...
The December 12, 2010 earthquakes (M 5.9) has drawn attention on the importance of knowledge of p... more The December 12, 2010 earthquakes (M 5.9) has drawn attention on the importance of knowledge of peak ground acceleration at surface (PGA M ) and spectral acceleration for Makassar City. The PGA M and spectral acceleration play an important role in seismic design regulations. The purpose of this paper is to present the PGA M and spectral acceleration for Makassar City based on a probabilistic approach. The analysis involved determination of peak ground acceleration at bedrock using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), the average shear wave velocity at 30 m depth (Vs30), and site classification. Results of the analysis showed that the values of PGA M for Makassar City were varied from 0.177 – 0.21 g. Meanwhile, the spectral acceleration values at T = 0.2 and T = 1 second were varied from 0.459 – 0.541 g and 0.277 – 0.369 g respectively. From these results, the values of PGA M and spectral acceleration are relatively higher at Tamalanrea and Biringkanaya districts and relativ...
Ground motion modeling dapat dipergunakan untuk menentukan besarnya bahaya gempa pada batuan dasa... more Ground motion modeling dapat dipergunakan untuk menentukan besarnya bahaya gempa pada batuan dasar di suatu site dan untuk menentukan sumber gempa yang memberikan dampak paling dominan pada suatu site. Dengan menggunakan prinsip Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) dan dengan menggunakan software USGS akan didapatkan nilai peak ground acceleration (PGA) pada batuan dasar, yang kemudian dengan menggunakan Nonlinear Earthquake site Response Analyses (NERA) akan didapatkan ground motion modeling pada permukaan. Dengan melakukan metode tersebut pada suatu site di wilayah Sumatera Selatan, BH-01 dan BH-08 didapatkan hasil nilai PGA pada site BH-01 sebesar 0.248g dan pada BH-08 sebesar 0.2711g dengan masing masing memiliki maksimum kekuatan gempa sebesar 7.2 SR dan 7 SR serta sumber gempa yang memberikan dampak bahaya paling dominan adalah sumber gempa background. Dan untuk ground motion modeling pada permukaan untuk site BH-01 sebesar 0.41g dan pada site BH-08 sebesar 0.49g.
Majalengka is a district in West Java which is located close to local faults and subduction zone,... more Majalengka is a district in West Java which is located close to local faults and subduction zone, so that made this area has a high enough risk of earthquake hazards. Engineering Seismology Team of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency has been carried out microtremor and MASW survey in Majalengka. The combination of HVSR and MASW inversion methods is applied to obtain the value of the shear wave velocity (Vs), a combination of the two methods is expected to overcome the deficiency of each method. Results of the distribution of the value of the shear wave velocity can explain the subsurface conditions related to a vulnerability in the study area to seismic hazards. The results of HVSR and MASW inversion are 1-D (Vs) profiles at each measurement point, after that interpolated to obtain a 3-D Vs30 model. The results showed that Vs30 values in Majalengka District varied around 80 - 1500 m/s. Layers with low (Vs) values were relatively thick dominant in the north and northwest r...
This study aims to investigate site conditions based on the dominant period and elliptical curve ... more This study aims to investigate site conditions based on the dominant period and elliptical curve inversion of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR). The data were taken using a seismometer portable short period in the minimum time span of data retrieval for 30 minutes. The Nakamura method as known as Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) is used to obtain the value of the dominant frequency and amplification factor. The dominant frequency is changed to the dominant period which can indicate the type of soil. HVSR processing use Geopsy software with a guide from the SESAME Project. The results of processing show that the dominant frequency and the amplification factor. In Geopsy there are several modules and packages. This processing uses TFA Module and Max2curve Package and Dinver Package. Waveform can be inversed based on the elliptical curve of HVSR model to produce a shear wave velocity model (Vs) uses that modules and packages. From the velocity model, we can know ...
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHES): Conference Series
Kabupaten Brebes memiliki resiko gempa bumi karena dilalui oleh sebuah sesar aktif, yaitu sesar B... more Kabupaten Brebes memiliki resiko gempa bumi karena dilalui oleh sebuah sesar aktif, yaitu sesar Baribis-Kendeng segmen Brebes. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemetaan nilai percepatan tanah maksimum di batuan dasar (PGA) dan di permukaan (PGAM) untuk mengetahui zona persebaran daerah rawan bahaya gempa bumi di Kabupaten Brebes. Nilai PGAM merupakan nilai penyesuaian PGA akibat pengaruh klasifikasi situs yang ditentukan berdasarkan nilai VS30 berdasarkan data United States Geological Survey (USGS) VS30. Pengambilan data percepatan tanah maksimum dilakukan dengan software RSA 2019. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh PGA di Kabupaten Brebes adalah 0,2774 g hingga 0,5405 g. Sedangkan wilayah persebaran PGAM yang diperoleh hampir sama dengan persebaran nilai PGA dengan rentang antara 0,3082 g hingga 0,6274 g. Beberapa daerah di bagian selatan memiliki nilai PGAM lebih rendah dibanding PGA, disebabkan oleh pengaruh kelas situs. Berdasarkan peta indeks bahaya yang diperoleh diketahui ba...
<p>A major earthquakes struck the north of Flores island, in Nusa Tenggara ... more <p>A major earthquakes struck the north of Flores island, in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, on 14  December 2021 at 10:20:22 local time, the hypocenter is 7.59°S, 122.26°E, depth 12.0 km, with moment magnitude Mw 7.4. The faulting orientation of the mainshock, fault plane was strike = 290°, dip = 89°, and rake = 177°, and the auxiliary plane was strike = 21°, dip = 87°, and rake = 1°, respectively, is possibly related to thrust fault in the sea. Focal mechanism solutions for the earthquakes indicate rupture occurred thrust fault with large dip angle. The mainshock was followed by low aftershocks productivity may due to homogeneous faulting systems and relatively uniform stress state in that region. We analyze aftershock hypocenter relocation and gravity anomaly, slip distribution, coulomb stress and seismic hazard (PSHA) to investigate the earthquake characteristics and seismic hazard analysis. The distribution of hypocenter relocations show that aftershock ruptured distribute between two block of high gravity anomaly, its indicate that it was not the new fault. The inversion of the source model shows several time periods of energy release with three main peaks. These temporal rupture suggest repetition of a large scale slip on the large asperity. The models of coulomb stress indicate that static stress transfer due to the Mw 7.4 earthquake is suitable with aftershock spatial distribution. We compute the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in the Flores region for Earthquake mitigation</p>
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The area of Ambon, Maluku is located in the subduction zone in bands where the Australian plate m... more The area of Ambon, Maluku is located in the subduction zone in bands where the Australian plate meets the Eurasian plate, thus causing tectonic activities. The Ambon earthquake on 26th September 2019 with 6.5 Magnitude, while the Epicentral coordinates of the earthquake were determined as 3,53° S and 128,39° E and a focal depth of 10 km, according to the Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia. This earthquake was strongly felt at the biggest shock was felt with intensity VI-VII as unified in Ambon City, while several other areas are reported to have experienced small shaking, such as Intensity V in Masohi, and Intensity IV in Namlea and Namrole. We used a dataset of 24 waveforms of seven sensors, we determine a tabular solution, which have a large moment of 0.4573 x 1019 N-m, the depth is 6 km by minimizing the inversion residual. The method resulting strike and rake fault, with strike: 341.8°; dip; 81.5°; rake: 158.4°, and second nodal plane strike: 75.1°; dip...
A real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data managed by the Geospatial Information ... more A real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data managed by the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) can be developed for indirect tsunami monitoring. This involves using GNSS TEC data due to the atmospheric-ionosphere coupling through tsunami- triggered infrared waves. The application of this method is, however, limited to tsunamis originating from earthquake epicenter which is far from the coast. Meanwhile, the arrival of tsunamis to the coast requires a longer time than the propagation of infrasound waves into the ionosphere. This GNSS signal reflection technique can, therefore, be used to detect tsunamis which are close to shore in order to overcome the detection weakness associated with the GNSS TEC and also routinely used to monitor sea waves. This research conducted a simulation of this technique using single-frequency code distance data to determine the sea level and the results showed its effectiveness in determining sea wave height using one differentiation. It is...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Eruption of Mount Lokon has the potential to cause danger to the community. The study of the iono... more Eruption of Mount Lokon has the potential to cause danger to the community. The study of the ionospheric disturbances triggered by Lokon activity is very important to determine eruptive behavior. TEC anomaly before eruption is succesfully detected using correlation methods. Based on GPS TEC data from the GNSS satellite it was concluded that the TEC anomaly occurred three days before the eruption on July 14th, 2011. Using leveling method and polynomial technique, eruption effects on ionosphere were be determined. Eruption on July 2011 caused ionospheric disturbance. These results will be important considerations in decision making related to disaster mitigation
Respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016 telah diteliti menggunakan data Glob... more Respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016 telah diteliti menggunakan data Global Positioning System (GPS) stasiun PALP di Palu. Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) diturunkan dari data jarak kode yang diukur dari satelit GPS dengan PRN 24 pada dua frekuensi yang berbeda. STEC pada tanggal 8 Maret 2016 digunakan sebagai nilai referensi STEC pada kondisi normal atau tidak terpengaruh oleh gerhana matahari. Pengurangan STEC tanggal 9 Maret 2016 saat gerhana terhadap STEC 8 Maret 2016 menunjukkan respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari berupa penurunan STEC sekitar -12 TECU. Selama gerhana matahari terdapat histeresis ionosfer. Laju penurunan STEC saat radiasi matahari berkurang sebelum mencapai gerhana matahari total lebih lambat jika dibandingkan dengan laju kenaikan STEC selama proses kenaikan radiasi matahari dari gerhana matahari total mulai berakhir hingga selesainya gerhana matahari. Setelah gerhana matahari selesai, nilai STEC tidak kembali ke keadaan awal sebelum gerhana matahari terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini mengkorfirmasi hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan melengkapi dengan tambahan adanya histeresis respon ionosfer terhadap gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016
The devastating earthquake Mw 7.4 hit Palu City, Central Sulawesi on September 28th, 2018, at 17:... more The devastating earthquake Mw 7.4 hit Palu City, Central Sulawesi on September 28th, 2018, at 17:02:44 WIB. A high tsunami followed it. More than 2000 people died as a result of the earthquake and tsunami disaster. The latest evidence shows that the earthquake was categorized as a rare super shear earthquake. The earthquake shaking that hit Palu City is relatively large. Acceleration data are not available at the study site due to the lack of instrumentation in the area. The Authors present a simulation of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) due to the earthquake in three locations Tatura Mall, Roa-Roa Hotel, and Antapura Hospital. PGA describes the maximum acceleration on the ground, while pseudo-spectral acceleration describes the acceleration of earthquake shaking from buildings with various floor numbers. Simulation of PGA and PSA to the three sites used three different Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) functions, BSSA14, CB14, and CY14, ...
This research was conducted as one of the earthquake disaster mitigation efforts in Nusa Tenggara... more This research was conducted as one of the earthquake disaster mitigation efforts in Nusa Tenggara Barat region, because this region is one of the regions in Indonesia which has a relatively high level of seismicity. The purpose of this research is to determine seismotectonic parameter, earthquake periodicity along with the average of seismicity rate changes in Nusa Tenggara Barat region. The data used in this research is the data sourced from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) from Januari 1973 until February 2015 for Bali Strait region up to Banda Sea with coordinate boundaries of 1140–1300 East Longitude and 40-130 South Latitude. This research was conducted using the maximum likelihood method with second party of software Zmap ver 6.0 also software ArcGis ver 10 to map seismotectonic parameter, periodicity and the average velocity of seismicity rate changes. Variation b value range between 0.972–1.44, a low value of b...
The December 12, 2010 earthquakes (M 5.9) has drawn attention on the importance of knowledge of p... more The December 12, 2010 earthquakes (M 5.9) has drawn attention on the importance of knowledge of peak ground acceleration at surface (PGA M ) and spectral acceleration for Makassar City. The PGA M and spectral acceleration play an important role in seismic design regulations. The purpose of this paper is to present the PGA M and spectral acceleration for Makassar City based on a probabilistic approach. The analysis involved determination of peak ground acceleration at bedrock using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), the average shear wave velocity at 30 m depth (Vs30), and site classification. Results of the analysis showed that the values of PGA M for Makassar City were varied from 0.177 – 0.21 g. Meanwhile, the spectral acceleration values at T = 0.2 and T = 1 second were varied from 0.459 – 0.541 g and 0.277 – 0.369 g respectively. From these results, the values of PGA M and spectral acceleration are relatively higher at Tamalanrea and Biringkanaya districts and relativ...
Ground motion modeling dapat dipergunakan untuk menentukan besarnya bahaya gempa pada batuan dasa... more Ground motion modeling dapat dipergunakan untuk menentukan besarnya bahaya gempa pada batuan dasar di suatu site dan untuk menentukan sumber gempa yang memberikan dampak paling dominan pada suatu site. Dengan menggunakan prinsip Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) dan dengan menggunakan software USGS akan didapatkan nilai peak ground acceleration (PGA) pada batuan dasar, yang kemudian dengan menggunakan Nonlinear Earthquake site Response Analyses (NERA) akan didapatkan ground motion modeling pada permukaan. Dengan melakukan metode tersebut pada suatu site di wilayah Sumatera Selatan, BH-01 dan BH-08 didapatkan hasil nilai PGA pada site BH-01 sebesar 0.248g dan pada BH-08 sebesar 0.2711g dengan masing masing memiliki maksimum kekuatan gempa sebesar 7.2 SR dan 7 SR serta sumber gempa yang memberikan dampak bahaya paling dominan adalah sumber gempa background. Dan untuk ground motion modeling pada permukaan untuk site BH-01 sebesar 0.41g dan pada site BH-08 sebesar 0.49g.
Papers by bambang sunardi