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/x/ - Paranormal

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what if everytime we die we start on a new universe thats parallel to ours and the reason we get deja vu is because certain aspects of the univere our soul was in last overlaps with some of the details of our current life
like image your in a paraleel universe where everything was diffrent other than you seeing a car crash on your way to work on april 23 2005, well your soul could maintain memories of its last universe it was in
so thats where the "Ive seen this before" comes from
So if I get deja vu a lot that means I died a lot of times? There was another theory that some people are capable of pausing time for some locations and people and when the time unpauses the people that were frozen in time have deja vu.
this, or the universe your soul is in is just very simmilar to one of the last ones it was in.
Or it's one big loop that never ends. The starting seed is always the same...
Or maybe because we're irrational? Fucking moron reincarnationcucks I can't take it anymore.
I swear I've had dejavu before, but I just can't remember when

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