Calismamizda farkli irrigasyon solusyonlarin kullanildigi durumlarda biyoseramik esasli kanal pat... more Calismamizda farkli irrigasyon solusyonlarin kullanildigi durumlarda biyoseramik esasli kanal patlarin apikal ortuculuklerinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bu calismada, 83 adet maksiller ve mandibular tek ve duz koklu, tek kanalli disler kullanildi. Kanallar crown-down teknigi kullanilarak Mtwo Ni-Ti doner aletlerle ana apikal ege # 40 boyutta olacak sekilde genisletildi. Kok kanallari her ege degisiminde 2 ml % 2.5 NaOCl ve 2 ml distile su ile irrige edildi. Ornekler, son yikama solusyonlarina (%5 NaOCl, % 1,3 NaOCl +MTAD, % 5 EDTA, Propolis, %2 Klorheksidin) gore her biri rastgele 15 disten olusan bes gruba ayrildi. Ayrica negatif ve pozitif kontrol grubu olarak da rastgele 8 dis ayrildi. Kok kanallari, lateral kondensasyon metodu uygulanarak gutta-perka ve biyoseramik esasli kanal pati ile dolduruldu. Ornekler, Rhodamine-B boyasi icerisine yerlestirilerek, 30 G’de 5 dakika suresince santrifuje edilerek, alinan kesitler steromikroskop altinda degerlendirildi. En fazla apika...
Dental oral biology and craniofacial research, Apr 2, 2018
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of MTAD combined with endosonic i... more Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of MTAD combined with endosonic irrigation on apical leakage associated with the Resilon/Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2 endodontic obturation systems. Material and Methods: Thirty single-canal extracted teeth were used for the study. The root canals were prepared by using ProTaper nickel titanium rotary files. During preparation and between each file action, 1 ml of 5% sodium hypochlorite was used as an irrigant. After completion of the instrument operations all specimens received a final flush of MTAD combined with endosonic irrigation and dried with paper points. The specimens were obturated with Resilon/Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2. All specimens were centrifuged at 3 G for 5 minutes in 2% Rhodamine B dye solution. Dye penetration was measured from the apical to the coronal part of the root canal using a stereomicroscope with an ocular micrometer. Results: GuttaFlow2 specimens showed less leakage than the Epiphany SE specimes. There is a significant difference in amount of leakage values between Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2 groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: GuttaFlow2 filling material had higher sealing ability than Epiphany SE when the root canals were irrigated with endosonic irrigation of MTAD as a final irrigation..
Objective: This study aimed to assess the coronal-sealing ability of two different root canal obt... more Objective: This study aimed to assess the coronal-sealing ability of two different root canal obturation materials: gutta-percha with AH Plus and Resilon with Epiphany SE between radiated and nonirradiated groups. Materials and methods: Fifty-six extracted premolar teeth were randomly divided into two main groups according to the presence or absence of radiotherapy. Specimens were divided into two equal groups. In the radiotherapy group, a total dose of 60 Gy was delivered with 1.8 Gy/d fractions, 5 days a week, for 35 days. The root canals were obturated with either gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Epiphany SE canal sealer. The samples were then evaluated for the coronal-sealing ability using a centrifuging dye penetration test at 3000 rpm for 5 min in a 2% Rhodamine B solution. The degree of dye penetration was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. Results: Although the sealing ability of both groups was not affected in radiotherapy, the coronal leakage values of Resilon/Epiphany SE slightly increased when radiation was applied (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Radiotherapy does not significantly affect the coronal-sealing ability of root canal obturation materials, gutta-percha/AH Plus and Resilon/Epiphany SE.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination in hand-operated an... more Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination in hand-operated and automatic radiographic solutions and on contact surfaces during radiographic procedures such as X-ray cone and button and surface of hand-operated and automatic radiographic solution tanks in dental clinics. Methods: A 10 mL liquid solution was taken with syringe at 5, 10, 24, and 48 hour time intervals from freshly prepared hand-operated and automatic processing solution. The swab samples were taken from the surfaces of radiographic solution tanks, X-ray cone and its button. The specimens were inoculated into blood agar and Eosin Methylene-Blue (EMB) agar. The plates were incubated in an incubator for 48 hours at 37 °C. Becton Dickinson Phoenix Automated Microbiology System was used for determining the microorganisms. Results: Although the microbiologic analyses of the samples revealed no microbial growth in the hand-operated and automatic radiographic solutions in all observation periods, the microbial growth on the contact surfaces was observed. Staphylococcus epidermidis, metisillin resistant from the surface of radiographic solution tanks, X-ray cone and switch. Streptococcus mitis was found on the X-ray switch. Conclusion: Radiographic procedures can cause cross contamination; clinicians should therefore apply disinfection protocols in all radiographic procedures.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of five calcium hydroxide removal methods on... more The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of five calcium hydroxide removal methods on the bond strength of Epiphany SE sealer after canal irrigation with NaOCl+EDTA or NaOCl+MTAD. The 120 roots were instrumented by using the ProTaper rotary system under irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and randomly divided into two major groups according to the final irrigation: 1.3% NaOCl + MTAD and 5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA. For controls, 10 roots from each of the final irrigations with NaOCl + MTAD and NaOCl + EDTA (20 roots) were not filled with Ca(OH)2. The intra-canal paste, Ca(OH)2 was applied to each of the 100 remaining roots and stored at 37°C for 7 days. Each group was sub-divided into five sub-groups (n = 10) according to the removal technique for the intra-canal dressing: Group-1: recapitulation with size 30 K file + 3 ml of saline solution, Group-2: recapitulation with size 30 K file + 3 ml of 5% NaOCl, Group-3: using 5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA, Group-4: using 5%NaOCl + 15% citric acid, and Group-5: using 1.3% NaOCl + 5 ml MTAD. The root canals were filled with Resilon and Epiphany SE sealer. The bond strength was measured. The mean bond strength of Epiphany SE to root dentine irrigated with NaOCl + MTAD was lower than that of NaOCl + EDTA. The highest bond strengths were 3.31 ± 0.057 and 2.60 ± 0.054 in the NaOCl + citric acid group when Ca(OH)2 was applied to roots treated with NaOCl + EDTA and NaOCl + MTAD, respectively (p &lt; 0.05). For root canals treated with NaOCl + EDTA or NaOCl + MTAD, the use of NaOCl + chelating agent for Ca(OH)2 removal does not adversely affect the bond strength of Epiphany SE to dentin.
Aim: To evaluate the clinical and radiological response of primary molars to direct pulp capping ... more Aim: To evaluate the clinical and radiological response of primary molars to direct pulp capping with calcium sulfate hemihydrate. Materials and methods: Forty primary molar teeth in 40 healthy children aged 5-9 years were treated by direct pulp capping. Teeth were randomly assigned to two groups (n=20) according to material used for capping, as follows: Group 1: calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal); Group 2: calcium sulfate hemihydrate (Dentogen). All teeth were restored with a conventional glass ionomer base (Fuji IX) and amalgam. Results: After 12 months, the overall success rate of direct pulp capping was approximately 75% (24/32 teeth, excluding exfoliations). The success rate did not differ significantly between calcium hydroxide and calcium sulfate hemihydrate treatment. Conclusion: Calcium sulfate hemihydrate was found to be as successful as calcium hydroxide for direct pulp capping of primary molars with Class I cavities. Further histological studies are needed to support these findings.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci Ondokuzmayis Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesinde 4. ve 5. donem sta... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci Ondokuzmayis Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesinde 4. ve 5. donem stajyer ogrenciler tarafindan gerceklestirilmis olan kok kanali tedavilerinin radyografik olarak yeterliliklerinin incelenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu incelemede kanal tedavilerinin gerceklestirilmis oldugu hasta kayitlari incelemeye alinmistir. Bu kayitlarda toplam 106 adet endodontik tedavi gormus dise ait 260 adet kok kanal dolgusu radyolojik olarak incelenmistir. Kok kanal dolgularinin kalitesini belirleyebilmek icin periapikal filmlerden yararlanilmistir. Her bir kokteki kanal dolgusu radyografik apeks ile olan iliskisi acisindan kabul edilebilir, kisa ya da taskin olarak siniflandirilmislardir. Kok kanal dolgusunun densitesi ve kalitesi ise, kanal icerisindeki bosluklarin mevcudiyetine gore degerlendirilmistir. Lokalizasyon, pozisyon ve kurvaturlerine gore her bir gruptaki disler Kruskal- Wallis ve Mann-Whitney U analizleri ile istatistiksel olarak incelenmislerdir. Bulgular: Kok kanali dolgularinin yaklasik %89’u apekse kabul edilebilir bir mesafe ve densitede iken, yaklasik olarak %8’i kisa ve % 3 ’u taskin olarak bulunmustur. Yetersiz olarak kabul edilmis olan kanal dolgularina molar dislerde tek koklu on grup dislere oranla daha fazla oranda rastlanilmis (%40) (p 0.01). Sonuc: Stajyer ogrenciler tarafindan gerceklestirilen kanal tedavilerinin yeterliligi % 89 olarak bulunmustur. Fakat bu basari orani ne yazik ki molar dislerde yakalanamamistir. Branslasmis klinik inceleme ile preklinik ve klinik calisma saatlerinin arttirilmasi tedavi kalitesini yukseltebilecegi dusunulmektedir.
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Amac: Bu calismada, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonu kullanilarak, degisik markalardaki kagit konla... more Amac: Bu calismada, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonu kullanilarak, degisik markalardaki kagit konlarinin sivi emilim kabiliyetlerinin karsilastirilarak degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamizda 4 farkli marka 35 numarali kagit konlar (Diadent MMPP, Sure-Endo, Spident ve Gapadent) kullanilarak, her grup 45 adetten olusacak sekilde dort grup olusturuldu. Olusturulan dort grup, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonunda (Sodyum hipoklorit (NaOCl), klorhexidin (CHX) ve distile su) kullanmak uzere uc alt gruba ayrildi. Elektronik hassas terazide, her bir kagit konun kuru ve yas agirliklari olculdu. Olusan bu fark, emilen sivi miktari olarak kaydedildi. Bulgular: Kagit konlarin NaOCl ve CHX’de sivi emilim duzeyleri arasinda istatistiksel bir farklilik bulunmazken (p>0.05); bu iki solusyonla distile su arasinda istatistiksel bir farklilik saptanmistir (p<0.05). Kagit konlarin NaOCl ve distile su emme kapasiteleri degerlendirildiginde, Diadent MMPP’nin en fazla oldugu belirlendi. Klorheksidin emilim duzeylerinde ise, en fazla Diadent MMPP ve SureEndo’da gorulmustur. Sonuc: Diadent MMPP’nin diger marka kagit konlara gore calismada kullandigimiz uc irrigasyon solusyonunda daha fazla emilim gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Ayrica, NaOCl ve CHX’e gore distile su kagit konlar tarafindan daha az emilmistir.
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, Apr 1, 2005
Kotu agiz kokusu veya halitozis insanlar icin sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara neden olan, yaygin g... more Kotu agiz kokusu veya halitozis insanlar icin sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara neden olan, yaygin gorulen bir problemdir. Halitozis; gercek halitozis, yalanci halitozis ve halitofobi olarak siniflandirilabilir. Halitozis’in etyolojisinde pek cok faktor olmasina ragmen, cogu vakada lokal faktorler buyuk rol oynar ve agiz kokusunun %90 nedeni periodontal hastaliklar, dis curukleri veya kotu oral hijyen gibi agiz ici faktorlerdir. Dilin arka sirtinda Gram (-) bakterilerin birikmesi halitozis’e neden olabilmektedir. Ucucu sulfur bilesenleri (USB) ve diger ucucu bilesenlerin mikrobiyal putrefaksiyonu sonucu agiz ici kaynakli koku olusmaktadir. Kotu agiz kokusunun tedavisinde, ucucu sulfur bilesenlerinin ucucu olmayan urunlere donusturulmesi velveya agiz ici bakteri birikiminin azaltilmasi uzerine yogunlasilmalidir: Genelde tip doktoru ve dis hekimleri halitozis’in nedenleri ve tedavisi konularini ihmal edilebilmektedir. Bu makalede halitozis’in etyolojisi, prevalansi, siniflandirilmasi, teshis kriterleri ve tedavi ihtiyaclari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
Agiz boslugu bakterilerin uremesi icin oldukca elverisli bir ortamdir. Hastaya yapilan dental isl... more Agiz boslugu bakterilerin uremesi icin oldukca elverisli bir ortamdir. Hastaya yapilan dental islemler sirasinda agiz boslugundaki mikroorganizmalar aerosol vasitasiyla bireyden bireye gecebilmektedir. Dental kliniklerdeki bakteriyel aerosol ve damlaciklarin konsantrasyonlari tedavi islemleri sirasinda en yuksek degerine ulasmaktadir. Tedavi esnasinda artan bakteriyel aerosol seviyesi, dental klinikte oldukca genis bir alana dagilabilmektedir. Ozellikle tedavisi yapilacak risk grubu hastalar icin gereken onlemlerin alinmasiyla birlikte ortama yayilan bioaerosollerin de azaltilmasi gerekmektedir. Klima, hava temizleme cihazlarinin, elektrostatik cihazlarin ve ultraviole lambalarin kullanilmasi, hastaya islem oncesi antiseptik gargaralarin kullandirilmasi ve rubber-dam takilmasi gibi bakteriyel aerosol azaltma metodlarinin uygulanmasi ile hekim ve yardimcisinin immunizasyonunun saglanmasi yararli olacaktir.
Calismamizda farkli irrigasyon solusyonlarin kullanildigi durumlarda biyoseramik esasli kanal pat... more Calismamizda farkli irrigasyon solusyonlarin kullanildigi durumlarda biyoseramik esasli kanal patlarin apikal ortuculuklerinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bu calismada, 83 adet maksiller ve mandibular tek ve duz koklu, tek kanalli disler kullanildi. Kanallar crown-down teknigi kullanilarak Mtwo Ni-Ti doner aletlerle ana apikal ege # 40 boyutta olacak sekilde genisletildi. Kok kanallari her ege degisiminde 2 ml % 2.5 NaOCl ve 2 ml distile su ile irrige edildi. Ornekler, son yikama solusyonlarina (%5 NaOCl, % 1,3 NaOCl +MTAD, % 5 EDTA, Propolis, %2 Klorheksidin) gore her biri rastgele 15 disten olusan bes gruba ayrildi. Ayrica negatif ve pozitif kontrol grubu olarak da rastgele 8 dis ayrildi. Kok kanallari, lateral kondensasyon metodu uygulanarak gutta-perka ve biyoseramik esasli kanal pati ile dolduruldu. Ornekler, Rhodamine-B boyasi icerisine yerlestirilerek, 30 G’de 5 dakika suresince santrifuje edilerek, alinan kesitler steromikroskop altinda degerlendirildi. En fazla apika...
Dental oral biology and craniofacial research, Apr 2, 2018
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of MTAD combined with endosonic i... more Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of MTAD combined with endosonic irrigation on apical leakage associated with the Resilon/Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2 endodontic obturation systems. Material and Methods: Thirty single-canal extracted teeth were used for the study. The root canals were prepared by using ProTaper nickel titanium rotary files. During preparation and between each file action, 1 ml of 5% sodium hypochlorite was used as an irrigant. After completion of the instrument operations all specimens received a final flush of MTAD combined with endosonic irrigation and dried with paper points. The specimens were obturated with Resilon/Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2. All specimens were centrifuged at 3 G for 5 minutes in 2% Rhodamine B dye solution. Dye penetration was measured from the apical to the coronal part of the root canal using a stereomicroscope with an ocular micrometer. Results: GuttaFlow2 specimens showed less leakage than the Epiphany SE specimes. There is a significant difference in amount of leakage values between Epiphany SE and GuttaFlow2 groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: GuttaFlow2 filling material had higher sealing ability than Epiphany SE when the root canals were irrigated with endosonic irrigation of MTAD as a final irrigation..
Objective: This study aimed to assess the coronal-sealing ability of two different root canal obt... more Objective: This study aimed to assess the coronal-sealing ability of two different root canal obturation materials: gutta-percha with AH Plus and Resilon with Epiphany SE between radiated and nonirradiated groups. Materials and methods: Fifty-six extracted premolar teeth were randomly divided into two main groups according to the presence or absence of radiotherapy. Specimens were divided into two equal groups. In the radiotherapy group, a total dose of 60 Gy was delivered with 1.8 Gy/d fractions, 5 days a week, for 35 days. The root canals were obturated with either gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Epiphany SE canal sealer. The samples were then evaluated for the coronal-sealing ability using a centrifuging dye penetration test at 3000 rpm for 5 min in a 2% Rhodamine B solution. The degree of dye penetration was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. Results: Although the sealing ability of both groups was not affected in radiotherapy, the coronal leakage values of Resilon/Epiphany SE slightly increased when radiation was applied (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Radiotherapy does not significantly affect the coronal-sealing ability of root canal obturation materials, gutta-percha/AH Plus and Resilon/Epiphany SE.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination in hand-operated an... more Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination in hand-operated and automatic radiographic solutions and on contact surfaces during radiographic procedures such as X-ray cone and button and surface of hand-operated and automatic radiographic solution tanks in dental clinics. Methods: A 10 mL liquid solution was taken with syringe at 5, 10, 24, and 48 hour time intervals from freshly prepared hand-operated and automatic processing solution. The swab samples were taken from the surfaces of radiographic solution tanks, X-ray cone and its button. The specimens were inoculated into blood agar and Eosin Methylene-Blue (EMB) agar. The plates were incubated in an incubator for 48 hours at 37 °C. Becton Dickinson Phoenix Automated Microbiology System was used for determining the microorganisms. Results: Although the microbiologic analyses of the samples revealed no microbial growth in the hand-operated and automatic radiographic solutions in all observation periods, the microbial growth on the contact surfaces was observed. Staphylococcus epidermidis, metisillin resistant from the surface of radiographic solution tanks, X-ray cone and switch. Streptococcus mitis was found on the X-ray switch. Conclusion: Radiographic procedures can cause cross contamination; clinicians should therefore apply disinfection protocols in all radiographic procedures.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of five calcium hydroxide removal methods on... more The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of five calcium hydroxide removal methods on the bond strength of Epiphany SE sealer after canal irrigation with NaOCl+EDTA or NaOCl+MTAD. The 120 roots were instrumented by using the ProTaper rotary system under irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and randomly divided into two major groups according to the final irrigation: 1.3% NaOCl + MTAD and 5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA. For controls, 10 roots from each of the final irrigations with NaOCl + MTAD and NaOCl + EDTA (20 roots) were not filled with Ca(OH)2. The intra-canal paste, Ca(OH)2 was applied to each of the 100 remaining roots and stored at 37°C for 7 days. Each group was sub-divided into five sub-groups (n = 10) according to the removal technique for the intra-canal dressing: Group-1: recapitulation with size 30 K file + 3 ml of saline solution, Group-2: recapitulation with size 30 K file + 3 ml of 5% NaOCl, Group-3: using 5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA, Group-4: using 5%NaOCl + 15% citric acid, and Group-5: using 1.3% NaOCl + 5 ml MTAD. The root canals were filled with Resilon and Epiphany SE sealer. The bond strength was measured. The mean bond strength of Epiphany SE to root dentine irrigated with NaOCl + MTAD was lower than that of NaOCl + EDTA. The highest bond strengths were 3.31 ± 0.057 and 2.60 ± 0.054 in the NaOCl + citric acid group when Ca(OH)2 was applied to roots treated with NaOCl + EDTA and NaOCl + MTAD, respectively (p &lt; 0.05). For root canals treated with NaOCl + EDTA or NaOCl + MTAD, the use of NaOCl + chelating agent for Ca(OH)2 removal does not adversely affect the bond strength of Epiphany SE to dentin.
Aim: To evaluate the clinical and radiological response of primary molars to direct pulp capping ... more Aim: To evaluate the clinical and radiological response of primary molars to direct pulp capping with calcium sulfate hemihydrate. Materials and methods: Forty primary molar teeth in 40 healthy children aged 5-9 years were treated by direct pulp capping. Teeth were randomly assigned to two groups (n=20) according to material used for capping, as follows: Group 1: calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal); Group 2: calcium sulfate hemihydrate (Dentogen). All teeth were restored with a conventional glass ionomer base (Fuji IX) and amalgam. Results: After 12 months, the overall success rate of direct pulp capping was approximately 75% (24/32 teeth, excluding exfoliations). The success rate did not differ significantly between calcium hydroxide and calcium sulfate hemihydrate treatment. Conclusion: Calcium sulfate hemihydrate was found to be as successful as calcium hydroxide for direct pulp capping of primary molars with Class I cavities. Further histological studies are needed to support these findings.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci Ondokuzmayis Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesinde 4. ve 5. donem sta... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci Ondokuzmayis Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesinde 4. ve 5. donem stajyer ogrenciler tarafindan gerceklestirilmis olan kok kanali tedavilerinin radyografik olarak yeterliliklerinin incelenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu incelemede kanal tedavilerinin gerceklestirilmis oldugu hasta kayitlari incelemeye alinmistir. Bu kayitlarda toplam 106 adet endodontik tedavi gormus dise ait 260 adet kok kanal dolgusu radyolojik olarak incelenmistir. Kok kanal dolgularinin kalitesini belirleyebilmek icin periapikal filmlerden yararlanilmistir. Her bir kokteki kanal dolgusu radyografik apeks ile olan iliskisi acisindan kabul edilebilir, kisa ya da taskin olarak siniflandirilmislardir. Kok kanal dolgusunun densitesi ve kalitesi ise, kanal icerisindeki bosluklarin mevcudiyetine gore degerlendirilmistir. Lokalizasyon, pozisyon ve kurvaturlerine gore her bir gruptaki disler Kruskal- Wallis ve Mann-Whitney U analizleri ile istatistiksel olarak incelenmislerdir. Bulgular: Kok kanali dolgularinin yaklasik %89’u apekse kabul edilebilir bir mesafe ve densitede iken, yaklasik olarak %8’i kisa ve % 3 ’u taskin olarak bulunmustur. Yetersiz olarak kabul edilmis olan kanal dolgularina molar dislerde tek koklu on grup dislere oranla daha fazla oranda rastlanilmis (%40) (p 0.01). Sonuc: Stajyer ogrenciler tarafindan gerceklestirilen kanal tedavilerinin yeterliligi % 89 olarak bulunmustur. Fakat bu basari orani ne yazik ki molar dislerde yakalanamamistir. Branslasmis klinik inceleme ile preklinik ve klinik calisma saatlerinin arttirilmasi tedavi kalitesini yukseltebilecegi dusunulmektedir.
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010
Amac: Bu calismada, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonu kullanilarak, degisik markalardaki kagit konla... more Amac: Bu calismada, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonu kullanilarak, degisik markalardaki kagit konlarinin sivi emilim kabiliyetlerinin karsilastirilarak degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamizda 4 farkli marka 35 numarali kagit konlar (Diadent MMPP, Sure-Endo, Spident ve Gapadent) kullanilarak, her grup 45 adetten olusacak sekilde dort grup olusturuldu. Olusturulan dort grup, uc farkli irrigasyon solusyonunda (Sodyum hipoklorit (NaOCl), klorhexidin (CHX) ve distile su) kullanmak uzere uc alt gruba ayrildi. Elektronik hassas terazide, her bir kagit konun kuru ve yas agirliklari olculdu. Olusan bu fark, emilen sivi miktari olarak kaydedildi. Bulgular: Kagit konlarin NaOCl ve CHX’de sivi emilim duzeyleri arasinda istatistiksel bir farklilik bulunmazken (p>0.05); bu iki solusyonla distile su arasinda istatistiksel bir farklilik saptanmistir (p<0.05). Kagit konlarin NaOCl ve distile su emme kapasiteleri degerlendirildiginde, Diadent MMPP’nin en fazla oldugu belirlendi. Klorheksidin emilim duzeylerinde ise, en fazla Diadent MMPP ve SureEndo’da gorulmustur. Sonuc: Diadent MMPP’nin diger marka kagit konlara gore calismada kullandigimiz uc irrigasyon solusyonunda daha fazla emilim gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Ayrica, NaOCl ve CHX’e gore distile su kagit konlar tarafindan daha az emilmistir.
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, Apr 1, 2005
Kotu agiz kokusu veya halitozis insanlar icin sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara neden olan, yaygin g... more Kotu agiz kokusu veya halitozis insanlar icin sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara neden olan, yaygin gorulen bir problemdir. Halitozis; gercek halitozis, yalanci halitozis ve halitofobi olarak siniflandirilabilir. Halitozis’in etyolojisinde pek cok faktor olmasina ragmen, cogu vakada lokal faktorler buyuk rol oynar ve agiz kokusunun %90 nedeni periodontal hastaliklar, dis curukleri veya kotu oral hijyen gibi agiz ici faktorlerdir. Dilin arka sirtinda Gram (-) bakterilerin birikmesi halitozis’e neden olabilmektedir. Ucucu sulfur bilesenleri (USB) ve diger ucucu bilesenlerin mikrobiyal putrefaksiyonu sonucu agiz ici kaynakli koku olusmaktadir. Kotu agiz kokusunun tedavisinde, ucucu sulfur bilesenlerinin ucucu olmayan urunlere donusturulmesi velveya agiz ici bakteri birikiminin azaltilmasi uzerine yogunlasilmalidir: Genelde tip doktoru ve dis hekimleri halitozis’in nedenleri ve tedavisi konularini ihmal edilebilmektedir. Bu makalede halitozis’in etyolojisi, prevalansi, siniflandirilmasi, teshis kriterleri ve tedavi ihtiyaclari ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir.
Agiz boslugu bakterilerin uremesi icin oldukca elverisli bir ortamdir. Hastaya yapilan dental isl... more Agiz boslugu bakterilerin uremesi icin oldukca elverisli bir ortamdir. Hastaya yapilan dental islemler sirasinda agiz boslugundaki mikroorganizmalar aerosol vasitasiyla bireyden bireye gecebilmektedir. Dental kliniklerdeki bakteriyel aerosol ve damlaciklarin konsantrasyonlari tedavi islemleri sirasinda en yuksek degerine ulasmaktadir. Tedavi esnasinda artan bakteriyel aerosol seviyesi, dental klinikte oldukca genis bir alana dagilabilmektedir. Ozellikle tedavisi yapilacak risk grubu hastalar icin gereken onlemlerin alinmasiyla birlikte ortama yayilan bioaerosollerin de azaltilmasi gerekmektedir. Klima, hava temizleme cihazlarinin, elektrostatik cihazlarin ve ultraviole lambalarin kullanilmasi, hastaya islem oncesi antiseptik gargaralarin kullandirilmasi ve rubber-dam takilmasi gibi bakteriyel aerosol azaltma metodlarinin uygulanmasi ile hekim ve yardimcisinin immunizasyonunun saglanmasi yararli olacaktir.
Papers by Emre Bodrumlu