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Bun v1.2.3

Jarred Sumner · February 22, 2025

This release fixes 128 bugs (addressing 349 👍). Bun gets a full-featured frontend development toolchain with incredibly fast hot reloading and bundling. Built-in routing for Bun.serve() makes it simpler to build web applications. Bun.SQL gets sql.array, sql fragments, sql.file, and many bugfixes. Node.js compatibility improvements for Buffer & Node-API (napi).

To install Bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
npm install -g bun
powershell -c "irm bun.sh/install.ps1|iex"
scoop install bun
brew tap oven-sh/bun
brew install bun
docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun

To upgrade Bun

bun upgrade

Develop frontend apps with bun ./index.html

Before Bun became a JavaScript runtime (and test runner, package manager), Bun started as a frontend dev server - and today, in Bun v1.2.3, we're bringing that back.

You can now use Bun as a frontend dev server for static sites, landing pages, and web applications by directly executing .html files.

This uses Bun's bundler, JavaScript/JSX/TypeScript transpiler and CSS parser to provide a modern frontend development toolchain with zero configuration.

For single-page apps:

bun ./index.html
Bunv1.2.4ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

For multi-page apps, pass a glob pattern to the command:

bun './**/*.html'
Bunv1.2.4ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

React is supported out of the box. Hot reloading just works. Plugins for Svelte and Vue are coming soon, with the same plugin API as our existing Bun.build() API.

Built-in routing for Bun.serve()

Running the frontend and backend parts of your app together should be simple. It shouldn't mean multiple commands coordinated to run together. You shouldn't need a proxy server. You shouldn't need to rewrite URLs or headers. Locally, your backend and frontend should run in the same process, from the same server.

For that to work nicely, Bun needs to know which routes go to frontend code and which go to backend code. That's why we're introducing a new routes option for Bun.serve().

Bun.serve() now supports built-in routing with dynamic path parameters. Routes can return async responses and have access to type-safe route parameters.

Here's a database-backed full-stack application in 25 lines of code:

import { serve, sql } from "bun";
import App from "./myReactSPA.html";

  port: 3000,
  routes: {
    "/*": App,
    "/api/users": {
      GET: async () => Response.json(await sql`SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10`),

      POST: async (req) => {
        const { name, email } = await req.json();
        const [user] =
          await sql`INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (${name}, ${email}) RETURNING *`;
        return Response.json(user);

    "/api/users/:id": async (req) => {
      const { id } = req.params;
      const [user] = await sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${id} LIMIT 1`;
      if (!user) {
        return new Response("User not found", { status: 404 });
      return Response.json(user);

This makes it simpler to build full-featured web applications with Bun.

Previously, you had to think about "How do I read the URL to figure out which route to call?" or reach for a library like path-to-regexp. Now, you can just define your routes and let Bun match them for you. Along the way, we also made the fetch handler optional when routes are specified. The static option has been renamed to routes.

Learn more in the Bun.serve() docs.

bun init to start a new React project

You can run frontend apps with Bun now, but how do you get started with an empty project?

bun init
? Select a project template - Press return to submit.
❯   Blank

You can choose the React template in bun init to get a new React project.

If you've used Create React App before, this should feel familiar. Unlike CRA, Bun's React template includes a lightweight backend server as well as frontend tooling.

bun create ./MyComponent.tsx

For existing projects and LLM-generated React code, you can use bun create ./MyComponent.tsx to configure Bun's frontend dev server to bundle and serve your project. This:

  1. Uses Bun's bundler & JSX/TypeScript transpiler to scan your source code for imported dependencies
  2. Uses bun install to install any missing dependencies
  3. Detects common frontend tooling like TailwindCSS and shadcn/ui and automatically configures the dev server to use them

This makes it easier to get started with Bun's new frontend tooling.

New: bun install --analyze

bun install --analyze scans imported packages from source files and adds any missing ones to package.json.

bun install --analyze src/**/*.ts

This command analyzes JavaScript/TypeScript source files using Bun's bundler to detect imported packages and ensures they are added to package.json.

Buffer and Node.js Compatibility

Load full certificate bundles from NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS

Bun now supports loading full certificate bundles from the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable, matching Node.js behavior. This allows you to specify additional trusted CA certificates for TLS connections.

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="/path/to/full/bundle.crt"

Buffer compatibility improvements

Several more Node.js Buffer tests are now passing, impacting methods like:

  • Buffer.copy()
  • Buffer.from()
  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt8()
  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8()
  • Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE()
  • Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE()
  • Buffer.prototype.compare()
  • Buffer.prototype.includes()
  • Buffer.prototype.indexOf()
  • Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf()
  • Buffer.prototype.write()
  • process.binding('buffer')

Thanks to @nektro for the contribution!

Fixed: Buffer resizing behavior in node:buffer

Fixed a bug where node:buffer would not properly handle resizable or growable shared buffers. This improves compatibility with Node.js's buffer implementation.

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16, { maxByteLength: 32 });
const uint8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
buffer.resize(32); // Now works correctly

Thanks to @nektro for the contribution!

Fixed: create-midway package now works

Calling process.binding("fs") used to throw an Error that was preventing being able to use the create-midway package and others. This is now implemented.

bun --bun create midway@latest now works

Thanks to @nektro for the contribution!

Buffer.prototype.inspect() now prints hexadecimal

Consider the following example,

let b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
b.specialnumber = 42;

In Bun v1.2.3, this will now print the byte content in hexadecimal and additional fields that were not previously shown.

 ❯ bun ./test.js
-Buffer(4) [ 49, 50, 51, 52 ]
+<Buffer 31 32 33 34, specialnumber: 42>

This behavior is supported in console.log() (and other Console functions), Bun.inspect(), and node:util.inspect().

Thanks to @nektro for the contribution!

Node-API improvements for ArrayBuffer handling

Bun's Node-API implementation now correctly handles ArrayBuffers and TypedArrays in napi_is_buffer() and napi_is_typedarray(). This matches Node.js's behavior and improves compatibility with native addons.

// napi_is_buffer() now correctly returns true for:
new Uint8Array();
new BigUint64Array();
new DataView(new ArrayBuffer());

// napi_is_typedarray() returns true for:
new Uint8Array();
new BigUint64Array();

node:fs support for embedded files in Single-File Executables

Embedded files in Bun's single-file executables now support Node.js filesystem APIs like fs.stat, fs.readFile, and fs.existsSync. Previously, only the sync version of fs.readFile was supported for embedded files.

// These now work in single-file executables:
import { promises as fs } from "node:fs";
import myEmbeddedFile from "./myEmbeddedFile.txt" with {type: "file"};
await fs.readFile(myEmbeddedFile);
await fs.stat(myEmbeddedFile);

import fs from "node:fs";

Previously, you could only use real files from the filesystem with node:fs. Now you can use embedded files too, which makes it easier to interop with existing code and libraries.

Thanks to @dylan-conway for the contribution!

New in Bun.SQL

.simple() - Multi-statement queries

Bun.sql now supports the PostgreSQL simple query protocol, allowing multiple statements to be executed in a single query.

// Multiple statements in one query
await sql`

This is useful for running migrations or other multi-statement queries that need to be executed in a single round trip to the database.`

Note that simple queries cannot use parameters (${value}). If you need parameters, you must split your query into separate statements.

prepare: false - configurable prepared statements

You can now disable prepared statements in Bun.sql by setting prepare: false in the connection options.

const sql = new SQL({
  // ... other options ...
  prepare: false, // Disable prepared statements

This is useful when working with PGBouncer in transaction mode, debugging query execution plans, or working with dynamic SQL where query plans need to be regenerated frequently.

Improved: Arrays support in Bun.sql

Bun.sql now supports retrieving array values from PostgreSQL, including arrays of integers, text, dates, timestamps, and more. Arrays properly handle null values, always returning null for null elements. Previously, in many cases Bun would return an error.

const result = await sql`SELECT ARRAY[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, NULL]::integer[]`;
console.log(result[0].array); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, null]

const strings = await sql`SELECT ARRAY['Hello', 'World', NULL]::text[]`;
console.log(strings[0].array); // ['Hello', 'World', null]

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

sql must be called as a tagged template literal

Previously, Bun's SQL client would not throw an error if you called it as a function instead of a tagged template literal.

// ✅ Correct: Use as tagged template literal
const users = await sql`SELECT * FROM users`;

// ❌ Incorrect: Will throw ERR_POSTGRES_NOT_TAGGED_CALL
const users = await sql("SELECT * FROM users");

Instead, it should be called as a tagged template literal, or an explicit sql.unsafe(query) call.

This prevents a footgun where you might unknowingly introduce SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Fixed: Binary numeric values in Bun.sql

For safety and consistency with postgres.js, numeric values from PostgreSQL are now always returned as strings when using binary format.

import { sql } from "bun";
import { expect } from "bun:test";

const result = await sql`SELECT 1.23::numeric`;
expect(result).toEqual([{ "?column?": "1.23" }]);

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: SQL idle timeout disconnect during query processing

Fixed an issue where PostgreSQL connections could incorrectly time out and disconnect while still processing query results. The idle timeout is now properly disabled when actively processing data from the database.

const sql = new SQL({
  url: "postgres://localhost:5432/mydb",
  idleTimeout: 30, // Won't disconnect while processing results

const results = await sql`SELECT * FROM large_table`;

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: URL-encoded credentials in Bun.sql connection strings

The SQL client now properly handles URL-encoded usernames, passwords and database names in PostgreSQL connection strings.

// This now works correctly
const sql = new Bun.SQL(

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: SQL template literal fragments

Bun.sql now properly handles nested SQL template literal fragments and concatenation of parameters. This allows for more flexible query composition.

// Create reusable query fragments
const orderBy = (field) => sql`ORDER BY ${sql(field)} DESC`;

// Use fragments in queries
const results = await sql`
  SELECT * FROM posts
  WHERE author_id = ${userId}
  ${shouldSort ? orderBy("created_at") : sql``}

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: ReadyForQuery state

A bug that could cause the PostgreSQL connection to disconnect with an error after some amount of time has passed has been fixed. It was caused by assuming the server was ready for a new query too early.

Fixed: memory leak in SQL query strings

A memory leak in SQL query strings has been fixed. This improves memory usage when executing many SQL queries, especially with large query strings.

import { sql } from "bun";

// Memory is now properly released after each query
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  await sql`SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE id = ${i}`;

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: verify-full & verify-ca SSL modes

Fixed an issue where TLS certificate verification for PostgreSQL connections was incorrectly handling different SSL modes like verify-ca and verify-full, leading to throwing certificate errors when not expected to do so.

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Faster WebAssembly startup & lower memory usage with IPInt

Tiered WebAssembly execution

More libraries are starting to adopt WebAssembly (Wasm) to run performance-critical code, or existing libraries written in systems languages, without the hassle of distributing binaries for every OS and architecture. JavaScriptCore, which powers Bun's JS and Wasm execution, has long used just-in-time (JIT) compilation to extract maximum performance from Wasm code, just like it does for JS. This allows hot-path Wasm functions to be compiled to optimized machine code that runs directly on the user's CPU.

But JIT compilation has a cost that isn't always worth paying. It takes time to compile code, and during that time you can't run the code at all. So JSC has also included an interpreter, called LLInt (low-level interpreter), which reduces the latency before Wasm code can start running and improves performance for functions that don't run enough times to be worth JIT compilation.

A new WebAssembly interpreter

The in-place interpreter, or IPInt, is a new interpreter for Wasm that replaces LLInt. LLInt had to first convert the entire Wasm module into a different bytecode format in order to be executed, which takes a long time and requires a lot of memory. Instead, IPInt mostly executes the Wasm code directly, in the same format it is stored on the filesystem or transferred over the network. IPInt only uses additional metadata for certain instructions, and this metadata is stored separately so that the Wasm code doesn't need to be modified. This has two benefits:

  • Wasm code can now start running more quickly, because generating metadata is less expensive than compiling the entire module to bytecode.
  • Less memory is needed to run Wasm code, because the metadata is smaller than the bytecode.

IPInt has been included behind a flag for some time, but with this release we're following WebKit's lead in enabling it by default. If you encounter new bugs with Wasm modules in this release, you can revert to the old interpreter with the environment variable BUN_JSC_useWasmIPInt=0, but please also report such bugs to us so that we can help the WebKit team track them down.

Many thanks to Daniel Liu and the WebKit team for this improvement!

Other Improvements

Bun.file(path).stream() uses less memory

We've optimized memory usage when working with the web-based ReadableStream from Bun.file(path).stream in Bun, particularly for scenarios involving reading large amounts of data or long-running streams.

const reader = Bun.file(path).stream().getReader();
while (true) {
  const { done, value } = await reader.read();
  if (done) break;

Improved Flags Display in CLI Help

When running --help, CLI flags that accept values now show =<val> to indicate they accept a value.

--outfile                  Write to a file
--outfile=<val>            Write to a file

This makes it more obvious which flags expect a value versus flags that are simple toggles.

Support for Virtual Hosted-Style S3 Endpoints

Bun's S3 client now supports Virtual Hosted-Style endpoints for S3-compatible services. When using this style, the bucket name is part of the hostname rather than the path.

import { S3Client } from "bun";

const s3 = new S3Client({
  accessKeyId: "access-key",
  secretAccessKey: "secret-key",
  bucket: "my-bucket",
  virtualHostedStyle: true,

// Or specify the endpoint directly
const s3WithEndpoint = new S3Client({
  accessKeyId: "access-key",
  secretAccessKey: "secret-key",
  endpoint: "https://my-bucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
  virtualHostedStyle: true,

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Fixed: expect().toEqual() with error.cause

The deep equality comparison logic for Error objects has been enhanced to handle additional properties like .cause and enumerable properties, while properly respecting strict mode comparisons.

import { expect } from "bun:test";

const err1 = new Error("message");
err1.cause = "cause";
err1.extra = "data";

const err2 = new Error("message");
err2.cause = "cause";
err2.extra = "data";

expect(err1).toEqual(err2); // Now passes

Thanks to @DonIsaac for the contribution!

bun pm pack: fix "files" starting with "./"

Packing paths starting with "./" from "files" in package.json have been fixed, and will be correctly included in the resulting package.

  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "files": ["./dist", "!./subdir", "./src/index.ts"]

Thanks to @RiskyMH for the contribution!

Environment Variables in HTML imports

You can now pass environment variables to your HTML files by setting env in the [serve.static] section of your bunfig.toml file.

# Make all BUN_PUBLIC_* environment variables available to client-side code via process.env.BUN_PUBLIC_MY_VAR
env = "BUN_PUBLIC_*"

Improved: Bun.Glob

We fixed several bugs in Bun.Glob, especially related to matching directories and handling of ** patterns. Big thanks to @probably-neb and @zackradisic for the contribution!

CSS Improvements

This release includes several improvements to CSS handling, including fixes for light/dark mode, color down-leveling, and box-shadow minification.

// Light/dark mode CSS now works correctly
const css = `
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  body { background: black; }

// Box-shadow values are minified
  const minified = `box-shadow: 0px 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0px 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)`;
  const minified = `box-shadow:0 4px 6px -1px #0000001a,0 2px 4px -1px #0000000f`;

Bug Fixes

Fixed CSS parsing of @-webkit-keyframes

The CSS parser now correctly handles the @-webkit-keyframes rule in stylesheets.

@-webkit-keyframes slide {
  from {
    transform: translateX(0);
  to {
    transform: translateX(100px);

Thanks to @ricky-pan for the contribution!

Fixed: file writer could prematurely close file descriptors

Fixed an issue where Bun's file writer would close file descriptors it didn't own when calling writer.end(). This could lead to errors when the descriptor was still needed by other parts of the application.

const fileHandle = await fsPromises.open("file.txt", "w");
const fd = fileHandle.fd;

// Previously this would incorrectly close the fd
await Bun.file(fd).writer().end();

// Now the fd remains open for use
await fsPromises.close(fd);

Thanks to @pfgithub for the contribution!

Fixed: FormData boundary quotes in fetch

The Content-Type header for multipart form data no longer includes quotes around the boundary parameter, matching Node.js behavior and improving compatibility with some servers.

const form = new FormData();
form.append("file", "content");

const req = new Request("https://example.com", {
  method: "POST",
  body: form,

  // Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="..."
  // Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=...

Fixed: bunx "exec" error on Windows

In certain cases, bunx could throw an error when executing a command on Windows where it treated the command as "exec" instead of the actual command. This has been fixed, thanks to @riskymh.

Fixed bun.lock formatting

Bun's lockfile now consistently formats package bin entries and dependencies with proper newlines and spacing between keys and values.

// Before
"pkg1-1": "bin-1.js""pkg1-2": "bin-2.js"

// After
  "pkg1-1": "bin-1.js",
  "pkg1-2": "bin-2.js"

Thanks to @dylan-conway for the contribution!

Fixed: React JSX development runtime for static files

When using Bun's static file serving with React, development vs production runtime loading now works correctly based on NODE_ENV. Previously, there could be mismatches between react-jsx and react-jsxdev loading.

// Development (NODE_ENV=development)
import * as jsx from "react/jsx-dev-runtime";

// Production (NODE_ENV=production)
import * as jsx from "react/jsx-runtime";

Thanks to @paperclover for the contribution!

Fixed: UDP multicast membership crash

The node:dgram module no longer crashes when calling addMembership() or dropMembership() without specifying an interface address.

import dgram from "node:dgram";

const socket = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
socket.addMembership(""); // No longer crashes

Fixed: stdin waking up after unref/ref

The process.stdin stream now correctly resumes reading input after being unref'd and ref'd again. Previously, stdin could become unresponsive in certain scenarios involving unref/ref cycles.

// This now works correctly

process.stdin.on("readable", () => {
  const chunk = process.stdin.read();
  if (chunk !== null) {

Fixed: HTTP error handling in bun install

Fixed a potential crash that could occur when printing HTTP errors during bun install. This makes error reporting more reliable when package downloads fail.

Fixed: computed property names in legacy TypeScript decorators

A bug with computed property names in legacy TypeScript decorators has been fixed.

// Simple logging decorator
function log(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
  const originalMethod = descriptor.value;

  descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
    console.log(`Calling ${propertyKey} with:`, args);
    return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
const kGreet = Symbol("greet");

class Example {
  [kGreet](name: string) {
    return `Hello ${name}!`;
  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

A bug that caused Bun.file().stat() and Bun.file().delete() to not work correctly with non-ASCII paths has been fixed.

const file = Bun.file("😀.txt");
await file.stat();
await file.delete();

Thanks to @dylan-conway for the contribution!

Thanks to 23 contributors!