Tizar is a member of the PARADI and has been admitted to practice in Indonesian court. He is a former Corporate Lawyer and currently serves as a Litigation Attorney.
Tizar graduated from Hasanuddin University with a Bachelor of Law degree. He also has a joint Master of Law degree from the Diponegoro University (Indonesia) and the Youngsan University (South Korea).
While at law school, Tizar was an avid mooter and has represented Hasanuddin University in a number of moot court competitions. He was also involved as a committee member in events held by the Asian Law Students' Association Local Chapter Unhas and the Asian Law Students' Association National Chapter Indonesia.
Tizar was a Research Assistant of Professor Park Jihyun (박지현 교수님) funded by Korea Legislation Research Institute in 2015.
Tizar speaks Indonesian, English, and Basic Korean. Supervisors: Park Ji Hyun and Park Hyung Kyung Address: Indonesia
Traditional knowledge as a work which is communal property and has opposition characteristics to ... more Traditional knowledge as a work which is communal property and has opposition characteristics to the legal regime of Intellectual Property rights. Thus, imposing for a regime of intellectual property used as a system to protect traditional knowledge would only cause anomalies in Indonesian society itself and the existing legal regime of Intellectual Property rights in Indonesia is not yet capable of protecting traditional knowledge, especially that associated with genetic resources. The existence of local wisdom of communities in South Sulawesi to genetic resources is to use Paliasa (Kleinhovia Hospita Linn.) leaf as a medicinal plant which are well documented in ancient texts "lontarak pabbura" and organized by Ammatoa as Kajang indigenous leaders. Therefore, it needs a protection model to protect traditional knowledge and their genetic resources associated with traditional knowledge through a sui generis system as positive protection and defensive protection models in order to provide comprehensive protection against traditional knowledge belonging to the Indonesian people.
Dalam era digital, marak terjadi berbagai pembajakan, hal ini dikarenakan kecanggihan teknologi s... more Dalam era digital, marak terjadi berbagai pembajakan, hal ini dikarenakan kecanggihan teknologi saat ini yang memungkinkan untuk menggandakan suatu karya cipta atau bahkan mengunduhnya secara bebas di dunia maya. Sehingga setiap orang bisa mengaksesnya dengan bebas tanpa perlu mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun untuk membayar royalti kepada penciptanya. Perbuatan tersebut tentunya merupakan pelanggaran hak cipta. Dalam hubungan kepemilikan terhadap hak cipta, hukum menjamin pencipta untuk menguasai dan menikmati secara ekslusif hasil karyanya itu dan penghargaan terhadap hasil kreasi dari pekerjaan manusia yang memakai kemampuan intelektualnya, maka individu yang menghasilkan karya akan memiliki hak berupa hak milik dimana tidak seorang pun bisa mempunyai hak atas apa yang dihasilkan pencipta dari karya itu. Oleh karena itu, membuat aduan dikepolisian merupakan syarat mutlak agar dapat dilakukannya penyidikan atas telah terjadinya pelanggaran hak cipta. Ketentuan-ketentuan pidana dalam Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta merupakan ketentuan khusus dalam perkara pelanggaran hak cipta sementara Pasal 480 KUHP adalah ketentuan umumnya yang dapat dirujuk oleh pihak penyidik dalam menentukan telah terjadinya pelanggaran hak cipta. Di zaman serba modern ini bentuk-bentuk digital sudah bukan barang yang langka lagi. Dengan fasilitas internet beberapa lagu, film, buku, jurnal bisa diakses dengan mudahnya, baik itu secara komersil maupun non komersil alias bajakan.
The sentencing of an Islamic court in Indonesia to two men to 85 lashes for having sex together i... more The sentencing of an Islamic court in Indonesia to two men to 85 lashes for having sex together in the conservative province of Aceh has been analyzed from Islamic law perspective and international law perspective. This is the first case to hand down a sentence since enactment of Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 on Jinayat law (Islamic Criminal Code Bylaw) which contains code against homosexuality that punishes anybody caught engaging in consensual gay sex in 2014. From the International human rights perspective, this case shows a serious violation against LGBT community. However, in terms of social-law, the punishment of fornication relationship of the gay couple in Aceh is legal and understandable because human rights in Aceh, Indonesia is governed by both religious laws and national laws. This case gives an important message to the Muslim that Islamic law condemns homosexuality so those actions will be criminalized.
Beragam isu mengenai pengetahuan tradisional dengan yang berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Genetik tel... more Beragam isu mengenai pengetahuan tradisional dengan yang berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Genetik telah tampak dalam wilayah domestik baik itu di dalam wilayah Indonesia maupun dalam yuridiksi negara lain. Permasalahan-permasalahan ini telah menarik perhatian berbagai elemen di forum internasional seperti WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and Genetic Resources, Tradisional Knowledge, and Folklore dan juga dalam Konferensi Para Pihak CBD. Oleh Karena itu, artikel ini akan berfokus pada pentingnya pembentukan Undang-Undang sehingga dapat memberikan jaminan atas perlindungan positif (positive protection) pengetahuan tradisional dan sumber daya genetik sebagai kreativitas tradisional masyarakat hukum adat di Indonesia. Undang-undang, sebagai peraturan tertulis, dipertimbangkan sebagai informasi yang memiliki kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan-ketentuan pidananya. Undang-undang tersebut merupakan positive protection masyarakat Indonesia terhadap segala bentuk pembajakan sumber daya genetik dan hal apa pun yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan tradisional Indonesia yang mungkin dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak asing, dalam hal ini termasuk perusahaan multinasional mereka. Undang-undang tersebut nantinya diharapkan dapat menjamin hak komunal masyarakat lokal untuk pengetahuan tradisional dan yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya genetiknya atas ancaman eksploitasi dan pembajakan yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing.
The rapid development of oil palm plantation that has economic value came with drawback of interr... more The rapid development of oil palm plantation that has economic value came with drawback of interrupting sustainability of the environment. Extension of oil palm development will ultimately converse the forest areas. One of the forest types with high content of carbon is peatland forest. Conversion of forest area including peatland is still taking place. One of the negative impacts of developing peatland is emission of greenhouse gas. The huge amount of greenhouse gas will be released if peatlands are converted. Converted peatland becomes susceptible to fire. Therefore peatland requires special attention and policies for development. Peatland conservation effort will lead to a better outcome with proper management guideline of peat/peatland given to the companies, local communities and government. Most of all, compensation regulation should be enforced and supported by the form of court decision
The purpose of this study to explore the policies and laws of Indonesia in respect of climate cha... more The purpose of this study to explore the policies and laws of Indonesia in respect of climate change. Assessment of policies and laws of the climate change in Indonesia will provide us the information on tasks and positions of Non-annex countries in the international arena
Traditional knowledge as a work which is communal property and has opposition characteristics to ... more Traditional knowledge as a work which is communal property and has opposition characteristics to the legal regime of Intellectual Property rights. Thus, imposing for a regime of intellectual property used as a system to protect traditional knowledge would only cause anomalies in Indonesian society itself and the existing legal regime of Intellectual Property rights in Indonesia is not yet capable of protecting traditional knowledge, especially that associated with genetic resources. The existence of local wisdom of communities in South Sulawesi to genetic resources is to use Paliasa (Kleinhovia Hospita Linn.) leaf as a medicinal plant which are well documented in ancient texts "lontarak pabbura" and organized by Ammatoa as Kajang indigenous leaders. Therefore, it needs a protection model to protect traditional knowledge and their genetic resources associated with traditional knowledge through a sui generis system as positive protection and defensive protection models in order to provide comprehensive protection against traditional knowledge belonging to the Indonesian people.
Dalam era digital, marak terjadi berbagai pembajakan, hal ini dikarenakan kecanggihan teknologi s... more Dalam era digital, marak terjadi berbagai pembajakan, hal ini dikarenakan kecanggihan teknologi saat ini yang memungkinkan untuk menggandakan suatu karya cipta atau bahkan mengunduhnya secara bebas di dunia maya. Sehingga setiap orang bisa mengaksesnya dengan bebas tanpa perlu mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun untuk membayar royalti kepada penciptanya. Perbuatan tersebut tentunya merupakan pelanggaran hak cipta. Dalam hubungan kepemilikan terhadap hak cipta, hukum menjamin pencipta untuk menguasai dan menikmati secara ekslusif hasil karyanya itu dan penghargaan terhadap hasil kreasi dari pekerjaan manusia yang memakai kemampuan intelektualnya, maka individu yang menghasilkan karya akan memiliki hak berupa hak milik dimana tidak seorang pun bisa mempunyai hak atas apa yang dihasilkan pencipta dari karya itu. Oleh karena itu, membuat aduan dikepolisian merupakan syarat mutlak agar dapat dilakukannya penyidikan atas telah terjadinya pelanggaran hak cipta. Ketentuan-ketentuan pidana dalam Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta merupakan ketentuan khusus dalam perkara pelanggaran hak cipta sementara Pasal 480 KUHP adalah ketentuan umumnya yang dapat dirujuk oleh pihak penyidik dalam menentukan telah terjadinya pelanggaran hak cipta. Di zaman serba modern ini bentuk-bentuk digital sudah bukan barang yang langka lagi. Dengan fasilitas internet beberapa lagu, film, buku, jurnal bisa diakses dengan mudahnya, baik itu secara komersil maupun non komersil alias bajakan.
The sentencing of an Islamic court in Indonesia to two men to 85 lashes for having sex together i... more The sentencing of an Islamic court in Indonesia to two men to 85 lashes for having sex together in the conservative province of Aceh has been analyzed from Islamic law perspective and international law perspective. This is the first case to hand down a sentence since enactment of Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 on Jinayat law (Islamic Criminal Code Bylaw) which contains code against homosexuality that punishes anybody caught engaging in consensual gay sex in 2014. From the International human rights perspective, this case shows a serious violation against LGBT community. However, in terms of social-law, the punishment of fornication relationship of the gay couple in Aceh is legal and understandable because human rights in Aceh, Indonesia is governed by both religious laws and national laws. This case gives an important message to the Muslim that Islamic law condemns homosexuality so those actions will be criminalized.
Beragam isu mengenai pengetahuan tradisional dengan yang berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Genetik tel... more Beragam isu mengenai pengetahuan tradisional dengan yang berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Genetik telah tampak dalam wilayah domestik baik itu di dalam wilayah Indonesia maupun dalam yuridiksi negara lain. Permasalahan-permasalahan ini telah menarik perhatian berbagai elemen di forum internasional seperti WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and Genetic Resources, Tradisional Knowledge, and Folklore dan juga dalam Konferensi Para Pihak CBD. Oleh Karena itu, artikel ini akan berfokus pada pentingnya pembentukan Undang-Undang sehingga dapat memberikan jaminan atas perlindungan positif (positive protection) pengetahuan tradisional dan sumber daya genetik sebagai kreativitas tradisional masyarakat hukum adat di Indonesia. Undang-undang, sebagai peraturan tertulis, dipertimbangkan sebagai informasi yang memiliki kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan-ketentuan pidananya. Undang-undang tersebut merupakan positive protection masyarakat Indonesia terhadap segala bentuk pembajakan sumber daya genetik dan hal apa pun yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan tradisional Indonesia yang mungkin dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak asing, dalam hal ini termasuk perusahaan multinasional mereka. Undang-undang tersebut nantinya diharapkan dapat menjamin hak komunal masyarakat lokal untuk pengetahuan tradisional dan yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya genetiknya atas ancaman eksploitasi dan pembajakan yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing.
The rapid development of oil palm plantation that has economic value came with drawback of interr... more The rapid development of oil palm plantation that has economic value came with drawback of interrupting sustainability of the environment. Extension of oil palm development will ultimately converse the forest areas. One of the forest types with high content of carbon is peatland forest. Conversion of forest area including peatland is still taking place. One of the negative impacts of developing peatland is emission of greenhouse gas. The huge amount of greenhouse gas will be released if peatlands are converted. Converted peatland becomes susceptible to fire. Therefore peatland requires special attention and policies for development. Peatland conservation effort will lead to a better outcome with proper management guideline of peat/peatland given to the companies, local communities and government. Most of all, compensation regulation should be enforced and supported by the form of court decision
The purpose of this study to explore the policies and laws of Indonesia in respect of climate cha... more The purpose of this study to explore the policies and laws of Indonesia in respect of climate change. Assessment of policies and laws of the climate change in Indonesia will provide us the information on tasks and positions of Non-annex countries in the international arena
Papers by Tizar LL.M
This is the first case to hand down a sentence since enactment of Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 on Jinayat law (Islamic Criminal Code Bylaw) which contains code against homosexuality that punishes anybody caught engaging in consensual gay sex in 2014.
From the International human rights perspective, this case shows a serious violation against LGBT community.
However, in terms of social-law, the punishment of fornication relationship of the gay couple in Aceh is legal and understandable
because human rights in Aceh, Indonesia is governed by both religious laws and national laws.
This case gives an important message to the Muslim that Islamic
law condemns homosexuality so those actions will be criminalized.
Books by Tizar LL.M
This is the first case to hand down a sentence since enactment of Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 on Jinayat law (Islamic Criminal Code Bylaw) which contains code against homosexuality that punishes anybody caught engaging in consensual gay sex in 2014.
From the International human rights perspective, this case shows a serious violation against LGBT community.
However, in terms of social-law, the punishment of fornication relationship of the gay couple in Aceh is legal and understandable
because human rights in Aceh, Indonesia is governed by both religious laws and national laws.
This case gives an important message to the Muslim that Islamic
law condemns homosexuality so those actions will be criminalized.