I am Currently Working as Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science in Baljurashy, Al-Baha University, Al-Baha, KSA. I am working as Associate Professor of Plant Biotechnology,Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt. I am Editor and Reviewer for many International Scientific Journals. I am also a Freelancer Scientific Writer, Translator, Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Photographer. I have more than 300 articles covering all scientific areas. Phone: 0552819624 Address: Biology Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Al Baha University, KSA
تكشف هذه الورقة البحثية عن أهمية البحث العلمي في مجال إدارة المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية في البلدان ... more تكشف هذه الورقة البحثية عن أهمية البحث العلمي في مجال إدارة المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية في البلدان العربية. في البداية، تسلط الدراسة الضوء على المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية التي تتعرض لها المنطقة العربية مثل الزلازل والفيضانات والعواصف الترابية وغيرها. كما تناقش التأثيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية السلبية لهذه الكوارث. وتشير الدراسة إلى أن البحث العلمي يلعب دوراً حيوياً في فهم طبيعة هذه المخاطر وكيفية التنبؤ بحدوثها والاستجابة لها. حيث يساهم البحث العلمي من خلال جمع البيانات وتحليلها وبناء نماذج رياضية لفهم آليات هذه المخاطر. كما تستعرض الدراسة أمثلة عن كيفية استخدام البحث العلمي لتطوير حلول مبتكرة مثل أنظمة الإنذار المبكر وتقنيات بناء مقاومة للكوارث. ورغم أهمية البحث العلمي، إلا أن الدراسة تشير إلى تحدياته في المنطقة العربية مثل نقص التمويل وهجرة العلماء. غير أنه يوجد مبادرات لتعزيزه مستقبلاً. وتختتم الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات لتفعيل دور البحث العلمي في إدارة المخاطر الطبيعية، مثل زيادة التمويل وبناء القدرات وتعزيز التعاون الإقليمي.
طارق يحيي سليمان قابيل 1 حنان عيسى ملكاوي 2 1 كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة، مصر.
This extensive paper celebrates the incredible contributions of Loutfy Boulos to the Flora of Egy... more This extensive paper celebrates the incredible contributions of Loutfy Boulos to the Flora of Egypt. Boulos was considered an outstanding international Egyptian taxonomist. As a result of his extensive contribution to fieldwork, taxonomic expertise, and meticulous documentation and records, our understanding of Egypt's plant diversity has been significantly advanced. Through his botanical explorations across diverse regions, Boulos collected and identified numerous plant specimens, described new species, added new records, clarified taxonomic problems, and provided invaluable data for conservation efforts. Flora of Egypt's four volumes become an essential reference for researchers, educators, and conservationists. Later in 2009, an updated checklist of the native vascular flora of Egypt was published, with details on the occurrence at the regional level. Indeed, he provided invaluable information in our region's literature. This paper highlights Boulos' significant impact on the scientific community by expanding taxonomic knowledge, promoting conservation, and fostering international collaboration in the field of botany.
European journal of biology and biotechnology, Mar 12, 2024
Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbe... more Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbes offers a promising and sustainable solution. This review delves into the complex interplay between microbial communities and the dual challenge of environmental crisis and food security. Ubiquitous microorganisms-from bacteria to fungi and archaea-shape our planet's ecosystems, playing a crucial role in soil health, nutrient cycling, and plant-microbe interactions. This review dissects diverse microbial habitats, highlighting their remarkable adaptability to varied environments. It then underscores the reciprocal impacts of human-induced environmental changes on microbes and their habitats. Addressing these challenges, the review presents microbes as powerful allies in mitigating climate change. Their ability to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance soil fertility is explored. Innovations like biofertilizers and biopesticides demonstrate the potential of microbial technologies to revolutionize agriculture and ensure global food security. Concluding, the review emphasizes the symbiotic link between microbes and sustainable food production. Microbial technologies can adapt agriculture to changing climate conditions, addressing water scarcity and enhancing soil moisture retention. Their potential to boost productivity in both traditional and precision agriculture under diverse climatic conditions is highlighted. This review calls for the urgent recognition and harnessing of microbial power for a sustainable future. Embracing microbial technologies not only fosters environmental stewardship but also paves the way for a resilient and resource-efficient agricultural future.
European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2024
Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbe... more Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbes offers a promising and sustainable solution. This review delves into the complex interplay between microbial communities and the dual challenge of environmental crisis and food security. Ubiquitous microorganisms-from bacteria to fungi and archaea-shape our planet's ecosystems, playing a crucial role in soil health, nutrient cycling, and plant-microbe interactions. This review dissects diverse microbial habitats, highlighting their remarkable adaptability to varied environments. It then underscores the reciprocal impacts of human-induced environmental changes on microbes and their habitats. Addressing these challenges, the review presents microbes as powerful allies in mitigating climate change. Their ability to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance soil fertility is explored. Innovations like biofertilizers and biopesticides demonstrate the potential of microbial technologies to revolutionize agriculture and ensure global food security. Concluding, the review emphasizes the symbiotic link between microbes and sustainable food production. Microbial technologies can adapt agriculture to changing climate conditions, addressing water scarcity and enhancing soil moisture retention. Their potential to boost productivity in both traditional and precision agriculture under diverse climatic conditions is highlighted. This review calls for the urgent recognition and harnessing of microbial power for a sustainable future. Embracing microbial technologies not only fosters environmental stewardship but also paves the way for a resilient and resource-efficient agricultural future.
Since humans worldwide obtain more than 99.7% of their food (calories) from the land and less tha... more Since humans worldwide obtain more than 99.7% of their food (calories) from the land and less than 0.3% from the oceans and aquatic ecosystems, preserving cropland and maintaining soil fertility should be of the highest importance to human welfare. Soil erosion is one of the most serious threats facing world food production. Each year about 10 million ha of cropland are lost due to soil erosion, thus reducing the cropland available for world food production. The loss of cropland is a serious problem because the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization report that two-thirds of the world population is malnourished. Overall, soil is being lost from agricultural areas 10 to 40 times faster than the rate of soil formation imperiling humanity's food security.
Getting the screenshots prepared is a good approach that might time savings. But having screensho... more Getting the screenshots prepared is a good approach that might time savings. But having screenshots already prepared in addition to callouts, explanations, and annotations is an excellent approach which you will save much longer. More than likely, you've all that stuff prepared inside your journal impact factor list 2013 but it's not very polite to deal to the person: "Read that fantastic manual". User may do not know the location where the manual is on the PC as well as on what page is the looked-for solution located. On the other hand, you may also have zero time and energy to manually cut particular pages with screenshots and related instructions from your manual also to attach them to each support message.
The concept of circular bioeconomy or bio-based circular economy is an integrated concept of circ... more The concept of circular bioeconomy or bio-based circular economy is an integrated concept of circular economy and bioeconomy. In other words, it alludes to a systematic approach to economic growth that makes use of cascading biomass production from biological resources. In order to fulfil the objectives of sustainable development and the circular bioeconomy in Egypt, it is recommended that the bioeconomy be focused on as an economy of societal value in this article. It also discusses future directions and actions that can be used in this regard. This paper presents the current situation of the development of circular bioeconomy in Egypt and discuss future directions and measures that can be exploited and recommends focusing on the bioeconomy as an economy of societal value, enabling the achievement of the goals of sustainable development and the circular bioeconomy. Although there is no specific strategy for the bioeconomy, there are numerous government initiatives aiming to benefit from it in the future.
This paper provides an overview of the circular economy in Egypt. With the country facing signifi... more This paper provides an overview of the circular economy in Egypt. With the country facing significant environmental challenges, a circular economy approach can offer sustainable solutions to Egypt's environmental challenges by addressing issues like limited resources, waste generation, and a growing population in an eco-friendly and long-term perspective. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, including a literature review, surveys, and consultations with key stakeholders. The analysis reveals that although there are numerous challenges to establishing a circular economy in Egypt, such as limited understanding, insufficient government backing, and inadequate infrastructure, there are also opportunities, such as increasing demand for eco-friendly goods and services, as well as a receptive business environment. The paper recommends various policy and practical interventions to overcome these barriers and capitalize on these opportunities, including increasing awareness and understanding of the circular economy, developing supportive programs and regulations, investing in infrastructure and technology, and fostering stakeholder collaboration. This paper provides valuable insights into the potential for a circular economy in Egypt and the steps that can be taken to create a more sustainable future for the country. As such, it will interest policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working in the sustainability and environmental management field. The successful implementation of a circular economy in Egypt will require collective efforts from stakeholders to promote long-term sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Sex determination in the early developmental stages of dioecious crops is economically-beneficial... more Sex determination in the early developmental stages of dioecious crops is economically-beneficial. During this study, a human homology of SRY gene was successfully identified in dioecious crops. SRY gene sequences of date palm and jojoba were submitted to GenBank under the accession numbers KC577225 and MK991776, respectively. This is the first report regarding the novel sex-determination methodology of four dioecious plants (jojoba, date palm, papaya, and pistachios). SRY sex gene was found in all the tested dioecious plant and human samples. This novel approach is simple and of significant importance for breeders. It facilitates the unambiguous selection of jojoba and date palm female plants at an early age and reduces the plantation cost of cultivating non-productive male plants. This is a rapid sexdetermination technique for dioecious plants and mammals at an early stage. This technique specifically targets the SRY sequence that has been comprehensively investigated in humans. The kit development for the SRY-based sex determination of various crops is in progress.
This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, ... more This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, a Swedish botanist and children's book writer, and a global star who came to Egypt in the first half of the 20th century and she established the Herbarium at Cairo University with other colleagues. She was a professor of botany at Cairo University who authored a distinctive flora book, Flora of Egypt. She also wrote a series of popular science works on plants and the history of Egypt. This grand old woman had been closely associated with Cairo University for over 50 years, some 32 years as a professor of botany in the Herbarium. She was recognized and respected not only as the 'dean of Egyptian botany', but appreciated by all the researchers who knew her as one of those rare scientist-scholars who is completely selfless. She helped countless students and investigators both in Egypt and abroad by giving freely of her vast experience and deep knowledge on all matters Egyptian, motivated only by a sincere hope that a more carefully planned research project could be launched, or if a project was near completion, that a more mature complete interpretation could be achieved. With the passing of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, who died in Stockholm on 3 May 1978, at the age of 80, biological sciences in general, and Egyptian botanical science in particular, have suffered a great loss. A brief overview of her life reveals that Vivi Täckholm was a very unconventional woman by reviewing her achievement during her lifelong journey.
This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, ... more This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, a Swedish botanist and children's book writer, and a global star who came to Egypt in the first half of the 20th century and she established the Herbarium at Cairo University with other colleagues. She was a professor of botany at Cairo University who authored a distinctive flora book, Flora of Egypt. She also wrote a series of popular science works on plants and the history of Egypt. This grand old woman had been closely associated with Cairo University for over 50 years, some 32 years as a professor of botany in the Herbarium. She was recognized and respected not only as the 'dean of Egyptian botany', but appreciated by all the researchers who knew her as one of those rare scientist-scholars who is completely selfless. She helped countless students and investigators both in Egypt and abroad by giving freely of her vast experience and deep knowledge on all matters Egyptian, motivated only by a sincere hope that a more carefully planned research project could be launched, or if a project was near completion, that a more mature complete interpretation could be achieved. With the passing of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, who died in Stockholm on 3 May 1978, at the age of 80, biological sciences in general, and Egyptian botanical science in particular, have suffered a great loss. A brief overview of her life reveals that Vivi Täckholm was a very unconventional woman by reviewing her achievement during her lifelong journey.
This investigation was carried out for genetic characterization and determination of drought tole... more This investigation was carried out for genetic characterization and determination of drought tolerance of ten Egyptian cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), namely Misr 1, Misr 2, Gemmiza 9, Gemmiza 10, Gemmiza 11, Gemmiza 12, Shandawel 1, Giza 168, Giza 171, and Sids 14. These cultivars were grown in two winter seasons: 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 at the experimental farm Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ., Ismailia, Egypt, under two watering regimes: normal (100%) and stress (50% FC) conditions. Six agronomic traits and five tolerance indices, namely stress tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), yield stability index (YSI), and drought susceptibility index (DSI), were used to evaluate the impact of drought stress. The results reflected Giza 171, Misr 2, and Giza 168 as precious germplasm for breeding of high-yielding drought-tolerant wheat. A highly significant positive correlation was recorded between yield under normal and stress conditions on...
تكشف هذه الورقة البحثية عن أهمية البحث العلمي في مجال إدارة المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية في البلدان ... more تكشف هذه الورقة البحثية عن أهمية البحث العلمي في مجال إدارة المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية في البلدان العربية. في البداية، تسلط الدراسة الضوء على المخاطر والكوارث الطبيعية التي تتعرض لها المنطقة العربية مثل الزلازل والفيضانات والعواصف الترابية وغيرها. كما تناقش التأثيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية السلبية لهذه الكوارث. وتشير الدراسة إلى أن البحث العلمي يلعب دوراً حيوياً في فهم طبيعة هذه المخاطر وكيفية التنبؤ بحدوثها والاستجابة لها. حيث يساهم البحث العلمي من خلال جمع البيانات وتحليلها وبناء نماذج رياضية لفهم آليات هذه المخاطر. كما تستعرض الدراسة أمثلة عن كيفية استخدام البحث العلمي لتطوير حلول مبتكرة مثل أنظمة الإنذار المبكر وتقنيات بناء مقاومة للكوارث. ورغم أهمية البحث العلمي، إلا أن الدراسة تشير إلى تحدياته في المنطقة العربية مثل نقص التمويل وهجرة العلماء. غير أنه يوجد مبادرات لتعزيزه مستقبلاً. وتختتم الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات لتفعيل دور البحث العلمي في إدارة المخاطر الطبيعية، مثل زيادة التمويل وبناء القدرات وتعزيز التعاون الإقليمي.
طارق يحيي سليمان قابيل 1 حنان عيسى ملكاوي 2 1 كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة، مصر.
This extensive paper celebrates the incredible contributions of Loutfy Boulos to the Flora of Egy... more This extensive paper celebrates the incredible contributions of Loutfy Boulos to the Flora of Egypt. Boulos was considered an outstanding international Egyptian taxonomist. As a result of his extensive contribution to fieldwork, taxonomic expertise, and meticulous documentation and records, our understanding of Egypt's plant diversity has been significantly advanced. Through his botanical explorations across diverse regions, Boulos collected and identified numerous plant specimens, described new species, added new records, clarified taxonomic problems, and provided invaluable data for conservation efforts. Flora of Egypt's four volumes become an essential reference for researchers, educators, and conservationists. Later in 2009, an updated checklist of the native vascular flora of Egypt was published, with details on the occurrence at the regional level. Indeed, he provided invaluable information in our region's literature. This paper highlights Boulos' significant impact on the scientific community by expanding taxonomic knowledge, promoting conservation, and fostering international collaboration in the field of botany.
European journal of biology and biotechnology, Mar 12, 2024
Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbe... more Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbes offers a promising and sustainable solution. This review delves into the complex interplay between microbial communities and the dual challenge of environmental crisis and food security. Ubiquitous microorganisms-from bacteria to fungi and archaea-shape our planet's ecosystems, playing a crucial role in soil health, nutrient cycling, and plant-microbe interactions. This review dissects diverse microbial habitats, highlighting their remarkable adaptability to varied environments. It then underscores the reciprocal impacts of human-induced environmental changes on microbes and their habitats. Addressing these challenges, the review presents microbes as powerful allies in mitigating climate change. Their ability to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance soil fertility is explored. Innovations like biofertilizers and biopesticides demonstrate the potential of microbial technologies to revolutionize agriculture and ensure global food security. Concluding, the review emphasizes the symbiotic link between microbes and sustainable food production. Microbial technologies can adapt agriculture to changing climate conditions, addressing water scarcity and enhancing soil moisture retention. Their potential to boost productivity in both traditional and precision agriculture under diverse climatic conditions is highlighted. This review calls for the urgent recognition and harnessing of microbial power for a sustainable future. Embracing microbial technologies not only fosters environmental stewardship but also paves the way for a resilient and resource-efficient agricultural future.
European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2024
Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbe... more Amidst escalating climate change and food insecurity concerns, exploring the potential of microbes offers a promising and sustainable solution. This review delves into the complex interplay between microbial communities and the dual challenge of environmental crisis and food security. Ubiquitous microorganisms-from bacteria to fungi and archaea-shape our planet's ecosystems, playing a crucial role in soil health, nutrient cycling, and plant-microbe interactions. This review dissects diverse microbial habitats, highlighting their remarkable adaptability to varied environments. It then underscores the reciprocal impacts of human-induced environmental changes on microbes and their habitats. Addressing these challenges, the review presents microbes as powerful allies in mitigating climate change. Their ability to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance soil fertility is explored. Innovations like biofertilizers and biopesticides demonstrate the potential of microbial technologies to revolutionize agriculture and ensure global food security. Concluding, the review emphasizes the symbiotic link between microbes and sustainable food production. Microbial technologies can adapt agriculture to changing climate conditions, addressing water scarcity and enhancing soil moisture retention. Their potential to boost productivity in both traditional and precision agriculture under diverse climatic conditions is highlighted. This review calls for the urgent recognition and harnessing of microbial power for a sustainable future. Embracing microbial technologies not only fosters environmental stewardship but also paves the way for a resilient and resource-efficient agricultural future.
Since humans worldwide obtain more than 99.7% of their food (calories) from the land and less tha... more Since humans worldwide obtain more than 99.7% of their food (calories) from the land and less than 0.3% from the oceans and aquatic ecosystems, preserving cropland and maintaining soil fertility should be of the highest importance to human welfare. Soil erosion is one of the most serious threats facing world food production. Each year about 10 million ha of cropland are lost due to soil erosion, thus reducing the cropland available for world food production. The loss of cropland is a serious problem because the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization report that two-thirds of the world population is malnourished. Overall, soil is being lost from agricultural areas 10 to 40 times faster than the rate of soil formation imperiling humanity's food security.
Getting the screenshots prepared is a good approach that might time savings. But having screensho... more Getting the screenshots prepared is a good approach that might time savings. But having screenshots already prepared in addition to callouts, explanations, and annotations is an excellent approach which you will save much longer. More than likely, you've all that stuff prepared inside your journal impact factor list 2013 but it's not very polite to deal to the person: "Read that fantastic manual". User may do not know the location where the manual is on the PC as well as on what page is the looked-for solution located. On the other hand, you may also have zero time and energy to manually cut particular pages with screenshots and related instructions from your manual also to attach them to each support message.
The concept of circular bioeconomy or bio-based circular economy is an integrated concept of circ... more The concept of circular bioeconomy or bio-based circular economy is an integrated concept of circular economy and bioeconomy. In other words, it alludes to a systematic approach to economic growth that makes use of cascading biomass production from biological resources. In order to fulfil the objectives of sustainable development and the circular bioeconomy in Egypt, it is recommended that the bioeconomy be focused on as an economy of societal value in this article. It also discusses future directions and actions that can be used in this regard. This paper presents the current situation of the development of circular bioeconomy in Egypt and discuss future directions and measures that can be exploited and recommends focusing on the bioeconomy as an economy of societal value, enabling the achievement of the goals of sustainable development and the circular bioeconomy. Although there is no specific strategy for the bioeconomy, there are numerous government initiatives aiming to benefit from it in the future.
This paper provides an overview of the circular economy in Egypt. With the country facing signifi... more This paper provides an overview of the circular economy in Egypt. With the country facing significant environmental challenges, a circular economy approach can offer sustainable solutions to Egypt's environmental challenges by addressing issues like limited resources, waste generation, and a growing population in an eco-friendly and long-term perspective. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, including a literature review, surveys, and consultations with key stakeholders. The analysis reveals that although there are numerous challenges to establishing a circular economy in Egypt, such as limited understanding, insufficient government backing, and inadequate infrastructure, there are also opportunities, such as increasing demand for eco-friendly goods and services, as well as a receptive business environment. The paper recommends various policy and practical interventions to overcome these barriers and capitalize on these opportunities, including increasing awareness and understanding of the circular economy, developing supportive programs and regulations, investing in infrastructure and technology, and fostering stakeholder collaboration. This paper provides valuable insights into the potential for a circular economy in Egypt and the steps that can be taken to create a more sustainable future for the country. As such, it will interest policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working in the sustainability and environmental management field. The successful implementation of a circular economy in Egypt will require collective efforts from stakeholders to promote long-term sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Sex determination in the early developmental stages of dioecious crops is economically-beneficial... more Sex determination in the early developmental stages of dioecious crops is economically-beneficial. During this study, a human homology of SRY gene was successfully identified in dioecious crops. SRY gene sequences of date palm and jojoba were submitted to GenBank under the accession numbers KC577225 and MK991776, respectively. This is the first report regarding the novel sex-determination methodology of four dioecious plants (jojoba, date palm, papaya, and pistachios). SRY sex gene was found in all the tested dioecious plant and human samples. This novel approach is simple and of significant importance for breeders. It facilitates the unambiguous selection of jojoba and date palm female plants at an early age and reduces the plantation cost of cultivating non-productive male plants. This is a rapid sexdetermination technique for dioecious plants and mammals at an early stage. This technique specifically targets the SRY sequence that has been comprehensively investigated in humans. The kit development for the SRY-based sex determination of various crops is in progress.
This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, ... more This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, a Swedish botanist and children's book writer, and a global star who came to Egypt in the first half of the 20th century and she established the Herbarium at Cairo University with other colleagues. She was a professor of botany at Cairo University who authored a distinctive flora book, Flora of Egypt. She also wrote a series of popular science works on plants and the history of Egypt. This grand old woman had been closely associated with Cairo University for over 50 years, some 32 years as a professor of botany in the Herbarium. She was recognized and respected not only as the 'dean of Egyptian botany', but appreciated by all the researchers who knew her as one of those rare scientist-scholars who is completely selfless. She helped countless students and investigators both in Egypt and abroad by giving freely of her vast experience and deep knowledge on all matters Egyptian, motivated only by a sincere hope that a more carefully planned research project could be launched, or if a project was near completion, that a more mature complete interpretation could be achieved. With the passing of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, who died in Stockholm on 3 May 1978, at the age of 80, biological sciences in general, and Egyptian botanical science in particular, have suffered a great loss. A brief overview of her life reveals that Vivi Täckholm was a very unconventional woman by reviewing her achievement during her lifelong journey.
This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, ... more This year 2023 marks one hundred and twenty-five years since the birth of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, a Swedish botanist and children's book writer, and a global star who came to Egypt in the first half of the 20th century and she established the Herbarium at Cairo University with other colleagues. She was a professor of botany at Cairo University who authored a distinctive flora book, Flora of Egypt. She also wrote a series of popular science works on plants and the history of Egypt. This grand old woman had been closely associated with Cairo University for over 50 years, some 32 years as a professor of botany in the Herbarium. She was recognized and respected not only as the 'dean of Egyptian botany', but appreciated by all the researchers who knew her as one of those rare scientist-scholars who is completely selfless. She helped countless students and investigators both in Egypt and abroad by giving freely of her vast experience and deep knowledge on all matters Egyptian, motivated only by a sincere hope that a more carefully planned research project could be launched, or if a project was near completion, that a more mature complete interpretation could be achieved. With the passing of Vivi Laurent-Täckholm, who died in Stockholm on 3 May 1978, at the age of 80, biological sciences in general, and Egyptian botanical science in particular, have suffered a great loss. A brief overview of her life reveals that Vivi Täckholm was a very unconventional woman by reviewing her achievement during her lifelong journey.
This investigation was carried out for genetic characterization and determination of drought tole... more This investigation was carried out for genetic characterization and determination of drought tolerance of ten Egyptian cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), namely Misr 1, Misr 2, Gemmiza 9, Gemmiza 10, Gemmiza 11, Gemmiza 12, Shandawel 1, Giza 168, Giza 171, and Sids 14. These cultivars were grown in two winter seasons: 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 at the experimental farm Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ., Ismailia, Egypt, under two watering regimes: normal (100%) and stress (50% FC) conditions. Six agronomic traits and five tolerance indices, namely stress tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), yield stability index (YSI), and drought susceptibility index (DSI), were used to evaluate the impact of drought stress. The results reflected Giza 171, Misr 2, and Giza 168 as precious germplasm for breeding of high-yielding drought-tolerant wheat. A highly significant positive correlation was recorded between yield under normal and stress conditions on...
كون خفى جميل!
A beautiful hidden Universe
العالم الذي نراه بأعيننا هو منظر واحد فقط من مناظر م... more كون خفى جميل! A beautiful hidden Universe . العالم الذي نراه بأعيننا هو منظر واحد فقط من مناظر متعددة للواقع، ولكن يمكن أن تظهر المجاهر الحديثة كونَا آخر جميل غير مرئي. ويمكن أن تكشف الصور التي التقطت من خلال نطاق عدسات عالية الجودة عن أشكال وكائنات حية فى صورة لم يألفها إنسان قط من قبل. كما أنها تسلط الضوء على التفاصيل الجميلة والفنية والألوان الزاهية، وغالبا ما تكون صادمة للكثيرين عند رؤيتهم لها؛ حيث تظهر أشياء عادية، مثل فقاعات الصابون والقهوة المجففة، والزهور، وألسنة الفراشات، بصور غريبة لم نراها من قبل.
وتحتفل مسابقة نيكون العالمية عالم صغير من "نيكون" لعام 2016 بالصور المجهرية المدهشة من جميع أنحاء العالم، وكانت المنافسة لهذا العام مذهلة، ومتميزة، ومختلفة عن أى سنة من السنوات السابقة؛ حيث شارك فى المسابقة أكثر من 2000 مشارك من 70 بلدًا.
كتاب: الاستنساخ بالكاريكاتير - سلسلة تبسيط علوم المستقبل - التكنولوجيا الحيوية للجميع – د. طارق ق... more كتاب: الاستنساخ بالكاريكاتير - سلسلة تبسيط علوم المستقبل - التكنولوجيا الحيوية للجميع – د. طارق قابيل
Papers by Tarek Kapiel
طارق يحيي سليمان قابيل 1 حنان عيسى ملكاوي 2
1 كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة، مصر.
2 قسم العلوم الحياتية/ جامعة اليرموك - الأردن.
طارق يحيي سليمان قابيل 1 حنان عيسى ملكاوي 2
1 كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة، مصر.
2 قسم العلوم الحياتية/ جامعة اليرموك - الأردن.
عدد خاص من سلسلة "إضاءات" أصدرته منظمة المجتمع العلمي العربي بمناسبة الأسبوع العالمي
للتوعية بالمضادات الحيوية، وشاركت فى تأليفه.
المضادات الحيوية. الطبعة : الأولى، عدد الصفحات: 182، سنة النشر 2016.
للإطلاع على الكتاب إلكترونياً :
لتحميل نسخة بصيغة PDF :
A beautiful hidden Universe
العالم الذي نراه بأعيننا هو منظر واحد فقط من مناظر متعددة للواقع، ولكن يمكن أن تظهر المجاهر الحديثة كونَا آخر جميل غير مرئي. ويمكن أن تكشف الصور التي التقطت من خلال نطاق عدسات عالية الجودة عن أشكال وكائنات حية فى صورة لم يألفها إنسان قط من قبل. كما أنها تسلط الضوء على التفاصيل الجميلة والفنية والألوان الزاهية، وغالبا ما تكون صادمة للكثيرين عند رؤيتهم لها؛ حيث تظهر أشياء عادية، مثل فقاعات الصابون والقهوة المجففة، والزهور، وألسنة الفراشات، بصور غريبة لم نراها من قبل.
وتحتفل مسابقة نيكون العالمية عالم صغير من "نيكون" لعام 2016 بالصور المجهرية المدهشة من جميع أنحاء العالم، وكانت المنافسة لهذا العام مذهلة، ومتميزة، ومختلفة عن أى سنة من السنوات السابقة؛ حيث شارك فى المسابقة أكثر من 2000 مشارك من 70 بلدًا.