Dr. Saber Darmoul is Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering at Ecole Centrale Casablanca, Morocco. He has B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Automation and Control Engineering with highest distinction from the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie, INSAT), which is one of Tunisia’s renowned schools of Engineering. He has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France. His teaching areas are related to Systems Engineering, with emphasis on system design, simulation, performance optimization, industrial information systems, and production planning, monitoring and control. His research interests focus on distributed control of manufacturing, service, and cyber-physical systems using artificial intelligence. Dr. Darmoul is exploring the use of distributed artificial intelligence (multi-agent, holonic and bionic/bio-inspired systems) to monitor and control disruptions and risks in manufacturing, service and cyber-physical systems. Applications include reconfigurable manufacturing systems, which are the next step in Flexible Manufacturing. These systems allow high agility and responsiveness to disturbances and risks, such as fluctuation of demand and production resource availability/reliability. Applications also include intelligent transportation systems (ITS), supply chains and project management. Dr. Darmoul is leading several funded research projects in transportation engineering, traffic engineering, human machine interaction and virtual reality.
Supervisors: Henri Pierreval and Sonia Hajri-Gabouj
Supervisors: Henri Pierreval and Sonia Hajri-Gabouj
Papers by Saber DARMOUL