Copyright ©
2013 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
Concept Extraction Challenge at Making Sense of Microposts 2013
Proceedings of the Concept Extraction Challenge at the Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts'
co-located with the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'13)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 13, 2013.
Edited by
Engineering and Applied Science,
Aston University, England, UK
School of Computing and Communications,
Lancaster University, England, UK
Sépage, Paris, France
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, England, UK
Table of Contents
Summary of Results
Challenge Submissions — Section I
Concept Extraction Challenge: University of Twente at #MSM2013
Mena Habib, Maurice Van Keulen, Zhemin Zhu
MSM2013 IE Challenge: Annotowatch
Štefan Dlugolinský, Peter Krammer, Marek Ciglan, Michal Laclavík
Learning with the Web: Spotting Named Entities on the Intersection of NERD and Machine Learning
Marieke Van Erp, Giuseppe Rizzo, Raphaël Troncy
ACE: A Concept Extraction Approach using Linked Open Data
Keith Cortis
Leveraging Existing Tools for Named Entity Recognition in Microposts
Fréderic Godin, Pedro Debevere, Erik Mannens, Wesley De Neve, Rik Van de Walle
Memory-based Named Entity Recognition in Tweets
Antal van Den Bosch, Toine Bogers
Challenge Submissions — Section II
Towards Concept Identification using a Knowledge-Intensive Approach
Óscar Muñoz-García, Andrés García-Silva, Óscar Corcho
Classifying Short Messages using Collaborative Knowledge Bases: Reading Wikipedia to Understand Twitter
Yegin Genc, Winter Mason, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Unsupervised Information Extraction using BabelNet and DBpedia
Amir Hossein Jadidinejad
DBpedia Spotlight at the MSM2013 Challenge
Pablo Mendes, Dirk Weissenborn, Chris Hokamp
NER from Tweets: SRI-JU System @MSM 2013
Amitava Das, Utsab Burman, Balamurali Ar, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
NERTUW: Named Entity Recognition on Tweets using Wikipedia
Sandhya Sachidanandan, Prathyush Sambaturu, Kamalakar Karlapalem
Filter-Stream Named Entity Recognition: A Case Study at the #MSM2013 Concept Extraction Challenge
Diego de Oliveira, Alberto Laender, Adiano Veloso, Altigran Da Silva
2013-09-10: submitted by Aba-Sah Dadzie
2013-09-12: published on CEUR-WS.org