Copyright ©
2014 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
ORE 2014
OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop
Informal Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE 2014)
co-located with the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL 2014)
Vienna, Austria, July 13, 2014.
Edited by
Flatiron Health, New York, US
Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Ulm, Germany
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Information Management Group, University of Manchester, UK
Table of Contents
System papers
Evaluation and benchmark papers
Android Went Semantic: Time for Evaluation
Carlos Bobed, Fernando Bobillo, Roberto Yus, Guillermo Esteban, Eduardo Mena
TROvE: a Graphical Tool to Evaluate OWL Reasoners
Jean-Rémi Bourguet, Luca Pulina
A Scalable Benchmark for OBDA Systems: Preliminary Report
Diego Calvanese, Davide Lanti, Martin Rezk, Mindaugas Slusnys, Guohui Xiao
Evaluating OWL 2 Reasoners in the Context of Checking Entity-Relationship Diagrams During Software Development
Alexander A. Kropotin
Using OpenStreetMap Data to Create Benchmarks for Description Logic Reasoners
Thomas Eiter, Patrik Schneider, Mantas Simkus, Guohui Xiao
Ontology papers
2014-08-07: submitted by Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz
2014-08-07: published on CEUR-WS.org
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