Vol-1635 urn:nbn:de:0074-1635-7Copyright ©
2016 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
PAAR 2016
Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
co-located with International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2016)
Coimbra, Portugal, July 2nd, 2016.
Edited by
Pascal Fontaine, Loria, INRIA, University of Lorraine, France
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, Germany
Josef Urban, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Table of Contents
- Efficient Instantiation Techniques in SMT (Work In Progress) 1-10
Haniel Barbosa
- Alternative Treatments of Common Binary Relations in First-order Automated Reasoning 11-23
Koen Claessen, Ann Lillieström
- No Choice: Reconstruction of First-order ATP Proofs without Skolem Functions 24-31
Michael Färber, Cezary Kaliszyk
- Deduction as a Service 32-40
Mohamed Hassona, Stephan Schulz
- TH1: The TPTP Typed Higher-Order Form with Rank-1 Polymorphism 41-55
Cezary Kaliszyk, Geoff Sutcliffe, Florian Rabe
- Prover-independent Axiom Selection for Automated Theorem Proving in Ontohub 56-68
Eugen Kuksa, Till Mossakowski
- On Checking Kripke Models for Modal Logic K 69-81
Jean Marie Lagniez, Daniel Le Berre, Tiago de Lima, Valentin Montmirail
- Towards a Substitution Tree Based Index for Higher-order Resolution Theorem Provers 82-94
Tomer Libal, Alexander Steen
- Ordered Resolution with Straight Dismatching Constraints 95-109
Andreas Teucke, Christoph Weidenbach
- A Saturation-based Algebraic Reasoner for ELQ 110-124
Jelena Vlasenko, Maryam Daryalal, Volker Haarslev, Brigitte Jaumard
- The PIE Environment for First-Order-Based Proving, Interpolating and Eliminating 125-138
Christoph Wernhard
We offer a BibTeX file for citing papers of this workshop from LaTeX.
2016-07-11: submitted by Pascal Fontaine, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2016-07-11: published on CEUR-WS.org
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